yes but I would prefer not a verbatim retake of Kalın's statement
I didn’t. And if you check my tweet’s time of posting, it is obvious
then MrKalın should have inspired from yours
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Erdogan (AKP) won 44% of the votes. The coalition won 51% of the votes...
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Erdogan lost a lot more in the 2018 elecetions (the AKP needs the MHP since then to pass laws) and the media was all "Erdogan made himself a dictator". One should not consume ANY media without taking said medias bias into account.
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Yes, it mattered in this election. This is definitely a breaking point for Erdogan, (1) who was using his state and media power to the max. (2) The results can only be manipulated to certain extent. So, I think we need to take out 2-3% from AKP's 51%.
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CHP gained Istanbul, maybe, for a very few votes...
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