My anxiety over FA us ridiculous    

By Tsampikos, a month ago
First and foremost I am way more active on Twitter - check it out

But yeah Im having difficulty posting on or working on art owe from fa. Like... full on anxiety attacks. It makes no sense. I built it up in my head into something ridiculous and its something I need to power through. I know I come back and apologize a lot but I really need to move passed these issues. Its just a web site. It shouldnt take me months to check my notes.

User replies


#link     Posted: a month ago

Stay strong! I am pretty sure most of us are here to support you owo-b <3

#link     Posted: a month ago

I really love your stuff, I hope you can manage to get past it! <3

#link     Posted: a month ago

i know how anxiety feels and i am sorry you are suffering that. just take the good with the bad and know that there are people that adore your work and will always support and try to be kind to you. I want you to know i am one of them.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Counselors, "life coaches", and even psychiatrists would be really helpful in your case. I'd recommend seeing one if things are continually rough for you.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Sometimes it's easier to look at your project at smaller steps at a time

#link     Posted: a month ago

I totally understand. I used to be that way about just checking "notifications" for new uploads. Now I treat it like a feed and just let the number get bigger: been a lot less stressful. Before it was like a really odd chore.

You can do it! Maybe the people you need to do work for are off site as well? Might be easier to keep in touch with them that way.

#link     Posted: a month ago

It happens, hope you can get through it!

Where could we be able to contact you, if you ever decide to leave? I hope you don't, as FA isn't the worst, but just in case?

#link     Posted: a month ago

Sorry to hear you've been having trouble =(

#link     Posted: a month ago

Anxiety stuff like this has no reason; it's by definition irrational. Best of luck, and hope you can power through!

#link     Posted: a month ago

:O hope you can get rid of it somehow, small continous step might work

#link     Posted: a month ago

if its any encouragment, it was your flying cat girl with wings from FA, that made me like furry art years ago.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I wish you the best, I have the same type of clinical anxiety. I'll support your work wherever I see it! Take care

#link     Posted: a month ago

but twitter is a terrible medium for art, sadly enough!

you should do us a kindness and upload those adorable Rapidash pics here.

#link     Posted: a month ago

As a man who suffers from chronic anxiety and depression, for which I have to take medication to be able to function properly, I feel you dude... It's difficult to constantly have to face something that makes you feel like you're being thrust into an active volcano with barely a shirt for protection.

But at the same time, I know that the only way to fight back against the anxiety is to go against it. Do what makes you anxious and it'll eventually go away. You should've seen me when I first moved house. I was having outbursts of panic and anger all the time throughout the drawn-out process, but the only thing that made it go away was for me to finally move out. I'm not saying it's easy, it's not! But as hard as it is, it's also fairly simple; like a Souls-game. :D

And don't be afraid to ask for help either. Whether it's a comforting drink, a supportive friend or just a stuffed animal, anything that helps is a good thing. (In moderation of course.)

Of course, if it's something recurring like in your case it's going to be even harder to battle... But again, the only way to be rid of the feeling is to face it. And if by chance it never goes away no matter what you do, or if there's no feeling of relief... then I'd recommend seeing a doctor. Because then you and I might be more alike than you'd think.

#link     Posted: a month ago

i remember meeting u at an AC and youre a sparkling gem in a sea of broken candy canes

#link     Posted: a month ago

Best of luck! Hang in there.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Aww, sorry to hear. Best of luck getting over it!

#link     Posted: a month ago


#link     Posted: a month ago

Sorry to hear about the anxiety

#link     Posted: a month ago

Really? You used to be so active here. Did something happen to trigger the anxiety? =(

#link     Posted: a month ago

Anxiety sucks. Just stay in control and push yourself through it. I hope you won't stop posting on FA, though. I don't have a twitter and wouldn't be able to follow you.

#link     Posted: a month ago

If there's anything I can do to help let me know. =3

#link     Posted: a month ago

Take care of yourself. Twitter is a good alternative,

#link     Posted: a month ago

Just take it slow, maybe dedicate a day for FA only to catch up with things~

#link     Posted: a month ago

Perhaps a multi-uploader service similar to Postybirb would be to your benefit so that you're not interacting directly with FA when you don't want to, but your content is still getting out there everywhere efficiently?

#link     Posted: a month ago


#link     Posted: a month ago

Sometimes it helps to try to make a list on paper of the very specific anxieties, then sort them from strongest to weakest, then look at the first and come up with a contingency plan for it. Then the second, and so on. If you can't think of a solution for a particular thing, ask for suggestions.

For instances...

If the klunky interface contributes, copy each as an email sent to yourself and deal with them there - or better, ask up front for email communications from your commissioners.

If the number of notes, overwhelms you, deal with at just one each day (and you may find yourself able to do a few more after a while).

If the backlog is a factor, then nuke it and journal and post an apology image that it was overwhelming. You could even copy the anxiety list as an explanation, but you don't need to explain in detail if you don't want to.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I've gotten to the point to where I kinda just... forget about fa? Then I feel awful because I upload a big batch of art then sorta poof for a month at a time. Urgh.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Just breath, you got this, you can handle what ever life throws at you, just stay strong and take your time.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Okay so not sure if someone has already suggested this or not, but why not, if you are comfortable doing so, post an email on your profile here and ask that if people would like to commission you that they email you instead. That way you wouldn't have to actually correspond with the site at all? I see that you have a Twitter account listed, but not everyone likes Twitter. I have an account on there, but to be honest, I extremely rarely use it.

#link     Posted: a month ago

why don't you come to ?

#link     Posted: a month ago

A bit of advice from a person that has over committed so many times it's ridiculous and who is only now starting to gain some control...

You can only do so much.

If you want to branch out to other platforms like FA, you need help.

This is a classic issue with artist friends I see all the time.

When they try to branch out, they get overwhelmed. It's not the work, it's the time.

Or they don't like a particular platform, something.

It's time to realize something friend.

You have reached the end of you.

If you want to go further, you need an art agent.

Someone that gets paid to promote you. Someone that handles the day to day stuff, the orders, the prices, the haggling and removes you from the mundane that drags you down. Someone you meet with once or twice a week and that brings things in synopsis form to you. A short list of items, offers and questions for you to address quickly- they handle the back and forth.

Does not mean you can't communicate with your public, but every professional artist has an art agency with a publicist, etc. Notice I said professional artist. As in making a real living at it.

You are at that point.

You now must decide.

Do I partner with someone and get even bigger?

Or do I scale back, perhaps use FA as a posting site only and tell people to contact me via other means?

Do I hire an art agent, someone who gets paid more when I succeed, to promote me and publicize me? Or do I want this to be a one person show?

Big questions to ask yourself friend...

#link     Posted: a month ago

Exercise. Martial arts.

Nuff said.

Kicks the shit out of anything a therapist can do for you or prescribe when you have confidence in yourself. Go out and kick a sandbag until that thing swings from the impact. It'll make you feel like you're in control, and when you go to see the comments, it'll be nothing to you.

#link     Posted: a month ago

Think its because of external or community stresses. Having a hard time or the feeling of being forced to do something? Upload and socialize when you want to, forcing yourself to keep updated daily is exhausting. Eat well, stay healthy and enjoy yourself

#link     Posted: a month ago

Got a lot of people here who respect you and just wanna hang about with you. Whatever is in your head, causing you stress; look at all the good things here instead of the negatives. Don't let one bad egg make your disavow the chicken for laying it.

No matter what the problem is, we're here for you.


#link     Posted: a month ago

Definitely been in that boat. I know it is kind of scary (Hell, I've had nightmares about it once!) But just take a deep breath, pace yourself, and work through your queue at your own pace and do not give up. At the end of the day, we're all human.

#link     Posted: a month ago

I have a funny feeling anxiety is what's putting me off doing art full stop. Or at least something like that (it could be any other mental health problem I have been experiencing, but anxiety is a big one). You're fine, honestly =P

#link     Posted: a month ago

You can do this!!!! I believe in youuuu