Parallel Universe Magazine - Issue 20, February 2015
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- Letter from the Editor, by James Reinders
- Your Path to Knights Landing, the Next Generation of Intel® Xeon Phi™ technology
Prepare your application now for Knights Landing—the highly scalable, next-generation Intel® Xeon Phi™ processor/coprocessor that debuts this year
- OpenMP* Region Analysis with Intel® VTune™ Amplifer XE
Intel® VTune™ Amplifer XE can help OpenMP* users more easily understand where to invest their tuning efforts.
- Walker Molecular Dynamics Laboratory Optimizes Biomedical Software
Walker Molecular Dynamics Laboratory turned to Intel® VTune™ Amplifer and other Intel® Software Development Products to optimize performance on both Intel® Xeon™ and Xeon Phi™ architecture.
- Intel® Software Development Products Win HPCwire Awards
Two Intel® Software Development Products garner top honors from readers and editors alike.
- Real-World Pearls of Wisdom in High Performance Parallelism
Leading experts from numerous industries and disciplines whip up delicious code in this “cookbook” of programming for better parallel performance.
For more complete information about compiler optimizations, see our Optimization Notice.