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Si vous ne lisez qu'une seule chose aujourd'hui. …
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#Breaking Le rapport#Mueller est disponible ici. …Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
L'identité de l'individu libéré par les
#irakiens n'a pas été dévoilé et il est impossible de confirmer s'il fait partie ou non des 12 djihadistes français transférés de#Syrie en#Irak en février 2019 qui avaient été identifiés par le@CAT_Centre.Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Un citoyen
#français capturé en#Syrie et transféré en#Irak aurait été libéré par une cour irakienne qui n'a pas pu prouver qu'il avait combattu avec l'#EI. Le suspect aurait dit avoir pénétré en#Syrie pour aider les#Yézidis. …Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Mr Shelby Retweeted
This is priceless. Barr says Trump didn’t commit obstruction, his behavior was excusable because he was worried about the investigation. But isn’t that the only time obstruction happens, when there’s an investigation? Existence of an investigation doesn’t exonerate obstructing. …
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A dramatic TV morning with Barr & Trump's appearances, but the real news today will come from reporters scrutinizing the 400 pages of the actual report. Biggest revelations are likely still TK.
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i24NEWS - Israeli official meets Lebanese foreign minister in Moscow, report says …
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As Barr Report rolls out today, my assessment Russia interference & collusion from 2 years ago will likely not change after today’s release - “Trump Was A Vehicle, Not A Target.” … via
@NYTOpinionThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Mr Shelby Retweeted
Embedded in Barr remarks is an important qualifier: Trump campaign collusion with WikiLeaks could not be an illegal conspiracy because WL publication of the emails was not a crime since WL didn't help hack
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How would the stories have been different three weeks ago if we had known that Barr didn’t indict Trump because he “disagreed” with Mueller’s “legal theories”?
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ICYMI → The Aftershocks of Reconciliation in Syria: Reflections on the Past Year - from Natasha Hall (
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- Mr Shelby Retweeted
Barr: I am sure that all Americans share my concerns about the efforts of the Russian government to interfere in our presidential election. As the Special Counsel’s report makes clear, the Russian government sought to interfere in our election. Trump: *literally turns his back* …
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Cette conférence de presse a en tout cas à mon avis bien montré que le rapport
#Mueller va donner lieu à une guerre politique féroce et a chauffé l'ambiance de l'autre côté de l'#Atlantique. Cela this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Et pour info, même sur
#FoxNews, on parle de l'#AttorneyGeneral qui s'est comporté comme l'avocat de#Trump, c'est pour dire... …Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Mr Shelby Retweeted
Al Qaeda group claims bombings in Tunisia …
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#Pakistan#Baloutchistan le#BRAS revendique avoir tué 14 personnels de l'armée#PK dont un officier, en immobilisant à "Buzi Pass" le bus les transportant de Gwadar à#Karachi. Le#BRAS dit avoir vérifié leurs identités avant de les tuer et a laissé en vie les media may contain sensitive material. Learn moreThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Et pour résumer les révélations lors de la conférence de presse de l'avocat et porte-parole de
#Trump, l'#AttorneyGeneralBarr... …Show this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Mr Shelby Retweeted
If they’re saying this on FOX ....... …
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The Justice Department plans to send a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress at 11 a.m. and will post it on the department’s website
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