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    13 Nov 2018

    The filmmaker, , who has been following us around for over a year now has made a playlist of videos in the best order for making sense of what we have been doing & why.

  2. 5 hours ago

    But blocking him doesn't make it go away. They're clearly going to neither follow my sources nor leave me alone. Coming back to Twitter early was a mistake.

  3. 5 hours ago

    He can keep going on about how I've blocked him coz I couldn't show him evidence of my claim. In addition to my own papers and articles & Mike's video's, I have also recommended The Rise of Victimhood Culture & The Coddling of the American Mind which makes this criticism v well.

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  4. 5 hours ago

    So, yes, I have blocked the person who keeps asking me to show him scholars explicitly saying they valorise victimhood and ignoring the numerous references I have given of papers & books in which they do that because I have already explained this enough times & it's not hard.

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  5. 6 hours ago

    In the same way, if you think a certain writer is racist, you could link me to a number of sources which show this. You don't need to find a quote of them saying "I am racist." Just show the pattern of denigrating one race. I have shown the pattern of valorised victimhood.

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  6. 6 hours ago

    I can show them doing it and this is exactly what our project was for. Just read the papers we had accepted & the citations we used to be able to make those arguments. Therefore I have linked those papers, plus some articles I have written & videos Mike has made. See for yourself

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  7. 6 hours ago

    I cannot provide a citation of grievance studies scholars criticising their own work in the terms of that article we published, because they don't. They think their work is good. Saying that I think a criticism is fair is not the same as saying I can show scholars admitting it.

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  8. 7 hours ago

    OK! Well, having now been told I really need to read Crenshaw coz I absolutely don't understand intersectionality, I shall really go offline. And go and buy wine. And chocolate. Twitter is bad for the health.

  9. 7 hours ago

    And the solution is not for them (us?) to open themselves up to the Social Justice left and their ideas. We know why we oppose them and are right to do so on those grounds. We just need to do it well & fairly and argue for what liberal leftism should be and then be that.

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  10. 7 hours ago

    Some Catholics & Protestants dedicate their lives to criticising the other. This doesn't mean either have stopped being christian. It means humans are doing what humans do & focusing more on the people who are supposed to be on their side but doing it wrong than on the other side

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  11. 8 hours ago

    Its central argument is that a "new right" is defined by opposition to the social justice left even if the people opposing it hold left-wing values. This doesn't work. In-group fighting is very normal and doesn't mean that either faction cease being part of that group.

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  12. 8 hours ago

    Oh, and I think it's great if Quillette publishes pieces critical of the intellectual dark web as well as favourable to it. There are good arguments that can be made for a 'new right' & about whether Peterson & Rubin are liberal or left. I don't think that was one tho.

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  13. 8 hours ago

    Also, read this. It's good. Now, goodbye!

  14. 8 hours ago

    Anyway, I have exceeded my time allowed on Twitter so I am now going offline an hour early. I will see you tomorrow.

  15. 8 hours ago

    It really does remind me of when I, foolishly, used to argue with creationists. I would link them so many books, so many videos, so many websites with photos. "But where's the evidence? Why can't you back this up? I'm just asking for some evidence of your claim."

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  16. 8 hours ago

    Bloody hell. I already wish I hadn't come back. Immediately jumped upon and demanded that I show some evidence of the kind of scholarship and activism I've been writing about & even contributing to for several years now. I can provide the evidence. I can't read it for you.

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  17. 8 hours ago

    I particularly recommend Applebaum's Being White, Being Good. Medina's Epistemology of Resistance. Alison Bailey's Privilege Preserving Epistemic Pushback. Robin DiAngelo's White Fragility.

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  18. 8 hours ago

    What do you think I just spent a year doing? Backing up my claim that this kind of scholarship is out there by citing hundreds of examples of it & getting more of it published.

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  19. 8 hours ago

    It's a criticism of it. They don't generally criticise themselves because they think they are right. Have a look at Jose Medina's epistemic virtues tho & also at the progressive stack paper we wrote which Hypatia wanted to see implemented & see what it is citing.

  20. 9 hours ago

    I particularly love it when people show me things I've said as though it is some kind of gotcha. "Look, you criticised intersectional feminism really harshly!" Yes, I know. I was there when I did it. I spent thousands of words explaining why. It wasn't an accident.

  21. 9 hours ago

    I would have qualified that to ensure that it didn't, but I am often accused of being over-cautious and over qualifying everything. It was a good piece and I stand by publishing it. Deal with it, outrage merchants.

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