こんにちは。私の名前はエリック・マイヤー。Generation Atomicの創設者であり、代表を務めています。原子力を推進する非営利団体で、米国を拠点に、世界中で活動してます。
Hi there, my name is Eric Meyer. I am the founder and exective director of Generation Atomic.
We are nuclear advocacy nonprofit in the United States, but we also do lots of work in Canada and around the world.
I just want to say to the people of Japan thank you for restarting reactors.
This is huge help for climate change and I hope it keeps happening and even accelerates in the future.
Every reactor you restart means less fossil fuels burned which means lees kids getting asthma, less people getting cancer and increasing our chances of success on climate change. Thank you for doing that.
We are nuclear advocacy nonprofit in the United States, but we also do lots of work in Canada and around the world.
I just want to say to the people of Japan thank you for restarting reactors.
This is huge help for climate change and I hope it keeps happening and even accelerates in the future.
Every reactor you restart means less fossil fuels burned which means lees kids getting asthma, less people getting cancer and increasing our chances of success on climate change. Thank you for doing that.
Go Nuclear!
I can’t wait to see what the future holds for nuclear energy in Japan and around the world.
These advanced reactors that are being designed and in the next decade will be rolling off the assembly line could make life even better than it already is in Japan and I think it’s gonna be incredible so thank you for all of your work contributing to that.
If you work in nuclear safety or decommissioning or any of those fields, also thank you because you helped the credibility of this industry by keeping us safe and making it sure that public is well informed about nuclear power, so thank you for what you do as well.
I appreciate everything you guys are doing. I hope I get to meet some of you in person soon.
And.. yeah, Go Nuclear!
These advanced reactors that are being designed and in the next decade will be rolling off the assembly line could make life even better than it already is in Japan and I think it’s gonna be incredible so thank you for all of your work contributing to that.
If you work in nuclear safety or decommissioning or any of those fields, also thank you because you helped the credibility of this industry by keeping us safe and making it sure that public is well informed about nuclear power, so thank you for what you do as well.
I appreciate everything you guys are doing. I hope I get to meet some of you in person soon.
And.. yeah, Go Nuclear!