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Books and Computer Programs
by Arnold Acker
How to Speak Radar and  Fundamentals of Microwave Tubes by Arnold Acker. Two Computer Courses are available on CD-ROM disks that are intended to provide a basic understanding of the subjects of radar and microwave tubes. Available from SciTech Price $89.95 for both.

"HANS ERICH HOLLMANN, Pioneer and Father of Microwave Technology" by Martin Hollmann. The interesting life story and work of H. E. Hollmann and his contributions to radar and mankind. Available for $16.00 by calling 831.621.8760 or contact jets@mbay.net


The Radar War, 1930-1945 by Gerhard Hepcke. Now available in English from M. Hollmann in the USA for $12.00 plus shipping and handling. This book has never been published and it is a source book used by Fritz Trenkle in some of his books on the history of radar. Learn about the electronic measures and counter measures used during WWII by the Germans and the Allies. Easy to read with historic dates and battles. We handle credit card orders, so call now: 831-621-8760.

  "The Radar War" .pdf ( 134k )
History of Radio Flight Navigation Systems translated by M. Hollmann and Peter Aichner. Brand new book about  the development of ILS, VOR, Omnirange up to but not including GPS. Covers a period of 1930 up to 1965. $10.00. Call us at  831-621-8760.

  "History of Radio Flight Navigation Systems" .pdf ( 43k )

History of Electromagnetic Oscillations and Waves by Dr. Manfred Thumm
Fantastic, historic and easy to read paper on Philipp Reis (first telephone), Herman von Helmholtz (electrodynamics), Heinrich Hertz (electromagnetic waves), Karl Ferdinand Braun (crystal diode, CRT, transceiver), Christian Huelsmeyer (early RADAR), Robert von Lieben (triode), Heinrich Barkhausen (first transit-time microwave tube), Manfred von Ardenne (first integrated vacuum tube circuits), Oskar Heil (Klystron), Walter Schottky (first tetrode electron tube), Herbert Kroemer (semiconductor heterostructures), Juergen Schneider (quantum electronic model of electron cyclotron resonance maser). 
On the left is Philipp Reis who invented the telephone in 1861. German stamps are in honor of his work. Alexander Graham Bell built and filed a patent on the telephone in 1876. See Reis and the invention of the telephone and much more by downloading this document. Many pictures and references.

  "History of Electromagnetic Oscillations and Waves" .pdf ( 1300k )

Die deutschen Funkmessverfahren bis 1945 by Fritz Trenkle. In German. First published in 1986. Complete summary of Germany radar development and use during WWII. 218 pages, 221 figures. This book is a classic and the best source on radar history. Only available from us. Call now 831.621.8760. Sale Price $54.00.

Physik und Technik der ultrakurzen Wellen, Erster Band by Prof. Dr. H. E. Hollmann. 1936. In German, available from M. Hollmann in the USA for $178.00. This book describes in great detail how radar works and it is considered to be the first technical book on radar technology.

Physik und Technik der ultrakurzen Wellen, Zweiter Band by Prof. Dr. H. E. Hollmann. 1936. In German, available from M. Hollmann in the USA for $125.00. This book describes how microwave technology is used in the industry.
We handle credit card orders, so call now: M. Hollmann at 831.649.6212.

Guglielmo Marconi article from Electronics Weekly in Radar.pages.

Radar books from the Institute of Physics Publishing in the USA. Online Bookstore.
Ph: (215) 627-0880. Fax: (215) 627-0879

Electronic Genie, The Tangled History of Silicon by F. Seitz and N. G. Einspruch, University of Illinois Press. 1998. $34.95 from Borders. This book discusses the invention of radar,  transistor and microcircuits up to the modern computer. A great book about the history of electronics. A chapter devoted to Hollmann's contribution to radar.

Technical history of the beginnings of RADAR by S.S. Swords. Published by Peter Peregrinus Ltd in London, England. 1986. Available for $94.25 from Borders.

The Radar Pages. A website about the Chain Home, English early warning system and the Royal Air Force hosted by Dick Barrett. A lot of good technical information.

Ground Radar Systems of the Luftwaffe, 1939-1945 by Werner Muller. This book shows mainly pictures of the German radar during WWII. Available from Schiffer Publishing Ltd. in Atglen, PA.

Communications & Power Industries (former Varian Associates). A website about radar, radar tubes, klystron, wireless communications, and semiconductor fabrication.

Introduction to Radar Systems, 2nd Edition by Merril Skolnik. Published by Mc Graw Hill and available from Borders.

The Journal of Electronic Defense.  World politics and agenda for the military forces of the US and for the "New World Order" are presented. Available from the Association of Old Crows. AOC

The History of US Electronic Warfare; three volumes. Price $100. for all three volumes.

The Invisible WAR - Episode #1, Electronic Warfare in WWII.
The Invisible WAR - Episode #2, Secrets in the Cold War. 
The Invisible WAR - Episode #3, Technological Warfare. 
All three videos are available from the AOC. Price $35/each.

The Electronic Age, 100 Years of Progress in Electronics. Web site in English and Brazilian by Carlos Fazano. www.cfazano.hpg.com.br

The Inventor and the Pilot by Dorothy Varian. This book is the story about the Varian brothers and their production of the Klystron tube which had been invented by Dr. Oskar Heil in Germany. Russ Varian worked for Philo Farnsworth and his only job was to look at other patents from which the Varian Brothers obtained ideas for which they took credit and sold. The Varian brothers copied German patents for both Instrument Landing Systems and the Klystron.  Out of print.

INVENTIONS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD by Prof. Dr. Manfred Thumm. Story of Dr. Oskar Heil and the invention of the Klystron tube, telephone, TV, Triode, Karl Ferdinand Braun and the CRT, Heinrich Rudolph Hertz and microwaves, Heinrich Barkhausen and the Retarding-Field Tube, magnetrons by Prof. Dr. Hans E. Hollmann and Radar and much more. $4.00. Available from ADI. Call 831-649-6212.

Radar Reflections: The Secret Life of Air Force Radar Mechanics in World War Two, by Michael Cumming, published in 2000 by Radar Associates and distributed by Bunker to Bunker, Calgary, AB ($34.95 Canada, $29.95 US and £19.99 in the UK). Phone 403.240.0039.
For a fascinating insight into the introduction and operational use of ground-based and airborne radar systems by the Allied air forces during the Second World War, Radar Reflections by the British aviation writer Michael Cumming is a ‘must’. A significant contribution to the story of wartime radar, this book focuses on the role and the experiences of radar technicians on active service in Europe, the Middle East and in South East Asia. The application of radar for home defence in Britain and in the Commonwealth countries, blends personal accounts with material drawn from once-secret documents. In Radar Reflections, the radar technicians’ story reaches a heartening conclusion by demonstrating that the wartime comradeship lives on, with a rekindled interest in reunions and increasing emphasis on keeping the subject of radar alive for future generations. A 256-page hardback with two 8-page sections of illustrations, a comprehensive list of sources, bibliography and glossary, Radar Reflections is available from bookshops (ISBN: 1894255100), via web sites and also through the author, Michael Cumming, 28 Palmerston Court, Lovelace Gardens, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 6SE, England.

On the left is the radar Display Unit for a  FuG 200 "Hohentwiel" radar set built by Lorenz and used on German U-Boats Type VIIc in 1945.

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