~Tsampikos' Journals
Finished everything I set out to do for the week. This year's book is done and should be out by the time Anthrocon comes along (which I just registerred and raffled an AA table for).

Now is when I begin to deliver the long overdue YCH for the Offbeatr projects as well as the recent YCH and wrap up the convention busts. These are basically all I'll be working on for the majority of the next two weeks.

A lot of people have asked how I can make that Offbeatr Mik Folio available to those who didn't participate in the initial funding - I have no idea. It would be on sale now at a reduced cost with a few pages up for free but I feel so bad for the people who never received their files until now [and I do mean now, had they checked their emails/ offbeatr messages] that I don't know what to do. It just doesn't feel right to give to someone for [x] what cost another person [y and year+ wait time].
3 years ago    

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Please keep in mind that I am a recovering hermit. It's not easy jumping back into a completely visible social butterfly... but I am working hard to get back into it. We all have our personal battles and mine in particular is a dumb struggle [again, recovering hermit] but I am chipping away at it. There are a lot of people to get back to on a great many things and I'm addressing it as best I can without getting overwhelmed and unfortunately for some people it looks like I'm ignoring you specifically. I'm not - but I don't blame you for feeling that way. I'm bad at this. Some accuse me of not caring. The problem is that I care too much. Just try to understand that it's a transitional phase and once I'm caught up I'll hopefully be a regular face~
3 years ago    

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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Tsampikos

Been working on a backlog for a long time. A self investment if you will. I've tried coming up with a Paysite several times in the past. I had the contacts and had everything lined up.... except for the work. To do one in earnest I needed a staggering backlog or risk going out of business somewhere down the line if things go awry. Unfortunately part of this entailed buying hosts/ domains and hiring people for things that will never see the light of day and having to sell work to make it through hard times.

In the advent of Patreon's creation things have changed. Took me a while to self invest and get my ducks in a row and now that I have a real chance of finally becoming my own boss and delivering to my biggest fans what they want the most I'm taking it. Hits were taken all around - though believe me when I say I took the most. In the end I think I will be able to just look back and think of this as just bad times. True... I'm not out of the hole I dug myself into yet.

But this is a real start. And again - to those concerned - before you think this is a further distraction it isn't. Not only will it lead to more art here on FA and elsewhere but it will facilitate the right mind/ skill set to start turning in commissions I'm confident with. Who knows... I might start taking real commisions again the future. Not yet - not soon. Blegh.

Here it is. Wish me luck.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Tsampikos
3 years ago    

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Not being able to work on the higher reward tiers until now is shitty thing to go through. I could not have anticipated all of the things that went down that robbed me of my time (included fallout now being that I finally buckled sold my van - my vehicle - for a fraction of what I spent in repairs over the last year).

Knowing that despite the dozens of attempts and tons of feedback it took me to finally hosting the files myself to get them out there. The printed book is a year old now. It's upsetting to know that THAT which came last was the first to reach the appropriate hands.

Proof: The book can be found here: http://furplanet.com/shop/item.aspx?itemid=722

Look at the date. Sigh....

The messages should have been sent by now in offbeatr. You should have the links.

I would ask that if you must share the files you use another host. I'd rather you not share it at all but it's impossible to stop so I won't be policing it but you can at least do me this courtesy. I have an enormous daily limit and if you somehow magically reach it I do have an option that I can use that will eliminate that possibility that takes less than a minute to actually achieve so break the service knowing you would have spent more time breaking it that I fixing it. Again it's not a challenge... just a courtesy.
3 years ago    

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It's fair for those cynical enough to think I was disappearing again.

Still hurts though... hah!

To keep it concise here is a list of topics I'm addressing:

- Health update

But no. Just bad luck here. The medication absolutely wrecked me. After I went back to the doctor but nearly all of the symptoms I was experiencing were universally side effect from what I was prescribed. The good thing is that the infection/ abscess finally stopped being an infection/ abscess (crazy how quickly holes can just apparently open in your own body... god damn) but I still had the medication to contend with. Chills/ crazy fatigue/ endless stomach pains had me basically bedridden for most of the time since the last update. I didn't decide to stay in bed... it's just that I couldn't stay awake for more than a few hours. Blegh. Kind of eye opening how much pills just suck... and these are just mild side effects. Apparently I have a nice long list of possible side effects to watch out for after taking the steroids... neato~

I'm done with nearly all of the meds though - all that's left is a topical regime but other than that I'm now steroid/ antibiotic (and possibly infection) free so yay... I can feel normal again (and stop obsessing over the possibility of having MRSA). More and more energy every day and having a stomach no longer sucks shit.

Most are completed. Some of you have seen yours already. None have recieved them fomally yet - sorry about that. I have contacted everyone at least once I believe and am addressing concerns as I get to them

I'll be sending everyone in Offbeatr messages with links to the files. Some of you have recieved yours already. Possibly most haven't and I thought the people who took 25% of the money raised would at least look into it. Nope. I was hoping the site would cover the basic hosting and distribution as per what they offered in doing business through them... but I have given up on them and am hosting it myself by getting a dropbox pro account.

As for the higher reward tiers I will be able to begin the fulfill those rewards starting roughly June 6th, which is a hard deadline for a book I'm prepping for AC.

I have a short comic and pinups I'm working on for Sexyfur/ Tailheat. I'm running late this month so I'm going to do what can for the rest of this month. Additionally around this time every year for the last few years I turn in the last year's works for publishing in a magazine style print - aka my folio. There is usually a hard deadline for AC works but Furplanet was awesome enough to extend it by a few days so once I'm done with these works - which will finish this book off (at roughly 70-74 pages...). That should cover the next few days. After that I will continue with commission/ auction work! I Also have 500 notes to read so there is that also!

3 years ago    

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It's a big gross staph infection that has me taking $200 worth of medication for the next two weeks.

Included will be a regime of hot compresses at least two hours worth a day!

They (the doctor/ nurses) have no idea how it actually started. They just know what could have done it and they are leaning towards bug bite that got infected if not an ingrown hair (which I don't get). This is how it basically went down. At thursday/ friday it was an itch. Saturday it was a welt, Sunday it was a welt with a red streak, Monday night it grew a white head, Tuesday the white head grew larger so in anticipation for something nasty I went off to get some supplies... right after getting a new phone. In the store it actually burst, Wednesday a cavity has either made itself known or formed which is when I finally went to the doctor. The doctor told me I was lucky it did what it did it on it's own and that there aren't any hidden pockets left to uncover. That it's just a matter of treating what I already have now. Still... it's fucking gross and an absolutely new experience for me.

Luckily it doesn't hurt that much... which is alarming considering how quickly it started and... well... just how bad it got. It's serious but it's contained. If I stick to the regime of pills/ bandages/ etc I'll be fine but there is always the risk of it spreading... which quite frankly is a nightmare scenario so I'm doing what I can to keep everything around me clean
4 years ago    

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Brb going to the hospital


I knew I was going to pass out the moment I got home. I didn't expect to sleep for nearly a day.

-Warning: Gross implications ahead. Do not read unless you are REALLY INTERESTED OR WANT TO CHUCKLE AT MY MISFORTUNE-

Because of the heat, sweat, exotic foods (Taco Bell, shut up), and etc I've actually been fighting two possible conditions that I would need to see a doctor for. Nothing serious. Just things that could have been (or may still be in the future) had I not took particular care of them. I will spare you the details but the first issue kind of resolved itself on the last leg of the trip. Another made itself known on the last few days and literally came to a head on my day back.

Well... yesterday when I finally did get my ass out of bed I went to my local phone carrier to get a new phone and then to the grocery store to pick up a few things, including some gauze, medical tape, and towels to act as a heated compress to treat this new issue. Never had it before. Didn't know what to expect. Apparently I should have done something about it sooner... because as I was consulting the pharmacist on a dry reusable compress vs wet washable compresses (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED) blood puss started pouring out of the inflamed site mid conversation and whatever it started as (most likely ingrown hair or spider bite) is now a true-blue infection now rolling down my leg.


Well that does explain while I felt extra tired. It's not like I went without sleep this entire time... ugh. Never had something this gross/ sudden happen to me before. Especially something that might take weeks to heal.

It shouldn't get in the way of anything. I'm still drawing and whatnot. I just have this gross thing that I might take a picture of to contend with for now.
4 years ago    

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My first ever trip that lasted over a month! From Before FWA to after Elliot's Spring Gathering (awesome meeting everyone I met on both occasions!) Gonna crash really fucking hard now.

That said any digital artist on the go would really benefit from having a Cintiq Companion. I bought this as a backup to my desk unit that will never die and now I it's actually going to end up being my main art machine - my desktop setup only being necessary for proofs, last minute detail work, publishing efforts, and corrections!!!

Get a good Bluetooth keyboard though. Got stuck with this rubbery mess for a while... could never confirm keys. It's okay for an ios/ android device I guess but not as a keyboard for a pretend laptop setup with the tablet PC. If nothing else I'm really back to a normal keyboard (though nostromo was pretty great for art though~)
3 years ago    

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not sure what events ill be attending today but odds are i wont be back in my hotel room until later so here's a heads up to everyone participating~


if the hotel connection is good enough i might start streaming the results tonight
3 years ago    

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publish work in a niche community and not advertising it at all

some asked for updates on these.... well here it is

released last year...


more to come this year.... sorry for being a shitlord
3 years ago    

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Oi. Still not back "proper" yet. I've actually been out of state hanging out in Atlanta since fwa. Although I didn't plan on it I was prepaired for the possibility and so I remained until now... since I came from Atlanta directly to Orlando Florida for Elliot's Spring gathering working from my tablet.

With that said here is a brief bullet version of the current status of various things.

- My phone can no longer hold a charge and refuses to work even when plugged in so i'm getting a new phone. contacts should carry over but some notes i wrote to myself in the dictation app are probably lost. certain pending messages and queued emails were not due to my connection in the hotel but i do have most of theinfo i need stored on my tablet.

I have worked on most of the fwa busts and they can be seen here. mostly done. havent decided.


- no phone or computer (so to speak) means no keyboard. typing is brutal. I avoided as much as i could because it takes way too long to get the simplest out there. i bought a bluetooth keyboard. its so buggy its actually worse to type on thath this tablets touch screen. for skype adds and etc im waiting until i get back home.

- Offbeatr... ugh. Timing issues prevented from doing the higher tier rewards until now (and yes, i mean "now", i can begin when i get home) but that's not why im here. I learned a lot about the logistics of this sort of thing and now know to never attempt anything like it again. but no. its not why im here. despite taking a $1750.00 fee the site did not provide the basic file hosting that it promised. ive had numerous problems distributing the project files despite the dozens of attempts and even though i had recieved an email that promised a resolution to the issue i come to find out later that people are still having problems accessing their files. despite having finished the project a year ago to the point of also releasing it in print... mid last year. i will be contacting people one by one when i get the time (soon!).

- commissions and refunds. what can i say. im terrible. dont commission me. i wouldnt. even i tire of the excuses and would understand if you no longer wanted to hear it which is why i wont be offeering regular commissions any more. it sucks for everyone all around. ive returned what has neen asked so far and still fully intend to work with the people are still working with. what can i say. there arent enough ways for me to say im sorry for sucking. ill still do things like designs and ych auctions but mostly my focuses have shifted for things less stressful/ more viable for... well... success. where it might disappoint a few but i feel my fans will enjoy what i have planned in the bag from here on out.
3 years ago    

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I didn't announce my visit to fwa this year (****and I'm still visiting Atlanta and will be for a while, more on that later****) but I think now is a good time to announce my trip to ESG 2015.

Elliott's Spring Gathering is this great event where in the past we've had things ranging from guest speakers from the videogame, television, and animation industries, private hours at movie theatres and water parks, live shows like Avenue Q, special event pricing for hotels and local venues or themeparks, free dinners, appearances by fan favorite artists, and etc. For the last few years it was held in Las Vegas but now its back to Florida at the B Resort and Spa in Lake Buena Vista, FL! The event is within walking distance to many great things itself as well so if you're able to make it down here I'm sure you'll have a good time~

For more info you can check out https://esg.elliottsliveevents.org/ and for the hotel and area http://www.bhotelsandresorts.com/b-.....-disney-world/
4 years ago    

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more info later

on tablet atm

returning to public internet space soon

was always here in my heart

dont call it a comeback

ps it was nice meeting or seeing yall in fwa
4 years ago    

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I had legitimate interest in it for a good long while. Now that the reviews are in I'm not so stoked any more and although I still want to see it it's only out of morbid curiosity. Not sure if it's worth the time investment though! Has anyone watched it? Are the high points worth watching what may very well be an inferior version of a story I've already seen?
5 years ago    

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Looks like a friend and former landlord of mine is finally going to prison with a mandatory minimum of three years for gun charges.

Sure, they raided his house and place of business for his supposed involvement in an alleged illegal money loan business they claimed he was running on the side without the proper licenses but as it turns out he was never found culpable. Although drugs were found in his place he was able to prove that it wasn't his, and although they destroyed this whole process destroyed his realty business he was slowly able to recover. Although he just propped up this roofing/ contracting business the reigns were just handed off to another friend of mine once we find out they finally got something on him.


I'm not going to pretend he's an angel. You don't get into this much trouble without asking for it... but still, what finally landed him in prison was completely unrelated to anything they were investigating. He's good to his friends. Just by knowing a mutual friend (old roomate of his) he gave me a great deal on a house I was renting a few years ago.... something he's also done for said friend. At the time this friend was living in a condo right on the beach with yet another person who would later become a roomate of mine, Well... because that part of the beach was a popular spot (they lived 1-3 blocks away from like.. 10 different bars) things got rowdy from time to time and cops were often called. I can't say what the details of the next part are for sure but at some point the condo next door was holding a cookout and shit got heated and people were fighting. The cops were called and even though my people had nothing to do with it they just went ahead and decided to tackle/ arrest my landlord friend just by being nearby. It happens - the cops don't know better. And besides.... at 6'5 250 lbs he's a pretty scary looking dude. The problem is that the fuckers from next door somehow pinned some tossed away handgun the cops found later on him. Well... with his former felony charges and at the time current investigations things did not bode well for him.

Well.... We thought he beat all of the charges. Several years ago. We were all excited for this new business of his and we all potentially had parts to play. I could have been working for him. With my background in drafting and engineering my job was a easy one. While 1-2 guys were making the measurements on the roof all I had to do was draw the plans based on their measurements and help in making estimations for the needed materials. It was a superfluous but like I said before, he was good to his friends.

But suddenly I just find out that some dumb charge we all thought he escaped years ago is giving him a mandatory three years. There is definitely more to the story - I personally had no idea he was still going to court for these things (he didn't like talking about it) but from what I heard he couldn't shake the gun thing and that's the reason he's behind bars. He says it's from a vendetta the county/ court/ judge/ cops/ whatever had on him. That he had indisputable proof that the gun came from someone in the other apartment - that although the condo next door was in his name he was renting it out to friends of his and that he had nothing to do with anything there except for just visiting at the wrong time.

I don't know what to think. I just can't help but the law is dicks. Who are they protecting by having these mandatory minimums for gun violations? Whatever faults he had he definitely did more for his community than he did hurt it.... I don't see how sticking him in jail is a victory for anyone.

But again... I don't know what to think. All I know about his legal issues are second hand accounts. If these are just lies and there are just big chunks of the story I'm not getting fair enough. All I know is that the law seems to be dicks :/
5 years ago    

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Last week (or longer) I wrote a journal about a pretty dire situation a family member was in. My uncle is experiencing the later stages of late onset muscular dystrophy and we thought he was soon to pass. It got so bad that a large portion of my extended family flew over here for the first time in a decade and were ready to see him off. By the time he got his tracheotomy at the second hospital's ICU the doctors basically told his wife that if he didn't improve in a week she had the option to remove him from life support as he seemingly wasted away to almost nothing and was in a damn near coma for 2-3 weeks.

He's fine now. He's even walking around a bit which he hasn't been able to do for months. It's so god damn surreal considering what everyone was preparing for. It's such a sudden shift in his health we have no clue what to make of it or whether or not it should be investigated further. What we do know is that he is improving daily and that the hospice care he was receiving for several months have now backed off...

I'm glad he's fine now but man... the last few weeks were pretty grim. Don't get me wrong, he still pretty far into his condition... but for now it's such an unbelievable relief.
5 years ago    

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I guess I should make a journal too, but yeah... the Mik Folio crowd funding project is now live!

Check it out at http://offbeatr.com/project/mikhail.....ny-55254766893

It's a simple premise. 24 page digital folio for at least $10! Haven't done the math on it... this is prett much going on a whim... but hell if you are willing to support it than I'd be more than glad to work on it!

I dunno.... depending on how it does it may lead to more interesting things in the future! All in all I'm just glad to have even found the time to cook something like this up. Gives me hope for future projects!
5 years ago    

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I kinda sorta boycotted getting a 3DS because it wasn't hackable yet. Well, that's not the primary reason.... it's just that I prefer to use handhelds for older games and I have devices that did that already so I just didn't have an incentive to buy one. I always knew pokemon XY was going to be out on the 3DS but it didn't provoke me into getting a 3DS until... well... it came out.

I thought I didn't care.

At least... that's what I kept telling myself. On release I stormed the closest Walmart for the Red Pokemon 3DS XL and a copy of Pokemon y as an impulse buy.... and 120 ingame hours later I realized that I am just as into Pokemon as I was when I was a kid.

Fancy that.

Finally stopped playing once I realized I was hunting for shinies (I miss my Shiny Absol and Vaporeon from Emerald) and breeding for IVs. That's gonna take much more than I have time for. I'd sell the special edition Red Pokemon 3DS XL and Pokemon Y if everyone didn't already have it! As much as I loved the game I don't see myself playing the 3DS much from here... unless I dunno... they put my beloved Dark Souls on it.

I have a few complaints... all interface and loading time for UI elements related (12 seconds every time I had to open the pokedex to find the roaming Moltress, ugh) but yeah... I completely fucked myself over spending so much time playing Pokemon!
5 years ago    

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Do you like Megaman? Have you lamented Capcom's treatment of the series in the last couple of years? Have you wondered what would happen to the franchise once Inafune left? Want to see what a Megaman game would look like if it was funded by fans and thus created for them? Well... if you maintained any shred of hope I suggest you check out the kickstarter for Mighty No. 9.


Although not a Megaman game it's a spiritual successor created by the one person who is qualified the most... a title not marred by licensing, investors, or the whims of their publisher... a game being developed by Inafune himself. Although the initial goal was reached you can still secure your copy now which would help it reach it's stretch goals that might see this through to a console version or possibly a handheld version somewhere down the line!

Personally I'm hoping he gets Yasunori Mitsuda on board for the soundtrack like he did with his last game but yeah... looks like there's still life in the blue bomber (kinda)!

5 years ago    

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Christ... August 2013 was like... a dread month.

Severe hangover (first time) + sugar binge (gummy worm genocide - long story) lead to cold clammyness and severe dehydration which inflammed my uvula to the point of no longer being able to breathe (as I have unusually large tonsils) as I slept regardless of whether or not I was using the cpap machine because I was also hit with a severe allergy attack that inflammed my sinuses so badly the moment I started losing consciousness my airways completely closed leading to wierd chirps and whistles (and what I thought were voices) which kept me antsy as I laid in bed failing to fall asleep that for a week or to had me convinced I was suffering from auditory hallucinations which ended up not being the case as I realised these noises only came from the muscle relaxation further compressing the airways and from there I had food poisoning from what I think had to have been the two nights of what I now think was bad sushi and some other mystery GI illness that felt like a rusty knife was sliding through my insides that had me [GROSS WARNING DO NOT READ]shitting so much blood I thought I was going to die[/GROSS WARNING DO NOT READ] and throughout it all I was tired and cold and miserable hating life and w/e and part of what started making me feel better was to start using reading glasses to work/ read/ draw to rest my weary eyes and to buy a new bed (just because) and although things symptoms started to improve I checked the date and upon realizing the sword of Damocles was just about to drop I compressed a month's worth of work into 6-7 days being all hopped up on 5-hour energy (grape), multi-vitamins, and a Hokuto No Ken marathon (ATTA!) and despite barely making it in time to make through the next month I realized just how much time I lost and still felt like a failure.


I forgot to mention that a spider or something bit my face and I have this nipple sized bite/ blood/pus drooling absess under my right eye that I can see in my peripheral vision and that I'm currently having a long drawn out passive aggressive conversation about my upstairs neighbor and lazy ass kids who let their dog piss and shit all over the balcony which drips onto my patio and worse yet seeps into my laudry room where it pools on the floor and on top of my dryer while although not health related it made my mind feel all shitty all the while I was fighting intense fatigue from the lack of sleep that kept me from staying conscious for more than a few hours before I passed out again somedays being completely bed ridden!

And yes - I did go to the doctor. None of it was serious - it was just a few minor things made worse by chronic allergy symptoms that's all. I still need to schedule an additional checkup for certain things to rule them out but the doctor firmly believes those symptoms occured through heavy missuse of ibuprofin. It all still sucked though!


So yeah... that happened.
5 years ago    

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Apparently they started a Dangan Ronpa anime and it's as hilariously self aware of it's low budget as the source material giving me an update to my avatar!


I can understand it having a limited fanbase so the lack of Monobear art I can let slide but if I don't see pink blood catch on I'm gonna super be pissed.

If you want to see the op it came from here it is I guess: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKIiDH3HhFc

I applaud their aggressive trope aversion but this song choice was trying way too hard to be different. The rest is basically an After Effects animated slide show so... yeah - low budget rearing it's ugly head.

Still I say it's worth watching.... you know if you still watch anime. I didn't want to talk about it when it first came out because the beginning of the story is meant to set up your expectations... and it isn't until the events of, well... what happens in episode 2 that you will get the sense of what the story is really about and the significance behind such exaggerated characters. It's far from perfect but at least they're trying something different which is more than I can say about... I dunno.. something like FFXIII-III.

Also while I'm here I wouldn't mind it if the female voiced Mewtwo was a different, actual female Mewtwo afterall! Even if the rumored story is true, as dumb as it would be, I like the idea of the vulnerable speedster gimmick over the expected massive strength! If it's the same Mewtwo that's fine too... but damn... that might actually be a worse story than the one people propose for Newtwo because regardless of what the story would be to lead to becoming so dramatically different you know they would NEVER tell you what it is~
5 years ago    

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Short version: RESEND ME COMMISSION EMAILS/ NOTES USING "[commission]" at the head of the subject line! I'm starting to work on them again and this will increase your chances I will get to yours sooner rather than later. Also it would be in your best interest to include any updates to characters/ designs!

I'd like to say I remember them all but there's only one way to tell, is there!


It's been a while... and I got notes and emails for days. Literally. It would take days giving each message the time it needs to give everything an appropriate response.

With that out of the way I'm going to start tackling the long overdue commission list. A few of the stuff I have slated are pretty obvious but I'd hate to turn things in with outdated info.

You know, obsolete character designs or worse, doing work featuring characters from people who are no longer... well you know.


All I ask is that you send me your emails/ notes with the header [commission] to make sure I get your message. Again some of the more recent ones are obvious... but for some of the info it's buried so deep in the much and mire that is my archives that I'm concerned I would be missing out on pertinent info by the time I get to what ever's gettin gotten.

5 years ago    

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Just saying.
5 years ago    

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Like.... I have a quarter thousand notes to go through and because I'm primarily running skype, if I'm on I'm either in a call catching up with people at a one to one basis or simply away. I mean no offense but I can only give my full attention to so many things at once! Better this than still being gone.... just be patient with me and hopefully it will all even out!

Or sit in your chair wondering if I hate you because that's a reasonable response!!!
5 years ago    

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It not only replaced my aging cintiq, it replaced my desktop when it came to drawing period. It's amazing.

The Samsung Ativ Smart PC Pro 700T is everything I ever wanted in a tablet PC. Drawing in Sai is the least of it's capabilities! Hell, because Sai is so well optimized I bet it would run perfectly on the 500T which is a fraction of the price! Not all windows 8 tablets have fully functional wintab/ etc drivers for pressure sensitivity and accuracy but I lucked out in having one that works suggested to me and yeah, it's mindblowing how great it is!

Gonna pick up one of these cases for it pretty soon. How it's not mass produced yet is a damn shame!


If you're shopping around for tablets I think this is the best you can get for the half inch thick, 2 lb slate design.

If you want something more heavy duty I suggest the Fujitsu T902, who's top model is, regardless of what razer claims, the most powerful tablet PC you can buy.
5 years ago    

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Work update - Recent goals and Offbeatr (3 years ago)
About contacts/ skype/ notes/ etc (3 years ago)
Oh yeah - I got a Patreon now. (3 years ago)
Update - Offbeatr (3 years ago)
Update // Downswing of the infection/antibiotics/steroids (3 years ago)
5 prescriptions later.... (4 years ago)
Hard crash... (4 years ago)
Home now. (3 years ago)
ych auction - 9 hour warning (3 years ago)
the two non advertised books and a daki (3 years ago)
updates (ask for more info) (3 years ago)
ESG 2015 (4 years ago)
not ded (4 years ago)
Did anyone see the Oldboy 2013 remake? (5 years ago)
The law is dicks (5 years ago)
The human body is a complete mystery. (5 years ago)
Mik Offbeatr project (crowdfunding) is now live! (5 years ago)
Okay so Pokemon X Y happened. (5 years ago)
Inafune's [Megaman] kickstarter (5 years ago)
Well that sucked. (5 years ago)
Also: Monobear (5 years ago)
To commissioners - PLEASE READ (5 years ago)
Jotaro is overrated [Team Gyro Zepelli here] (5 years ago)
Warning: It's too early to take things personally! (5 years ago)
Small update about the Tablet PC I use to draw (5 years ago)