New York Times Crisis China Healthcare
24 Mar 2019
An uncontrollable growth of nothing that should not be there - that's cancer and New York Times reporting and video about the health care in China fits in the description with its biased interpretation of the health care system in China. Just like cancer cells might originate from error reading of the DNA and skipping the stop codes of the telomere. Tac-tac-tac-tac, tick in the toc of syntax in chronometry.
China Healthcare and New York Times Crisis
And the uncontrollable growths of cancer journalism.
Holy Words from Holy Journalist without fact checking - Halleluja at the dogma table
New York Times China Health Care Supper - was it ever some undertones there? Besides the thing of just trying to keep living - to stay alive? |
Cancer Journalistic s on the table of the last supper with dog and dogma, what a mix. Eating the fruits of reality sometimes can acquire some fact checking and some respect for the facts in reality
The Fingerspitzgefuhl tapestry and how who left the right to be reliable
Perspective often can have more sides than two
In starting with the last supper comes some responsibility or a heavenly luck of telling the truth out of nothing.
What is the most disquisting, to hide the ugly shit or to show it as it is?
Übermensch Underwear
Its kind of
*from the derivated assembler the signs of the total sum*
what a starmark in cancer journalistics
How Capitalism ruined China Health Care System, by the disinformation campaign by New York Times and its growing body of Cancer Journalism, in order to make more money with journalistic fast food that making meatballs from cancer tumors.