Parallel Universe Magazine - Issue 15, August 2013
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- Letter from the Editor: Results Matter, by James Reinders
- Efficient Software Development: 4 What’s New in Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2013 Service Pack 1, by Kirill Rogozhin
Explores new capabilities to help efficiently program for coprocessors, create powerful parallel frameworks, and find and fix complex performance issues on the latest hardware.
- Coprocessor Debugging Support in Intel® Parallel Studio XE, by Keven Boell
Examines debug solutions for native applications and offload programs running partially or completely on the Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessor. Intel Parallel Studio XE tools provide a single source-line view of the program’s control flow and variables on the command line, as well as in Eclipse* and Microsoft Visual Studio*.
- Full Scale Ahead: The Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) 29 Model and Intel® Cluster Studio XE 2013, by Mark Lubin, Scott McMillan, Christopher G. Kruse, Davide Del Vento, and Raffaele Montuoro
The WRF Model is a next-generation, mesoscale weather prediction system that is widely used across a wide range of meteorological applications. The authors demonstrate WRF scalability on “commodity” supercomputers using Intel® Cluster Studio XE 2013 software tools, including Intel® compilers and the Intel® MPI Library.
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