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    12 Nov 2016

    Dear Followers, This is my feed. I'll write what I want. It's not run by a board or by consensus of the readership. Don't like it, unfollow.

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    Worker Hasan Karatay’s death on the set of the Netflix series “The Gift” has been protested on Twitter under the hashtag (We don’t want to die on sets)

  3. 7 minutes ago

    Turkey's FP under Davutoğlu's stewardship (& I think Turkey's behaviour in Sudan, Libya -to name but a few- are continued remnants of Davutoğlu's FP legacy) has not resulted in much (any?) longterm success. To be seen how power transition unfold in Sudan & if TR can influence.

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  4. 24 minutes ago

    Hence the reports of al-Bashir's removal from power, and forthcoming period of transition, is going to concern to Ankara (and I expect Doha too, why else was the Qatari FM in town a few days ago: ).

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  5. 28 minutes ago

    Turkey has a vested interest in the developments unfolding in Sudan (99 year lease of Suakin island to Turkey, establishment of TSK military base, Turkish investment to build Sudan’s biggest airport).

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    2 hours ago

    Turkey's elex board is voiding some mayoral wins after background checks. People of Muş's Rüstemgedik district voted for a CHP candidate. But the win was voided and handed to HDP's candidate (came in second). HDP is refusing, saying "Election Board can't void people's wishes."

  7. Retweeted
    10 hours ago

    Agreement between HTS and Ahrar al-Sham ends clashes in al-Ghab; HTS had reportedly detained Ahrar fighters who freelanced and mortared Syrian military positions, outside local HTS-established operations room:

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    Outstanding work by ⁦⁩ on the use of VBIEDs as weapon in modern warfare. There's a broad discussion today on urban wars in the future and how they might pan out. This paper is arguably the most detailed and important written yet.

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    Turkey's current account deficit falls to $718M in February, down by $3.78B from same month last year

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    11 hours ago

    The man in charge of registering residents - and voters - in the district of Istanbul where the AKP are claiming the election was fixed is pictured here at an AKP/MHP electoral rally during the campaign

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  11. Retweeted
    27 May 2018

    Russian geopolitical power play vs Turkey: Russia gets its way in Turkey, again ! Russian state-owned energy giant says it has signed a protocol with the Turkish government on the land-based part of the transit leg of the gas pipeline:

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    4 Apr 2018

    Russian Presidential aide Yuri Ushakov told that Turkey offered tax-breaks (income + VAT + customs) to Rosatom until 2113, during the 90-year operational period of Akkuyu nuclear power plant:

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    18 hours ago

    “Soyadına baktığınız zaman ak partiye kolaylıkla oy verebilecekleri anlaşılan seçmenlerin nüfus kaydı kaydırılmış.” Yemin ederim sinirim bozuldu gkfkdk abi rakibinizin soyadı İmamoğlu. Hiç mi çevrenizde “Abi biz napıyoz ya” diyebilecek, sizden daha az gerizekalı hiç kimse yok?

  14. Retweeted

    Haftar had taken up positions in the suburbs about 11 km south of Tripoli downtown. People flee Tripoli. Turkish Ambassador Serhat Aksen discusses the current developments with Libyan Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity Ahmed Miitig:

  15. 11 hours ago
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    The court has ruled that Şaban Vatan, who is striving to solve the suspicious death of his 11-year-old daughter Rabia Naz, shall be hospitalized in a mental institution to check whether he is mentally sound

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    İstanbul’dan Mardin’e, bütün Türkiye coğrafyasında halkın iradesini gaspediyorlar. Halk konuştu, özgürlük, demokrasi ve kardeşlik dedi. Şimdi o iradenin seçtiği başkanların, İstanbul’da nun, Mardin’de Ahmet Türk’ün mazbatalarını alma vakti geldi!

  18. 12 hours ago
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    14 hours ago

    Mevcut sistem yargının baskısı olmadan işleyemez. Bunun istisnası olursa bu sistem çöker. Bu nedenle, YSKnin de AYMnin de bağımsız kalmasına müsaade edilemez. Eğer arada buralardan iyi karar çıkıyorsa bu bağımsız olduklarını değil strateji gereği öyle hareket ettiklerini gösterir

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    Seçime girmenize bir engel yok, Diyarbakır, Bağlar’da %70.34, Van, Tuşba’da %52.93, Van, Edremit’de %Yüzde 53.81, Van, Çaldıranda %53 & Kars Dağpınar Beldesinde %54.25 ile HDP kazanıyor. YSK ise adaylar KHKlı deyip yerlerine AKPlilere mazbatayı veriyor. Buna kısaca darbe diyoruz.

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    13 hours ago

    election board says officials removed by decree can’t stay in office, thereby stripping 4 HDP mayors-elect of positions (in Diyarbakir and Van). All are given to runner-up which is, of course, AKP. So they were allowed to run in election but when they won they can’t serve


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