Murat says he and others like him are sometimes disparagingly referred to as "the converted" by Turks and Kurds in Turkey. His speaks Turkish and Kurdish as if they were his own languages, but knows he and his family have been deprived of learning and speaking their own one.
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Despite the incredibly bleak history and seemingly insurmountable problems, its important to not view these Assyrians simply as products of genocide. They are human beings and they are Assyrians. They have also founded an association in Amida (Diyarbakir) …
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For Assyrians: hopefully this puts having a sense of "community" into perspective. There are Assyrians out there like Murat Demir yearning for a sense of it, to be closer to his own, to learn our language - all from a place of real and immense confusion, sadness and alienation.
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Oh I've heard of the Assyrian Muslims of Turkey, mostly forceful converts from the genocide.
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Don't understand how people can be "forced" to become Muslims. A Muslim is not a Muslim through words you can only become a Muslim if you accept it in your heart.
De syftar på folkmordet 1915. Men ett modernt exempel: "We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract - involving payment of jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword," …
Isis kan inte representera islam. Och de kan inte ung turkarna heller.
Det ändrar inte faktumet att de här tvingar människor att konvertera till islam.
Ja förnekar inget. Du har ju spanska inkvistationen från order av påven där var det konvertera eller dö du hade inte möjlighet att betala skatt och behålla din tro.
Du frågade hur folk kan tvingas konvertera och jag exemplifierade - inget mer med det.
Ja vet bror jag vet.
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Kurds face this problem everyday , be Turkish or be threatened to be Turkish
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