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 No.69>>70 >>476 >>1329 >>1334 >>1377 >>1526 >>1755 >>2212 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

War by deception full film

Basic info ignored by kosher media


28 min condensed version of War by deception with all the most important evidence/info on 9/11


48 min section specifically on Iraq and why we invaded and who was responsible


Hour long radio interview on the subject


Debunking of the outright dismissal of the Israelis caught in trucks with explosives


More debunking of disinfo like Alex Jones and loose change.

Even more debunking of the 9/11 kook movement mainly the "missile hit the pentagon" morons


And just for the super dense missile crowd.


ABC News - Israelis Detained on 9/11 Spies

FBI report - Israelis caught with bombs on 9/11

FOX News - The Israeli 9/11 Connection ep.1

RT News and Press TV journalist Ryan Dawson - War By Deception 2013

BBC journalist Alan Hart on Israel and 9/11


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>>69 (OP)


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We have this guy to thank for unearthing many of the documents and other evidence relating to Israel and 9/11

Please check out his archive:


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[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Democracy Now!News Report on Israeli Agents who knew about 9-11 beforehand part 1


[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Democracy Now!News Report on Israeli agents who knew about 9-11 beforehand part 2


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Great article to get you up to speed on why we believe Israel was involved.
Article was dropped by several MSM magazines, eventually being published by CounterPunch.

>What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?



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>Ex-Mideast Envoy Zinni Charges Neocons Pushed Iraq War To Benefit Israel



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Below is Ryan Dawson's compelling documentary on the NeoCon-Israeli connection to 9/11
>911 and War by Deception


And, Zander C Fuerza's book that makes a similar argument:
>Master's of Deception


 No.79>>82 >>632

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>FBI: Arson, not car crash, killed suspect in license case

>MEMPHIS – An arson car fire, not a crash, killed a Tennessee driver's license examiner charged in a bogus license scheme that may be linked to terrorism, an FBI agent testified Wednesday.

>Katherine Smith, 49, was found in her car about1 a.m. Sunday on a rural road 20 miles from her home and burned beyond recognition. It initially appeared that she had struck a utility pole.

>She was scheduled to appear in federal court Monday on charges that she sold drivers' licenses to five Middle Eastern men, primarily from New York City, who did not have the proper documentation to get IDs legally.

>Three of those men – Mostafa Said Abou-Shahin, Abdelmuhsen Mahmid Hammad and Mohammed Fares – were arraigned Wednesday and denied bail.

>Attorneys for the men, all illegal immigrants, said that the denial of bail was unfair and that the men were being punished because of their ethnicity.

>"They seem to be trying to tie this to Sept. 11," defense attorney Clifton Harviel Jr. said.

>Nash said that when Sakhera Hammad was arrested, investigators found a Sept. 5 visitor's pass for the World Trade Center in his wallet. He told authorities he was a plumber and worked on the center's sprinkler system. He said Abdelmuhsen Mahmid Hammad was a cousin who worked with him.

>Federal authorities learned that Odtllah drove to Memphis from New York City on Sept. 11, Nash said



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Top Cop in NYC during 9/11 received large sums of money in Israel in August 2001. His men found the hijacker passport that floated down from the WTC, among other shady things.

>Kerik Loan Activity Is Brought to Light After Indictment

>Federal prosecutors have not alleged that anything about the loan itself was improper. But they charged in a 16-count indictment unsealed two weeks ago that Mr. Kerik had failed to disclose it to the federal government as required after the White House appointed him to train the Iraqi police in 2003.

>The loan allegation was one of the few surprises in the indictment, which charged Mr. Kerik with tax evasion and fraud largely in connection with previously known financial transactions. In filing the charges, prosecutors with United States attorney’s office declined to identify a “wealthy Israeli industrialist” said to have financed the loan or to name the “Brooklyn businessman” said to have served as an intermediary in the transaction, referring to them only as John Doe No. 7 and John Doe No. 8.

>Mr. Wertheimer met Mr. Kerik through Mr. Cohen, a longtime friend, according to associates, and the two spent time together during Mr. Kerik’s trip to Israel in August 2001. Later that year, as he left his New York City police post, Mr. Kerik handed out 19 gold and blue enamel badges that declared the recipients “Honorary Police Commissioners,” and Mr. Wertheimer received one, as did Mr. Berman and Judith Regan, then Mr. Kerik’s lover and publisher. The real estate developer Steven C. Witkoff, who is listed in the indictment as John Doe No. 5, who paid more than $236,000 in rent for Mr. Kerik from 2001 to 2003, also received one of the badges.



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>In a mind-blowing development, La Voz de Aztlan has learned that Mexican Army General Rafael Marcial Macedo de la Concha who heads the Procuraduría General de la República (Mexican Department of Justice) has released the retired Israeli Defense Forces colonel and presumed MOSSAD agent Salvador Guersson Smecke and Israeli illegal immigrant Saur Ben Zvi after both had penetrated the security of the Mexican Congress and where in possession of guns, hand grenades and explosives.



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Is this Mexican angle a dead end? Hard to say.

>Layne summarizes those wire reports on his web site: "The wire stories say the men work for a Mexican company called Private Security Systems Development; that the company's lawyer says the men (both former members of Israel's military; one a naturalized Mexican citizen) have permits for their pistols; that the men were outside the House of Representatives and on their way to a meeting to try to sell their company's security services… the "nine grenades" was a novelty cigarette lighter; that the "sugar industry" workers were a bunch of farmers having a Sit-In outside the government building; that said sugar farmers were annoyed by the men taking photos of the area, which would be necessary if they were selling private security services to officials who worked there; and that the "bomb" consisted of some cables in a briefcase one of the men carried."



original poster >>>/pol/1289098



Those two pages provide what you need to know.

In short: A bunch of rich influential jews with the help of goyim staged the 911 attack, blew up the three wtc towers so that stupid fatmericans would willingly give up freedom and their financial future to be safe from evil bin laden terrorists.

Main profiteurs:

Banks & the military-industrial complex & israel.


[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Relatively short expose on how the NeoCons came to power in the United States.
Once you understand the NeoCons, the 9/11 redpill will be much easier to digest.

>The High Priests of War by Michael Collins Piper



[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>The Lavon Affair: How to Make Jews Look Good and Muslims Look Bad

>Israel used Egyptian Jews as fifth-columnists to mount terrorist attacks on American and British-owned targets in Cairo and Alexandria. That it was actually Zionist terrorism was discovered when one of the saboteurs was caught planting a bomb in 1954. Israel blamed antisemitism in Egypt for the accusations and anyone who dared repeat them, silencing almost all western comment.

>If this terrorist operation had succeeded, it could have provoked an American war against Egypt, an innocent country, on the side of Israel, which was perhaps Israel’s hope.

>Characteristically, when the operation became known and a scandal erupted, Israel responded with claims that there was no spy ring and it was all a hoax perpetrated by “anti-Semites.”




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>Exactly 10 years ago (give or take a few days), on 30 March 2005, Israel honoured nine Egyptian Jews recruited by its Military Intelligence as spies and terrorists, and Israel’s President Moshe Katsav presented the three surviving members of the bomber ring with certificates of appreciation.

>Katsav went as far as calling them “heroes” when he said: “Although it is still a sensitive situation, we decided now to express our respect for these heroes.”

>This was Israel’s official admission, after having publicly denied any involvement in the incident for 51 years, of its responsibility in the Lavon Affair, to the point of even celebrating and honouring the Jewish terrorists who had attacked American targets.

>It’s important to note that these spies were Egyptian citizens who had been recruited by the Israeli military, which says a lot about the loyalty of diaspora Jews. Of course, it’s no surprise that the ADL continues its policy of labeling any and all charges of dual loyalty against diaspora Jews as “canards” despite the well-known sayanim phenomenon where diaspora Jews are recruited for work in their countries of origin.


>>69 (OP)
Masters of Deception by Zander C. Fuerza (2013)


Based sticky, mods.


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Arnaud de Borchgrave's exclusive September 2001 interview with Hamid Gul

>Hamid Gul, the former head of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency who denies aiding the Taliban, was interviewed by Washington Times Editor at Large Arnaud de Borchgrave in Pakistan days after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the U.S. The interview was first published by United Press International. Here is the transcript:

>De Borchgrave: So who did Black Sept. 11?

>Gul:Mossad and its accomplices. The U.S. spends $40 billion a year on its 11 intelligence agencies. That's $400 billion in 10 years. Yet the Bush Administration says it was taken by surprise. I don't believe it. Within 10 minutes of the second twin tower being hit in the World Trade Center CNN said Osama bin Laden had done it. That was a planned piece of disinformation by the real perpetrators. It created an instant mindset and put public opinion into a trance, which prevented even intelligent people from thinking for themselves.




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It's a lot easier to red pill goys on Jewish Neocons first before getting into 9/11.

>dumping some good books and articles on the Jew-run NeoConservative movement

This is a bit highbrow, but still very much accessible.

>America the Virtuous: The Crisis of Democracy and the Quest for Empire

>by Claes Ryn

>Urged on by a powerful ideological and political movement, George W. Bush committed the United States to a quest for empire. American values and principles were universal, he asserted, and should guide the transformation of the world. Claes Ryn sees this drive for virtuous empire as the triumph of forces that in the last several decades acquired decisive influence in both the American parties, the foreign policy establishment, and the media.

>Public intellectuals like William Bennett, Charles Krauthammer, William Kristol, Michael Novak, Richard Perle, and Norman Podhoretz argued that the United States was an exceptional nation and should bring "democracy," "freedom," and "capitalism" to countries not yet enjoying them. Ryn finds the ideology of American empire strongly reminiscent of the French Jacobinism of the eighteenth century. He describes the drive for armed world hegemony as part of a larger ideological whole that both expresses and aggravates a crisis of democracy and, more generally, of American and Western civilization.

>America the Virtuous sees the new Jacobinism as symptomatic of America shedding an older sense of the need for restraints on power. Checks provided by the US Constitution have been greatly weakened with the erosion of traditional moral and other culture.



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This selection is links to articles by Dr Kevin MacDonald



>Understanding Jewish Influence III: Neoconservatism as a Jewish Movement



[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow –Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer Tells Congress

He drops red pillls weekly on his website.

For example:

>America has no enemy more dastardly and lethal than the Neoconservative



Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax by Zander C. Fuerza (2013)



>Uruguay: Israeli embassy worker suspected in planting fake bomb

Police in Uruguay named an Israeli embassy security worker as the main suspect in planting a fake bomb on June 17 outside the Montevideo World Trade Center building which houses the Israeli Embassy.

According to a report in local newspaper El Observador, the suspect has been an Israeli embassy security worker for the past eight years and also has performed similar security work for a number of local Jewish groups.

Judge Nestor Valetti told the paper that "After viewing the security footage, intelligence officials came to the conclusion that this person was suspicious." Still, both Valetti and the case's prosecutor could not give a definitive ruling.

The suspect has since been released from custody due to insufficient evidence and his computer is now being searched.

The device was found by police inside of a sardine can that contained wires, a battery and a switch, though the device did not contain explosive material.

A similar device was discovered by police last November some 70 meters from the building. On that occasion, the embassy was evacuated as a matter of caution, and no injuries were reported. In December, a senior Iranian diplomat was forced to leave Uruguay after he was suspected of involvement in the incident.

Police officials said after that incident that the device was apparently planted in order to “measure” police response times.



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>Secret cables obtained by Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit reveal that South Africa's State Security Agency (SSA) considers its Israeli counterpart, Mossad, to be a "difficult and insistent service".

>The South Africans even accuse Mossad of staging a bombing "to attract more attention to safety at the Israeli Embassy and other Israeli Companies".

>A different cable reveals a South African agent suggesting that Israel may have staged false flag operations in order to make the case for greater protection of its embassy and Israeli companies by South African authorities.

>A briefing on relations between South African and Israeli intelligence discussed a petrol-bomb attack at an Israeli company in South Africa in June 2001, saying another "pipe bomb" had also been found and disabled.

>It also highlights a number of bomb threats made to the Israeli embassy, which culminated in a man walking in to the embassy to make the same threat in person.

>The South African agent authoring the report questions whether the event was all that is seemed, asking "did he actually walk-in at the Israeli Embassy or was this staged to ensure more protection," and, "was the bombing incident also staged to attract more attention to safety at the Israeli Embassy and other Israeli Companies?"

>There is no indication in the documents of whether the South Africans were able to answer their own questions.

[al Jazeera]



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Here are the 5 dancing israelis released documents page by page

4 out of the 7


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Here are the last 3 pages


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[apologies for bad formatting]

There had been a flurry in England in June of that summer because eight or more government officials and political personages tad received terrorist letters in which explosives

were cleverly concealed. Among those who got such letters

were Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, Colonial Secretary

Arthur Creech Jones, President of the Board of Trade Sir

Stafford Cripps, and former Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden.

Cripps's secretary noticed that the letter he received was hot

(police said later it was apparently about ready to explode)

and he stuck it in water. Eden carried his letter unopened

in his briefcase for twenty-four hours before a secretary,

tipped off by police, found it There were two envelopes, the

outer one about eight by six inches and cream-colored. The

innner envelope was marked "Private and Confidential/*

presumably in an effort to see that it was opened by the man

to whom it was addressed. Inside the second envelope was

powdered gelignite, a pencil battery, and a detonator ar

ranged to explode when the envelope was opened. Police

exploded one experimentally and said that it was powerful

enough to kill a man. The so-called Stern gang of Palestine

terrorists later claimed responsibility for having sent the

letters from its "branch in Europe," The letters were post

marked from Italy.




working link here, not sure what happened…



[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anyone have the webm of the rabbis watching the WTC and starting to dance when the plane crashes? It's hard to find and I want to show it to people.


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Insiders profited from 9/11 before the attack happened



>Insiders profited from the 9/11 attacks.

>The government didn't have the programs to detect such profits at the time.

>Afterward, the government made a large effort to build a detection program.

>While it detects the occasional terrorist plot (very rare), it routinely detects Wall St fraud

>The detection program was "shelved" after the CIA executive director said he's "Not comfortable" with reporting all of the Wall St fraud


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Grand Deceptions: Zionist Intrigue In the 20th and 21st Centuries by Brandon Martinez (2016)




>>69 (OP)

Does anyone have a working link to pdf's of ALL the declassified FBI documents in the OP? The scribd link has them but they are charging $8 to download them.


[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ryan Dawson:

>Quick on the 28, they just shot themselves in the foot about Israel


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>>69 (OP)


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>>69 (OP)

Flashback: 200 Israelis busted for spying on USA (60 related to 9/11)


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"The people pictured in the photograph are Israeli and Austrian "art students". What you see is their "art installation" on the 91st Floor of the World Trade Center. They were granted passes by WTC owner (((Larry Silverstein))) which enabled them to travel anywhere within the towers, uninhibited. What was this "art installation" you may ask? It was a balcony, built on the 91st floor. Why would they need passes for the whole complex if they were simply building a balcony on one floor?

>The art student story was a cover to allow Mossad agents unrestricted access to the Towers, where explosives were planted at critical structural points.

BUT! This is not the only instance of suspicious Israeli "art students" around the time of 9/11. In a story that was quickly buried, it was unveiled in 2002 that the US government had arrested 200 (!) Mossad agents throughout the United States who were posing as "art students". These agents were often seen around restricted government sites and even the homes of federal agents, were they carried art work for sale as a cover story. The apparent infiltration of restricted federal sites was so vast, especially at the DEA, that it was recorded in the report provided below.

>All 200 suspected Mossad agents were returned to Israel with no charges pressed, against the recommendations of many American law enforcement officials. The story was quickly forgotten in the War on Terror.

Provided below are articles from 2002 detailing the Israeli art student mystery."

Art installation NYT article: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/08/18/nyregion/balcony-scene-unseen-atop-world-episode-trade-center-assumes-mythic-qualities.html

200 Israelis arrested, Salon investigative report: http://www.salon.com/2002/05/07/students/


Official DEA report on Israeli infiltration: http://www.antiwar.com/rep2/MemorandumtotheCommissionandSelectCommitteesbold.pdf



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[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fox News Report on Mass Arrests of Israelis After 9/11

This report was aired once and then quickly removed from the Fox archives. This is the only time in history when an American television network commented on the apparent uncovering of a vast Israeli spy network.


File (hide): 943c39607e5e467⋯.webm (5.64 MB, 320x240, 4:3, The Jews Who Were Caught ….webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

The Jews Who Were Caught Celebrating 911 Attacks As While Occuring Are Caught Confessing 911 On Israeli TV



File: b72a961acc74d28⋯.webm (7.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Israel did 9-11, all the ….webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

>>69 (OP)

Israel did 911: all the proof in the world


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File (hide): c7ce7707d62dc33⋯.webm (11.39 MB, 400x224, 25:14, 9-11 and Israel, jewry.webm) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

>>69 (OP)


[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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