18:30 22.05.2017

Ukrzaliznytsia under NSDC decision bans cargo traffic, transit via Ukraine in wagons owned by Russian companies

1 min read
Ukrzaliznytsia under NSDC decision bans cargo traffic, transit via Ukraine in wagons owned by Russian companies

PJSC Ukrzaliznytsia has introduced a ban on transportation of all types of cargo and empty wagons, including transit through the territory of Ukraine, for a number of owner companies from the Russian Federation.

According to company decree Ts-2/101 dated May 18, 2017, transportation is prohibited in the wagons of Sberbank Leasing, SG Trans, NefteTransService, Freight One, Federal Freight Company, Promtransinvest, Freight One Ukraine, Rail 1520 Service, Agrocomplex, Aston Food Ingredients, a number of SG Trans branches.

At the same time, transportation of all empty wagons owned by the said companies in the direction of Russia is allowed.

The ban was introduced from May 18 until cancellation.

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