NY Times : A Path to Curing H.I.V.. In the Trump era, I am constantly burnt out by bad news. Now, for once, I see hope for the world getting better. That is the greatest gift I can imagine.
My first short is up! English subtitles available. vimeo.com/lukf/umbr…
Amore by Ryuichi Sakamoto song.link/de/i/3347…
Facebook banned all discussion of consensual adult sex. Apple, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Patreon have all gradually banned sexual content. To resist this prudish monoculture, the Web needs to be decoupled from surveillance capitalism.
I won’t believe it until the credits roll, but it sure looks like they’re releasing Dau next year. The Russian film project that had actors living 24/7 on a 12000m² set from 2008 through 2011. Watch the trailer now! www.dau.xxx
Kikagaku Moyo are the hottest shit in Japanese psych rock! songlink.io/i/1112730…
A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night has my favourite soundtrack in any movie.
Kaitlin Prest’s new radio show makes me laugh and feel so hard. Still answering the question ‘What is love?’. The Shadows
With global politics on such a disastrous trajectory, I stay sane listening to comedy. Good comedy is inherently progressive in its mockery of the establishment. And increasingly I want it telling me to change what I’m doing with my life.
Regular opportunity to get depressed about the change I cannot make, world leaders will not make — Strong risk of climate crisis by 2040
Wanderer by Cat Power is the best album of this decade.
The Pitchfork’s review of Father John Misty’s latest shows the real value of reading music journalism: Exposing my own shortcomings through the humanity of someone I look up to. pitchfork.com/reviews/a…
(via evacide on Twitter) Protestors at Trump’s inauguration are being threatened with 75 years in prison, each. www.aljazeera.com/indepth/o…
One of my favourite Jazz records is Thelonious Monk’s soundtrack for Le Liaisons Dangereuses. It was recorded in 1959, but the album first came out this year. I’ve had it set the mood for my life for the last few months and it’s an excellent listen every time.
Abandoning shame is worth it: anniemueller.com/2017/05/1…
Maybe I can make a small positive impact this evening. I kindly ask you to eat vegan for a day and reconsider how much you rely on animal products. Try spiralised sweet potato with kale pesto; it’s one of my favourite foods!
Whitney - No Woman. It has happened again. I listened to a song I hadn’t heard before, and felt what I had never felt before. This is why music is something I truly could not imagine being without. Not just another artefact.
On beliefs and new information: The Oatmeal – You’re not going to belive what I’m about to tell you
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