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  1. 59 minutes ago

    In 2017, I told proRegime contacts: our best solution is to negotiate a settlement between us that transitions the government peacefully and settles the conflict. Instead, we now have a police state stricken by abject poverty, increased corruption. became a wasteland.

  2. 1 hour ago
  3. 5 hours ago

    Assad says that expatriates like me are leveling the most intense criticism against the State. Well, if they didn’t torture even pro-Regime figures to death like for raising their voice then they would obviously get even more criticism internally.

  4. 13 hours ago

    and flooded ’s Assad with weapons and fighters, but can’t fund the solution to the economic and hardship crisis that has struck the nation. I am part of the solution- a Syrian stuck outside of Syria. Assad is the problem, a stuck unaccountable President.

  5. Retweeted

    Dissatisfaction is mounting in the Asad/Iran-held areas of , and the system's attempt to blame the U.S. sanctions for its corruption and incompetence does not appear to be working. Criticism has been limited by secret police "disappearances".

  6. 20 hours ago

    Right now ’s government has no foundation to speak on the move because it is not representative and illegitimate. Only a democratic, freely elected one could. Golan was bartered by Assad’s father to secure his throne and present dynasty that won’t end.

  7. 20 hours ago

    should leave Crimea as well. This move bolsters Russia’s land grab of Crimea which is part of Ukraine and forcibly taken against international law.

  8. Mar 20

    I carry the heavy burden having come from a country, , where which the world’s most heinous crimes have been committed by the Government and its leader against the people. I am powerless in the face of such evil.

  9. Retweeted
    Mar 19

    "We will never regret dignity." , 18/03/2019

  10. Retweeted
    Mar 18

    Today is the 8th anniversary of the Syrian revolution. We're commemorating by remembering our friend Raed Fares, a hero who was killed last year. To Raed, building civil society was the highest form of resistance to Assad.

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  11. Retweeted
    Mar 13

    : scores of detainees incl. members fleeing after bombed the central prison today.

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  12. Retweeted
    Mar 16
  13. Retweeted
    Mar 14

    We’ve seen the horrific photos shared by Caesar & heard the harrowing stories from Omar. We know what’s happening in is genocide. means now, & we must act. We cannot turn a blind eye to the atrocities by Assad & his cronies.

  14. Mar 15

    In - the proregime are now seeing first hand the result of their own “victory”. Expression of opinion by those ostensibly on the government side is resulting in arrest, detention and in most cases, death.

  15. Retweeted
    Mar 12

    As the EU and UN Chair the 3rd Brussels Fundraising conference to raise funds for aid into Syria it has transformed from immediate humanitarian aid to "Regional socio-economic recovery". Here, thx to Planet Labs, is a look at what the last year of that has looked like in Damascus

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  16. Retweeted
    Mar 10

    Now in central “Long live ! Down with Bashar!” After the regime tried to install a statue of Hafez in central Daraa

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  17. Retweeted
    Mar 10

    Civilians in Daraa al-Balad (part of Daraa city) take to the streets and protest against the decision of rebuilding the statue of Hafez al- in their city. Civilians are shouting anti-Assad slogans and ask for the overthrow of the regime.

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  18. Mar 10

    No gas, food or water. But Regime finds the resources to erect statues of the current President’s dead father, who is the former long time President. These are the governments priorities in - serves the President not the people.

  19. Retweeted
    Mar 10

    Locals in Daraa city protested against the new Hafez al-Assad statue in the city while there is no electricity, water or aid for reconstruction. Regime re-installed several statues around which were destroyed by locals during protests in 2011-12

  20. Retweeted
    Mar 7

    " or we burn the country." This by is superb & deeply depressing - everything that's played out in since 2011 was part of a grand, brutal plan. And we played a role in allowing it to happen, and succeed.


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