Parallel Universe Magazine - Issue 8, September 2011
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- Letter from the Editor: Parallelism Programming: Who Signed Me Up for Writing a Book?, by James Reinders
Reinders, chief evangelist and director of Intel® Software Development Products, shares how his opinions on Intel® Parallel Advisor have evolved, and explains why Flow Graph is his most favorite new feature of Intel® Threading Building Blocks.
- HPC Study: Biophysicists and Mathematicians Embrace Parallelism with Intel® Parallel Advisor, by Zakhar A. Matveev
Learn how a group of research scientists in Russia parallelized their applications in response to the growing data from biological experiences and increasing complexity of simulation requirements.
- The Intel® Threading Building Blocks Flow Graph, by Michael J. Voss, Ph.D.
User feedback inspired the Flow Graph feature in Intel® Threading Building Blocks, which allows programmers to express static and dynamic dependency graphs, as well as reactive or event-based graphs.
- Intel® Parallel Studio XE SP1, by Michael D’Mello
Intel® Parallel Studio XE combines Intel’s industry-leading C/C++ and Fortran compilers, high performance parallel libraries, error checking, code robustness, and performance profiling technologies into a single suite offering. The SP1 release now adds functionality to simplify the transition from multicore to many-core hardware platforms.
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