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This dude is using the wrong two fingers. Should be index and pinkie. What a wannabe.
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The main problem here the word "genocide"... there was no "armenian genocide" if you use the word "massacre" everyone have to accept that because it is a historical fact... soo armenian massacre is a fact but armenian genocide is a lie
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They deserved it but we didnt genocide them , nothing wrong in that logic
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That is just another way to trigger Turks.
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Turk-hating racist PKK supporter
@nateschenkkan who denies that he & USA m*rdered > 1 million Iraqis, It's actually "too bad it's didn't happen". armenians are another christian alqueda, that's why it's too bad it didn't happen 2 them@Iras_KicksArse@M_E_Hoffman@newlife28005453pic.twitter.com/t0uT9OFmTe -
@nateschenkkan is a FETOBOY!! Bildigin sakkirt eleman!!! -
That's right, thank you for reminding me how upset he is and how often he complains about law enforcement coming down on his FETO/Gülenist terrörist b0yfriends.
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I see a lot of Turkish nationalist in the comments section :D :D
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I have Jewish roots, I'm solidarity with Armenian people! 1915 never again!
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First read as "American Genocide"
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Just Pepsi, please.
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So ignorantly :)
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go to bed and cry for this
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I know it is hard to swallow xoss fans defeat in history, whatever it takes to sabotage and discredit others right.. the mecreants are monsters, lets Unite for jesus
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