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LcdDem 0.030
LcdDem downloads
  • ver.0.030 Download (English) Download (Japanese) The final version of the game released. It has updated graphics and worlds, new event, NEJI-minigame and other new things.
  • ver.0.025 Download (English) The first version to include the new soundtrack. Other than that, it's just version 0.030 with less content/polish.
  • ver.0.020   Download (Japanese) The last version to use the "beta" soundtrack. This is also the first version to include the final title screen and door graphics.
  • ver.0.007 Download (Japanese) The earliest known version of LcdDem. This contains the beta title screen, debug room with koronba, and the beta graphics for the game.

Other Games

  • LcdDem2 Download (Japanese) The "sequel" to LcdDem in which you play as Koronba himself. The only things you can do are save, go on the balcony, and play NEJI. According to the readme, this game was only an excuse to make a "Family Game" (much like the original NASU in Yume Nikki), though this entire game became useless when Koronba ended up putting NEJI in LcdDem. The final version of this game is 0.02.
  • AQUOR Download (Japanese) This actually has nothing to do with LcdDem, but it's by Koronba. It has a huge water motif, and, like LcdDem, a quality soundtrack. It even tells you at the beginning of the game that it's recommended that you play with headphones!

Things you also need before LcdDem worksEdit

  • RPG Maker 2000 RTP (LcdDem must be installed for RPG2000.)
  • Set your application language (AppLocale) to Japanese before installing the RTP and/or LcdDem.
  • Only for ver.0.025 (eng.): Go to LcdDem's CharSet folder, duplicate one of the files and rename it to 乗り物 .
  • Only for ver.0.007 : Go to LcdDem's CharSet folder, duplicate one of the files and rename it to "vehicle".