Bad version number checks

Raymond Chen


Version numbers. Very important. And so many people check them wrong.

This is why Windows 95ā€™s GetVersion function returned 3.95 instead of 4.0.
A lot of code checked the version number like this:

  UINT Ver = GetVersion();
  UINT MajorVersion = LOBYTE(uVer);
  UINT MinorVersion = HIBYTE(uVer);
  if (MajorVersion < 3 || MinorVersion < 10) {
   Error("This program requires Windows 3.1");

Now consider what happens when the version number is reported
as 4.0. The major version check passes, but the minor version
check fails since 0 is less than 10.

This bug was so rife that we gave up shimming every app that
had the problem and just decided, ā€œFine. If anybody asks,
say that the Windows version is 3.95.ā€

I suspect this is also

why DirectX always reports its version as 4.x

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

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