Go live in Saudi pls
What dose saudi have to with her
she is kurde nawe kurdan bram
“Xoshkm” guy hawret maxwo txwa. Backwards, regressively Islamist attitudes like this have held back Kurds for decades. If she wants to see where the logical endpoint is for these types of attitudes then she can live in Saudi, or better yet she can be an ISIS wife.
Babt isis and also, baqurbani saudiay bi
Keep it up sis the ISIS recruiters will dm you soon and grant you the Islamic paradise you’ve always wanted
Honestly people like you don’t deserve to be protected by peshmergas rabbi qurbani qondrayan bi
My dad was a peshmerga, hes also the one who taught me why solidarity is important. Put down the Quran for a few hours and read another book, might do you some good.
My entire family is too but clearly you’ve no ounce of respect. I’ve done my research now do your properly before you come for me.pic.twitter.com/NgSxdlDxgw
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Says the cunt iraqi
I’m Dutch but I live in the same city as you, also Kurdistan is a part of Iraq so hey you’re the cunt iraqi too here, cunt
HEHEHEH says the cunt iraqi again
You’re really bad with comebacks tbh
try again
Kijk eens als je niks beters te zeggen hebt blijf gwn stil
Heb je ooit met iemand die lhbt is gesproken? In persoon?
Nee k woon onder een steen
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Get your 12 year old ass outta here your face shouts ur gay
So cruel . Anyway you & your girlfriend are beautiful
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Somebody give her the attention she’s been craving
Clearly you and your gay community and their accounts are seeking the attention
“My gay community” and I are clearly getting enough attention. We don’t need to put others down just to feel better about ourselves
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