


Last update: 2017/1/30

Radiation-watch.orgプロジェクトは開発成果をクリエイティブ・コモンズ(CC BY 3.0)ライセンスの元でオープンソース化しています。以下では、ポケットガイガーの回路図、仕様、ソースコード、実験結果を、順次公開します。これらは全世界において、商用・非商用を問わず自由に再配布・改変・公開することができます。なお一部のコンテンツは英語またはオランダ語のみとなります。

Creative Commons License
POCKET GEIGER by Radiation-Watch.org is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

技術資料 / Technical Documents

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the voluntary contributions of Mr. Ing. T.P. Kuipers, Dr.Ichimiya, Drs. Ing. Cees van't Wout and Mr. Frans J.M. Bader.
Those reports and data are disclosed with permission of the experimenters.

How to open the case.

ポケットガイガーの回路図・設計図 Circuit diagrams and CAD data of PocketGeiger series.

PocketGeiger Type1 Circuit Diagram

PocketGeiger Type1 Gerber-formatted PCB Data

PocketGeiger Type5 Circuit Diagram

CAD Data of Plastic-injected Case for Types 2, 3, 4 and 5

How to connect PocketGeiger Types 3, 4 and 5 with Microcomputers such as Arduino and PIC.


You should supply non-noise DC 3 to 9V power source into PocketGeiger Type5 module.

You can also check release note for Type5 device.

You can also check various, sample implementations using Type5 device.

A new source code for Arduino with Type5 PocketGeiger is available on GitHub.

PocketGeiger Type5 Interface Specification

ポケットガイガーType5 - ARDUINO接続方法
How to connect PocketGeiger Type5 with ARDUINO

How to connect PocketGeiger Type5 with Microcomputers

ARDUINO sample program with Windows monitoring application


You should supply two types of non-noise DC power into PocketGeiger Type4 module; one is 10 to 15V and another one is 40 to 50V, and should swap a resistor on Type4 PCB.

PocketGeiger Type4 Testpin Specification

How to connect PocketGeiger Type4 with Microcomputers


You should supply non-noise DC 9V power source into PocketGeiger Type3 module, and should swap a resistor on Type3 PCB.

PocketGeiger Type3 Testpin Specification

How to connect PocketGeiger Type3 with Microcomputers

How to connect PocketGeiger Type6 with PC or Mac via USB Serial connection

  • Type6のシリアル通信プロトコル / USB Serial protocol for PocketGeiger Type6
    • 開始方法 / HOW TO START
      1. PC -> Type6: "S"
      2. Type6 -> PC: "S\r\n"
      3. Type6 -> PC: ">(Signal),(Noise)\r\n" for every 100msec, where () is CPM
    • 終了方法 / HOW TO STOP
      1. PC -> Type6: "E"
      2. Type6 -> PC: "E\r\n" end of measurement
Macとの接続方法について検証されているブログ(Virtual Android PocketGeigerType6 誕生): https://kojimatak.wordpress.com/

ポケットガイガーType6 Androidアプリのソースコード
Pocket Geiger Type6 Android APK source code.


Creating a Scintillation Detector based on POKEGA.


Type4/5の応答特性試験結果 / Dose rate response of Types 4 and 5

Co-60, Cs-137およびBa-133線源を使ったポケットガイガーType4/5の応答特性に関する調査結果です。

出典:野崎 雄太、藤淵 俊王、寺﨑 健人、村﨑 裕生、倉本 卓、梅津 芳幸:自作ワイヤレス線量モニタリングシステムによるガンマ線、線量測定の基本特性評価、第10回九州放射線医療技術学術大会(2015.11、宮崎)

Performance testing based on Hp(10) scope by Mr. Ing. T.P. Kuipers in the Netherlands

 - Measurement range: using Cs-137 ( 0.1uSv/h - 200mSv/h ) and Co-60 (186uSv/h - 4.7mSv/h)
 - Direction dependence: at the degree of -45, 0 and +45
 - Spectral software testing: using Am-241 and Co-60
 - Energy efficiencies: using H-3, C-14, Am-241, Cs-137, Ni-63, Cl-36, Co-60, Sr-90, Tc-99 and Fe-55

You can see and download the raw document including all experimental data of this section (Google docs).
Fig.1-1 Measurement range using Cs-137

Fig.1-2 Testing facilities

Calibration testing using Cs-137 supervised by Dr.Ichimiya in KEK

- Cs-137 (2.02MBq), 0.16uSv/h - 2.34uSv/h

Fig.2-1 Sensitivity of the Smart Radiation Detector for gamma particles

Fig.2-2 Experiment Scene

You can see and download the raw document including all experimental data of this section (Google docs).

Certification from the Dutch Metrology Institute tested by Drs. Ing. Cees van't Wout and Mr. Frans J.M. Bader based on H*(10)

- Cs-137 ( 0.58uSv/h - 739uSv/h ) with copper shield
- Sr-90 / Y-90 ( 4.46mGy/h ) with and without copper shield

Fig.3-1 Results for linearity and reprehensibility of the detector

Fig.3-2 Certification from the VSL

You can see and download the raw document including all experimental data of this section (Google docs).

Dutch Journal of RadiationProtection (Issue 2, 2011, ISSN 1879-9620)

You can see and download the full-text of the article. (Dutch only)


- The detector shows linear response for Cs-137 but will be saturated in high dose rate over 10mSv/h because of the sampling rate (44.1khz).
- We don't have to care about the saturation in consumer use.
- We have to write the dependency in the user's manual especially for users who are going to measure a pollution level such as soil.
- The analyzer function should be improved.
- The detector has high sensitivity for mid and high energy beta radiation, for example Cl-36 or Sr-90, so a copper shield should be installed when we calibrate and measure dose rate in uSv/h.
- It seems that the response curve will be flatten by using copper filter although a number of samples are limited.

Noted by Yang, Radiation-watch.org engineer, Aug 13, 2011


[kitaguchi] H.Kitaguchi, H  Miyai S.Izumi and A.Kaihara: Silicon Semiconductor Detectors for Various Nuclear Radiations, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, VOL  43, NO.  3,  JUNE 1996
[hamamatsu] Si photo diaode applications (Japanese only)
[tjerk] Kuipers, Tjerk et al.: Feasibility studyof a low cost wireless ionizing radiation sensor network, Proceedings of Third European IRPACongress 2010 June 14-16
[kitaguchi] Hiroshi Kitaguchi et a.l: SEMICONDUCTOR RADIATION DETECTOR, United States Patent 4879466, Nov.7, 1989
[harvard] Alpha, beta and gamma penetration and shielding, Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations