Parallel Universe Magazine - Issue 14, June 2013

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  • Letter from the EditorCrossing the Divide, by James Reinders
  • Intel® System Studio: Complete Development Solution for Intelligent Systems, by Noah Clemons and Robert Mueller-Albrecht
    Introduces a new integrated software development suite that provides deep hardware and software insights to speed development, testing, and optimization of Intel® architecture-based embedded devices and intelligent systems running embedded Linux*, including Wind River Linux* and Yocto Project*.
  • Shockwaves! CloverLeaf Meets the Intel® Xeon Phi™ Coprocessor, by Victor Gamayunov and Stephen Blair-Chappell
    Covers the steps taken to make the CloverLeaf benchmark “Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessor-ready,“ and the significant performance gains achieved.
  • Programming Models for the Intel® Xeon Phi™ Coprocessor and Intel® MPI Library, by Michael Chuvelev, Dmitry Durnov, Sergey Kazakov, Alexander Supalov, and Andrew Tananakin
    Demonstrate how new programming models enabled by the Intel MPI Library, combined with the simplicity of its user interface, facilitates porting existing high performance computing (HPC) applications to Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor-equipped platforms.
  • From Legacy Serialism to Parallelism: Converting a Real-World Application Using Intel® Cilk™ Plus, by Chris Chrulski
    Using a combination of serial optimizations and parallelism from Intel Cilk Plus, a 25X improvement in runtime is achieved on an important workload when running on an 8-core system—without a significant recoding effort of the legacy serial application.

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