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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Mar 20

    I enjoy Twitter about 20%; finding interesting knowledgable threads, faster news, and deep critical discussions. The rest of the time I feel dragged into a defence of Turkey, Erdogan, Turkish Cypriots, by a host of absolute morons, racists, ignorant sensationalist journalists 1/2

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    48 minutes ago

    After a real nail-biter of a referendum, official results: 89% of Egyptians approved constitutional amendments that allow Sisi to stay in power until 2030 and expand his control of the judiciary and parliament.

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    is the only place in the World where the foundation of its Parliament and its sovereignty are celebrated with a day dedicated to children in Turkey and all around the World. May all days be like this: Thankful for the past, full of hope for the future and joyous.

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    45 minutes ago
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    Also in the same conference, "The Gov., has also issued a degree to double the salaries of 44% of the population". The Gov. spokesman said that it is a coincidence that the % who took part in the referendum & whose salaries were raised. And sheer luck that their names also match.

  5. Retweeted
    1 hour ago

    Çubuk Akkuzulu Mahallesi Muhtarı Halil Kökmen : Kemal Bey'e Perşembe günü ÖZÜR ziyaretine gidecektik, Ancak Kemal bey bizden önce hdpkk’yı kabul etmiş. Ondan dolayı şehit ailesi olarak ZİYARETİMİZDEN VAZGEÇTİK.

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    You bet it does. For years, garbage for-profit institutions have defrauded unsuspecting students, especially veterans, single moms, and students of color. Enough. Time to turn off the spigot of taxpayer money.

  7. Retweeted

    > “There is no P in Arabic, therefore there is no such thing as Palestine” There's no “J” in Hebrew, so I guess there's no such thing as Jews or Judea.

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    Prophet Muhammad offered Christians protection from persecution in his Constitution of Medina & The Covenants, as notes. Hasan also mentions the Marrakesh Declaration that protects the rights of religious minorities in Muslim-majority nations.

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    Prophet Muhammad had good relations w/ most Christians he knew, notes . Indeed, as the Qur'an (5:82) explains: "... you will find that the nearest to [Muslims] in love are those who say 'We are Christians.'" Cole offers critical historical insight.

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    I would like to see Christians standing up for Muslims being oppressed or discriminated against in Christian-majority countries or at the hands of white nationalists, & Muslims standing up for Christians being oppressed in Muslim-majority countries or at the hands of ‘jihadists’

  11. Retweeted
    Apr 13

    Sözde soykırım iddialarına cevaben gerekli bilgilere ve yayınlara Bakanlığımızın aşağıda kayıtlı internet sayfasından erişebilirsiniz. Sözkonusu iddialara karşı hazırlanan “Ermeni Belgeleriyle 1915” belgeselini izleminizi öneriyorum.

  12. Retweeted
    Apr 22

    Atsız:"Fakat Kemalist yobazlarının donmuş beyinlerinde herhangi bir “fikir” olmadığı için kendi dar prensiplerinin dışındaki her şeye diş gıcırdatmaktan başka bir şey yapamıyorlar. Biz onların Kemalist rejimlerinin her marifetini, tehdidini, iftirasını, hapsini, işkencesini..."

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  13. Retweeted

    So YPG establishes an Armenian unit in Syria.. to be announced on 24 April.. linking it all with 1915.. One cannot but see Hrant Dink’s picture on the wall and what a contrast all of this to his vision and amazing soul.. What a dangerous and sad game..

  14. Retweeted
    23 hours ago

    İki gündür herkes Kılıçdaroğlu’na gösterilen tepkiyi konuşuyor. Kimse Kılıçdaroğlu’na neden tepki gösterildiğini konuşmuyor..

  15. Retweeted
    Apr 22

    It is wrong to label a religion in association with . The terror attack was not labelled ‘Christian terrorism’. The attack must not be labelled ‘Islamist terrorism’. The WHOLE WORLD should stand up against terrorism in any form.

  16. Retweeted
    Apr 21

    Just stop reading weird shit into "Easter worshippers" people. It's a weird grammar but just means "worshippers attending Easter services". Condemn people for the actual evils they commit, not weird things you hang on them.

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  18. Retweeted
    Apr 22

    5-8 Ağustos 1964’de Kıbrıs Türkünün var oluş mücadelesindeki destanın yazıldıığı Erenköy’deki Bölüğümüzü ziyaret ettik. Buradaki şehitlerimizi rahmetle andık. Bize eşlik eden Erenköy Mücahitler Derneği Başkanı Sayın Mustafa Arıkan’a ve Sayın Ahmet Yıldırım’a teşekkürler.

  19. Retweeted
    Apr 22

    Bunlar arsız, bunlar yüzsüz 4 şehidin ardından geçmiş olsuna gidiyorlar.

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  20. Apr 22

    Somehow the most reasonable, trusted and respected country in the world has become one of the most irrational, belligerent, feared, and distrusted countries in the world.

  21. Retweeted
    Apr 22

    CHP and Turkcu’s are criticising Erdogan for meeting Barzani and Perwer because they view them as being terrorist simply for being Kurdish. They fail to acknowledge that Barzani has no links with PKK and that the KRG have often helped Turkey fight the PKK.

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