UNREAL to me that there's a genuine chance, amid #brexit backlash, to set down a real "fuck democracy when its the votes of regressive idiots who don't count" precedent and so-called progressives are afraid to seize the moment. Opportunity staring them in the FACE.
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Imagine a world where the stupidest opinion wasn't declared correct simply because there are more idiots than thinking people. Imagine how far ahead we'd be.
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Apparently the EU is having elections soon and Labour might win enough seats to have the EU go more Left, ergo possibly making Remain more beneficial for Corbyn and the partyhttps://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/labour-meps-eu-elections-europe-socialists-commission-a8863191.html …
#RevokeRemainReform oh and a GE too#JC4PM End of conversation
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You are a fucking moron who had no idea what is going on. And no. They tried to get rid of him and failed. By and large the membership support the current strategy.
Following this kind of advice would have gotten Brexit through ages ago.
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please do not insult Daddy Corbyn on my feed thank you
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I live in the U.K. I’m sincerely hoping that in this time more left wing folks here recognise what Corbyn represents and turn to Green instead. Seriously, the U.K. Green Party is so phenomenal, but everyone votes for labour tactificully :(
Why would more left wing people vote Green?
All of their policies are informed by science and socioeconomic equality, what could be more progressive than that? Corbyn’s Labour Party though dabbles in these policies but also tries to appeal to “centrist” and even right wing voters.
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Sadly the only candidates to challenge him have been pro-Blairites who deregulated the country and supported the Iraq War :[
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Balls are weak and sensitive, vaginas can take a pounding, how about a Pro-EU female leader of Labour that can pick the country up out of this farce.
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I am hoping for that Bob, I genuinely am
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