StrawberriesPosted 4 years ago under Uncategorized
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Strawberries are known for their nutritional value as well as the fact that they are available at grocery stores pretty much year-round. Strawberries have linked to reduced levels of cholesterol and reduced risks of cardiovascular disease. This is because the fruit contains an important phytochemical called anthocyanins. (1) These are just some of the reasons strawberries make a great addition to your diet.
Strawberries grow on the Fragaria ananassa plant.
Kingdom (Plantae) –> Angiosperms –> Eudicots –> Rosids –> Order (Rosales) –> Family (Rosaceae) –> Subfamily (Rosoideae) –> Genus (Fragaria) –> Species (Fragaria ananassa)
Strawberries grow on a plant close to the ground that can range in height from 8 to 10 inches. Each strawberry has a short stem and three leaves that form a crown at the top of the berry. The flowers are white while the fruit is red with small seeds on the outside of the fruit. The inside flesh can be red or white and the entire strawberry is edible. The plants have a lifespan of 2 to 4 years. (2)
Strawberries thrive in loamy soil that is slightly acidic. They need full sun exposure. (3) They grow in temperate climates in the northern regions of the world. (4)
Nutritional Information
Strawberries are high in important nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are especially high in vitamin C with almost 100% RDV in one serving. They are also a good source of some B vitamins, iron and manganese. Strawberries also contain a decent amount of potassium and magnesium. They are also a good source of phyto-chemicals such as anthcyanins and ellagic acid. These compounds help fight cancer, inflammation, and neurological diseases. They also can slow down the effects of aging. (5)
Commercial Cultivation
Though strawberries are usually grown from runners transplanted from established plants, they can be planted from seed. If done in this method, they are first planted in trays to grow into seedlings before being transplanted. In order to ensure the best harvest possible, strawberry plants are kept from producing fruit the first season after planting by pinching off flowers as they appear. (6)
Diseases, Pests, Predators
Strawberries are susceptible to a variety of common garden diseases and pests. Common diseases include grey mold and powdery mildew. Common insects include Japanese beetles, spider mites, and slugs. (7)