Parallel Universe Magazine - Issue 6, March 2011

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  • Letter from the Editor: PBB, XE, Cambrian Explosion, and the Art of Computer Programming, by James Reinders
    James Reinders, lead evangelist and director of Intel® Software Development Products, discusses the challenge of choice when determining which products and programming models make sense for your programming needs.
  • Parallelizing Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives Functions Using Intel® Cilk™ Plus and Intel® Threading Building Blocks, by Walter Shands
    The parallel models in Intel® Parallel Building Blocks easily integrate into existing applications, help preserve investments in existing code, and speed development of parallel applications.
  • Intel® Array Building Blocks Code Tips, by Zhang Zhang
    Assist the runtime system in generating high-performance code and develop a sound understanding of the Intel® Array Building Blocks API to help avoid errors.
  • Success Story Roundup
    Envivio, The Creative Assembly, and Altair share how they employed Intel® Software.

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