
You blocked @GissiSim

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    Little sneak peak at a new, non-conflict related, project that I'm working on. Am starting a new video series helping people master advanced javascript concepts (plus other fun/cool coding related topics)

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  2. don't 👀at this guys tweets ya'll

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    I see it as some media here in UK trying their best to humanise these Isis they are trying to equate folk who fought against them with them, sickening

  6. Then she RTs this... wtf?

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  7. Is that really the best comparison to be making here? YPG wants to build a world where women are equal in the ME... ISIS violently stands for the opposite.

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  8. Our economic airline future. (yes, this is real)

  9. Honestly... I hope Trump closes the border and reaps the consequences.

  10. Is chairman a euphemism in the Republican party? * looks at Michael Cohen *

  11. We already know that the Chinese massage lady was funnelling Chinese business men to Trump... just assumed she was one of them 🤦🏼‍♂️ What a situation.

  12. The clearly don't consider Puerto Rico as part of the US.

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    12 hours ago
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    You need to stick to music. You clearly know nothing about the fight against the Islamic State. The Kurds are an essential part of the SDF. They are long term and reliable ally of the UK & USA. There is NO evidence whatsoever of ethnic cleansing. You are peddling ISIS propaganda

  15. not the first time he's claimed his Dad was born in Germany... strange lie to keep telling...

  16. Retweeted
    13 hours ago

    this is the stan twitter I so dearly love

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  17. We need to get rid of Judges? Where the fuck did that even come from.

  18. Terrorists! Coups! Conspiracies! Ahhhhhh!

  19. : How far down the road can we kick this fucking can?

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  21. Honestly... why are news agencies still reporting on what this girl thinks? Insanity.


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