Parallel Universe Magazine - Issue 7, June 2011
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- Letter from the Editor: Specifics: FLOP Count and Parallel Programming, by James Reinders
Reinders, lead evangelist and director of Intel® Software Development Products, shares answers to three of the most common questions he receives, addressing FLOPS and Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE, Intel® Cilk Plus, and Intel® Parallel Building Blocks (Intel® PBB) “parallel for.”
- Intel® Cilk™ Plus: A C/C++ Language Extension for Parallel Programming, by Robert Geva
Intel offers new products for parallel programming based on the new programming model called Intel® Parallel Building Blocks (Intel® PBB).
- Three Flavors of ‘for’ Loops with Intel® Parallel Building Blocks (Intel® PBB), by Noah Clemons
Each of the models in Intel Parallel Building Blocks offers a different kind of ‘for’ loop. Learn why it is important to understand the build environment, type of parallelism it represents, and level of parallel abstraction before choosing a model.
- Easing the Performance Analysis of Serial and Parallel Applications, by Levent Akyil
Intel® VTune™ Amplifier XE is a powerful performance analysis tool that helps software developers identify issues in their applications. Explore how its improved and intuitive user interface performs powerful performance analyses with just a few mouse clicks.
- Case Study: Massachusetts General Hospital*, by Bevin Brett
Follow the experiences of and lessons learned by developers at Massachusetts General Hospital and Intel as they identify, prioritize, and make changes to the C++ code to improve the serial algorithms and introduce parallelism to benefit virtual colonoscopies.
For more complete information about compiler optimizations, see our Optimization Notice.