FukushimaPosted 4 years ago under Uncategorized
The Tokyo Electric Power Company, or “TEPCO,” the organization in charge of the Fukushima nuclear plant, took their time admitting the truth about the three (of the six total) damaged nuclear reactors that suffered meltdowns, worse than Chernobyl, after an earthquake off the coast of Japan triggered a tsunami that severely destroyed three reactors (by cutting power to cooling systems) and damaged a fourth – thus damaging the structures holding the nuclear fuel rods. TEPCO admitted it was lying about the severity of the Fukushima reactors, and though the US mainstream media has totally blacked out coverage, alternative health news websites reported on the possible and probable catastrophe from day one, and they were all right. Following the major earthquake, a 15-metre tsunami disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi reactors, causing a nuclear accident on the 11th of March, 2011. All three cores largely melted in the first three days. Hundreds of tons of radiation have been released since the first damage was incurred in March, 2011 and a continuous release of that deadly radiation into the ocean is now a known fact. At the disaster site, metal containment cylinders are slumping into the lower levels of coolant pools, causing a core fuel meltdown. In other words, partially melted fuel fell to bottom of pressurized vessels that hold the reactor core together. Following the earth quake and tsunami that struck Japan’s northeastern coast, the fuel basically reached melting temperature and melted down. The containment vessel at the cripple Fukushima Daiichi power plant has holes in it now and this is causing a massive release of radiation into the containment vessel, which leaks directly into the environment – – onto the land and into the sea. (1)
Hiding the Truth about Massive Nuclear Radiation Leakage
Japanese officials waited as long as possible to finally admit the damage that was incurred and was happening daily to the environment, anyone who went near the plant, and humans who live near the plant. One official went so far as to tell the public that if they drink alcohol and think positively, the radiation cannot affect them. Today, there is still extreme censorship going on about the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility. The Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs, in conjunction with National Police and the Ministry of Economy, allegedly have a special team to crack down on news agencies and journalists that criticize or even just scrutinize the “official” Japanese government position regarding Fukushima and the massively detrimental ongoing radiation leakage. They’re claiming any scrutiny is a threat to national security, but the real threat is NOT telling the millions of people who could be affected (and are being affected now). (2)
The Japanese government appears to be working closely with both the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the nation’s mainstream media outlets to maintain the facade that everything is under control and not a health or environment threat.
The only Japanese media coverage of the disaster is a reiteration of what TEPCO is saying, and no hard answers are forthcoming to the hard questions alternative media are asking. Press conferences are privatized to those invited. The Japan government seems to prevent freelance journalists and overseas media from gaining access to official press conferences. (3)
Then it came. The admission. Japanese officials admitted the disaster was gigantic, describing a “pool of molten fuel at the bottom of the reactor’s containment vessel.” News was published at the Telegraph UK News. US news still refuses to use the term “nuclear meltdown,” though that is exactly what is occurring. Japan did not prepare for this type of cleanup while living in denial either. (4)
No way to feasibly enter Fukushima nuclear facility, still today
Without causing FURTHER damage, experts continue to search for some way to enter the facility without killing workers and even begin clean up and to restructure the enormous pools (picture huge rooms completely underwater with crashed huge pipes (the rods) releasing deadly nuclear radiation) holding the spent fuel rods and leaked nuclear radiation in the water. Three damaged reactors’ cores are most likely destroyed. There are twisted masses of hundreds of tons of highly radioactive URANIUM, PLUTONIUM, CESIUM and STRONTIUM. Inside the steel walls and concrete are melting reactor cores that are spewing out radioactive waste, but no person currently knows the true level of dire damage inside, because nobody has examined the most important parts of the wreckage. To make matters worse, engineers have not developed technology effective enough to examine the damage from outside the walls of the power plant. TEPCO has been exposed for deliberately using faulty testing equipment to MINIMIZE the reporting on the levels of radiation that are leaking onto land and into the ocean.
URANIUM, PLUTONIUM, CESIUM and STRONTIUM: Where is the CDC when you need them – domestic and foreign protection?
What is the mission statement of the CDC and how can they ignore Fukushima? Why is the mass media not covering the Fukushima disaster at all? US sailors are dying that were on a ship that came close to land near Fukushima shortly after the disaster took place at the nuclear facility. Still, today, the “mission and vision” – – as stated on the CDC website is that the “CDC works to protect America from health, safety and security threats, both foreign and in the U.S.” So what are they doing now? (5) Do not look to mainstream media for coverage of this. The CDC is more concerned about swine flu and mandatory national vaccination. In July of 2015, Tropical Storm Nangka made landfall over western Japan bringing strong winds and heavy rains and over 350,000 people in surrounding areas, towns and vicinity of Fukushima were ADVISED to evacuate. Why? Heavy rain from the storm caused a drainage channel at the Fukushima power plant to OVERFLOW with radioactive water and spill into the ocean. This nuclear waste in the Pacific Ocean is traveling to the US West Coast and parts of Alaska.
The TEPCO Nightmare Continues including Death of Sea Life
How will TEPCO store the contaminated water at Fukushima? Workers that have gone into the plant (some amateurs were “used” as guinea pigs) have died. Fishermen don’t want to dump the water in the ocean as it is highly contaminating marine life, even on US west coast, so imagine what is going on near the nuclear plant’s part of the Pacific. Experts say if TEPCO allows the water to just evaporate, it will condense into ran and contaminate the land and ocean anyway. There are currently hundreds of tanks storing the contaminated water. Even TEPCO is admitting they are running out of space to contain the radioactive deadly water. After the severe storm Nangka did its landfall damage, TEPCO tested rainwater samples and found radioactive cesium to be above government safety levels. The drainage channel had been overflowing while TEPCO was busy measuring density. Dead sea lions, dolphins and seals have been a horrifying memory stamp on the whole situation for beachgoers and people who live near the shorelines. (6)
There has been an alarming (and mysterious) rise in dead marine life since the Fukushima disaster. On San Francisco’s coast, six dead whales have washed onto Bay Area shores, and all in a five week span. Starved sea lion pups have littered Southern California’s shores, coinciding time wise with the Fukushima disaster as radiation ripples throughout the world, contaminating sea life and seafood in general. In the Gulf of Alaska at least nine whale carcasses were sited, in addition to four humpback whales found dead. (7)
The scientifically estimated peak of the Fukushima disaster reaching U.S. coastal waters is next year, 2016. In fact, the Pacific Ocean that is being contaminated with Fukushima radiation covers one third of the world’s surface. Radiation has also shot up into the atmosphere. The IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency monitors radiation levels across the Pacific, but not a word from them about Fukushima.
Radioactive waste has been found near California coast – the Marshall Islands, 2014. The research was a training of local officials on how to test a sample of seawater for radioactive elements, including trace amounts of cesium-134 and cesium-137. (8)
Fukushima‘s radioactive CESIUM-134 and CESIUM-137 found NEAR U.S. West Coast
2014: For the first time, experts found radioactive substances from the Fukushima disaster near the United States in the Pacific Ocean. The press is diluting the danger by saying the ocean water has diluted the radiation so the extent that it doesn’t pose an “immediate threat” to the people. So what about the sea life and the seafood the humans are consuming? Wherefrom does this measurement come? Exposure to radiation even in the smallest amounts, say parts per billion, has an accumulative, long-term effect. (9)
2012 – Record Levels of Fukushima Contamination High Enough to Kill Humans
The first internal measurements were taken since the disaster first occurred at the tsunami-destroyed Fukushima nuclear complex – – which reportedly have RECORD LEVELS OF RADIATION CONTAMINATION, according to officials with TEPCO. The elevated levels were found in the basement of reactor No. 1, which impedes all cleanup operations. Radiation levels measured as high as 10,300 millisievert per hour – enough to kill human beings in weeks after sickening them within minutes. This is extremely higher than anyone anticipated. A plant worker would reach maximum ANNUAL allowable dose of radiation inside of twenty seconds! Still, the mainstream media has blacked-out all coverage. We’re dealing with melted down fuel rods in a pool of radioactive water. No human worker can ever enter that. Only robots can do the work that is ahead. The higher radiation levels were detected in the No. 1 reactor most likely because more fuel rods are melted inside that containment structure, which would explain why levels there are ten times what was found at the other damaged reactors. (10)
The long term plan is to demolish the damaged reactors, but that would require new technologies and is decades away. Another typhoon season could further damage the site, especially with flooding, or another tsunami and/or earth quake could hit the region. The nuclear facility is in shambles and the TV networks are not allowed to speak of it. And just where is the National Geographic coverage of Fukushima? – It doesn’t fit with their advertising agenda. (11) You may want to review some photographs of daisy flowers that are deformed by nuclear radiation as sourced here. (12)
(1) http://fukushimawatch.com/
(2) http://www.naturalnews.com/032378_nuclear_meltdown_TEPCO.html#ixzz3hwfbeS4a
(3) http://www.naturalnews.com/032159_Japanese_government_Fukushima.html#ixzz3hwlCcA8A
(4) http://www.naturalnews.com/032378_nuclear_meltdown_TEPCO.html#ixzz3hwfbeS4a
(5) http://www.truthwiki.org/cdc-centers-for-disease-control-and-prevention/
(6) http://fukushimawatch.com/2015-07-30-fukushima-blob-rise-dead-marine-life.html
(8) http://fukushimawatch.com/2015-07-30-fukushima-radiation-polluted-one-third-earth.html
(9) http://www.naturalnews.com/036370_Fukushima_reactor_radiation.html#ixzz3hwfLa69S
(11) http://www.truthwiki.org/national-geographic/
(12) http://www.naturalnews.com/050667_Fukushima_nuclear_plant_deformed_daisies_genetic_damage.html