[–] 18147750? 0 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago 

Could he get any more Jewy?

Less than three years ago I was filled with such hope. The British voted Leave and Trump, against all expectation, won the presidency. It seemed for a while there was hope.

Now it's all ashes and ruins. We've been betrayed again and again. White people have a struggle ahead with world wide hatred whipped up against us and a president who puts Israel first, second and last.

Fuck Q all

[–] 18147815? [S] 1 points 1 points (+2|-1) ago 

Division will not be sowed. We stand united with Israel and together we will defeat Evil and Good will prevail.


[–] 18147863? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Division of what? Your religious notions? If so, we've seen what your religions and notions have done to people and the world.

At least when someone says "white people made shit" they're being honest with proofs.

[–] 18147857? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Today I learned Q will destroy the entire earth for Israel.


[–] 18148560? 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

God has.

Thanks for the good wishes.

Make your day great friend.

[–] 18148581? [S] 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Peace be upon you.

[–] 18148655? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Peace will always be upon you now.

You'll see me soon, that I will guarantee.

Historic and Biblical.

White Mercedes convertible with seating for two, and a pack.

Keep your eyes peeled. Root of Jesse.

You know the rest.

[–] 18148431? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 


[–] 18148827? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

18148431? wrote:


The great libertarian economist Prof. Murray N. Rothbard is said to have once quipped, "The future of civilization depends upon whether our Jews can beat their Jews." Perhaps it's apocryphal, but it sounds like one of those incendiary remarks I can imagine Rothbard making.

Some of the greatest patriots (cognate with compatriot--both indicating an alliance with the common people) on the planet have been Jews. Indeed, among the ranks of intellectual super-patriots, Jews are far overrepresented, on a per capita basis compared to the general populace. Let us not forget Jesus and His apostles, after all.

It was Austrian Jews who developed modern economics, beginning with Carl Menger and the Marginal Revolution. Genuine economics, or veridical economics--nowadays usually called Austrian economics--has been one of the greatest intellectual defenses of the regime of liberty, because authentic economics demonstrates that the common masses are better served when they are in a state of freedom.

And "Austrian economics" is far better credited as Jewish economics. From the very beginning in Austria with Carl Menger, to the United States with Murray N. Rothbard, it was Jews who developed this.

Some of the greatest defenders of liberty have been Jews.

As far as what is actually going on with certain Jewish families' connections with the globalist oligarchy's New World Order agenda, see under the heading "The New World Order: Government's Attempt at Autoapotheosis" on pp. 87-98 of my following article, being sure to read the footnotes, since much of the information on this is contained within said footnotes.

In summation, these top-level globalist Jews look on the common mass of Jews with disdain. But they themselves are not at the tippy-top of the Egyptian-styled pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye of Horus.

Truth be told, the Jews aren't really suited to rulership, but are very adapted as high-level functionaries and technicians, i.e., court intellectuals. The Jews can't even rule over themselves, let alone everyone else, as the Old Testament goes into some detail of. The kingships over Israel and the various Jewish tribes never really took off. And this is not a bad trait of the Jews, but a very good one. Those who think the Jews are ruling everything misunderstand the Jewish spirit and cultural experience.

But yes, there are a lot of minion Jews, just as there are a lot of minion non-Jews.

[–] 18148854? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Jews subvert and destroy the countries they inhabit.

[–] 18148454? [S] 1 points 0 points (+1|-1) ago 

More leftist shills trying to sow discord. You all just can't stomach that the Jewish community are walking away from Democrats and Trump is on our side!!! Winning!!

[–] 18148527? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago  (edited ago)

Yes, I know Trump is on (((your))) side. That's the problem. He steals all my fucking money and gives it to the useless shits in Israel. As soon as the civil war breaks out, Jews are going to be dropping by the millions in America. That's the thing that Jews fear the most: a white population who has woken up and is pissed off at them for all their treachery and lies. When whites wake up, Jews die.

[–] 18148502? 1 points 0 points (+1|-1) ago 

They will fail like they always do.


[–] 18148273? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

We fucking own Trump so hard. I expect even more money from you fucking goyim next year based on his enthusiasm. Shalom goys.

[–] 18147553? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

https://archive.ph/Ptsmd :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Wishing a Happy Passover to all those celebrating in America, Israel, and around the world!… "

This has been an automated message.JPG

[–] 18147517? 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

But Israel... for last, and stuffs

How many jews are taking the week off from Voat shilling?

Or do you all have flip phones with web access faking god out or some shit? I was thinking of cutting down those thin wire-lines you all use along phone, traffic, and street lights since you can't use electricity on certain days.

[–] 18147591? [S] 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

The Sabbath ends at sundown on Saturdays, FYI.