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  1. Pinned Tweet
    12 Nov 2016

    Dear Followers, This is my feed. I'll write what I want. It's not run by a board or by consensus of the readership. Don't like it, unfollow.

  2. 7 minutes ago

    “Reminder: shares of Ziraat Bank, which provided loan with 2 year grace period to Demirören Group for purchase of Doğan Media, since 2017 belong to Turkey’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, not the Treasury. Chair of SWF is President Erdoğan, deputy chair is Albayrak so Treausry Minister”

  3. 22 minutes ago

    Oh, look who is accompanying President Erdoğan to Moscow!

  4. Retweeted
    35 minutes ago

    200 klasörlük dava dosyasına tek celsede atanan heyetin Tansu Çiller ve Mesut Yılmaz'ın tanıklığından vazgeçtiğini belirten katılan avukatı bu isimlerin dinlenmesi talebini yineledi. Ankara JİTEM Davası'nın son duruşmasına ilişkin İzleme Raporu:

  5. Retweeted

    I'll save my sympathy for the women who didn't vote because they were afraid their violent partners might find out where they'd fled.

  6. 32 minutes ago

    I think the channels are broadcasting CHP's spokesman Faik Öztark's press statement live because he is such a boring speaker I'm struggling not to fall asleep and/or he's making points in the most ineffective way.

  7. Retweeted
    50 minutes ago

    MHP's newspaper has discovered another 'coup' in the elections... 100000 male voters didn't vote because they were afraid that they might get jailed as they didn't pay their alimony to their ex-wives... Brilliant ! Journalism at its best !

  8. Retweeted
    2 hours ago

    I find it absurd that he points at a source of economic tension and instead of bringing the unregistered businesses opened by Syrians and other asylum seekers to a level playing field, he chooses to deprive Bolu and its residents from whatever taxes the businesses could generate

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  9. Retweeted
    3 hours ago

    Why? Because "I don't want them to settle down in either Bolu or Turkey"

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  10. Retweeted
    3 hours ago

    The new CHP mayor of Bolu is delivering his 2 pre-election promises: The 1st is cutting off municipal financial aid to Syrians and other asylum seekers. The 2nd is not granting them municipal permits to open businesses in Bolu via

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  11. Retweeted
    16 hours ago

    A 1951 US Army Turkish language guide:

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  12. Retweeted
    3 hours ago

    Door to door police operation in Büyükçekmece district to find out any voters who moved their voter registration to this district just before the elections but actually not living here. Police are comparing IDs of people living in the houses with the names in the voters list.

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  13. Retweeted
    3 hours ago

    Turkey's election board has rejected a request from President Erdoğan's AKP for a full Istanbul recount. It turned down requests in 31 out of 39 districts. The AKP has vowed to challenge the ruling. No decision yet on requests in the 8 remaining districts

  14. Retweeted

    Happy to be back to for . Today, we'll be presenting our paper with and about the hyper-amnesia of the news media and how it makes it easier to otherize certain communities. To see the updates, please follow .

  15. Retweeted

    Heartbreaking video of a woman in south Iraq bewailing the loss of her annual crops due to severe flooding.

  16. Retweeted
    24 hours ago
    Replying to

    Estragon: Hadi gidelim. Vladimir: Gidemeyiz. Estragon: Neden? Vladimir: Mazbatayı bekliyoruz.

  17. Retweeted
    24 hours ago

    His anti-Iran rhetoric didn’t stop him from working for Reza Zarrab, the man accused of orchestrating a $1 billion money laundering scheme to help Iran evade U.S. sanctions.

  18. Retweeted

    Adayı çalmak en iyisi diye düşünmüş olmalılar😊

  19. Retweeted
    Apr 8

    If the AKP are to lose, they must be seen to be unfairly crushed by a representation of metaphysical-level evil, rather than by the price of onions. Anything else is going horribly off-script.

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  20. Apr 8

    I gotta admit to being a little bit jealous that President Erdoğan gets a date night with President Putin to watch opera at the Bolshoi theatre. Although my jealousy is abated a little by the fact they will watch "Troy", which is hardly a classic.

  21. Retweeted
    Apr 8

    Our approach to our defense cooperation with Russia covers a broad range of issues including the reciprocal purchase of military equipment and joint production. The defense industry represents, and will continue to represent, an important part of our bilateral relations.

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