Susan Rockefeller
@susanrockefeller verified_user
Susan Rockefeller
@susanrockefeller verified_user
@susanrockefeller #ladygaga spoke so eloquently about the #arts and the need for people to #create and in creating together finding meaning and hope. What an #inspiration and what a #beautiful #soulful #artist #americansforthearts #creation instead of #consumption will make all #flourish @ladygaga @klausbiesenbach who gave a thoughtful moving introduction to his dear friend #brava and #bravo #ProtectWhatIsPrecious
@cameronsilver Besties!
@mycolorfulpersonality Sounds and looks like you are having a great time this evening. Enjoy.
@susanrockefeller @cameronsilver sorry u weren't there. Super fun!
@cultonhnic She has a house near me @susanrockefeller . I messaged you about the farmer doc.
@whogaveheracamera What?!?????
@interfearon #ohnoudIiint
@simidube Love it!!
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Tuesday, 20 October 2015, 02:48:43 +0000