- ※1946年~1947年頃アメリカ海軍は、基本計画審議委員会(Ship Characteristic Board)が定めた番号を対潜艦ノーフォーク Norfolk(CLK-1)からSCB-1、攻撃型潜水艦タング Tang(SS-563)をSCB-2として順番に割り当て始めた。1964年までに、ブロック単位で割り振りを決めた例は
- 001-009 SCB-巡洋艦 Cruisers
100 SCB-航空母艦 Carriers
200 SCB-駆逐艦/フリゲイト Destroyers/Frigates
300 SCB-潜水艦 Submarines
400 SCB-揚陸艦艇 Amphibious
500 SCB-機雷戦艦艇 Mine Warfare
600 SCB-哨戒艦艇 Patrol
700 SCB-特務艦艇 Auxilaries
800 SCB-支援船艇 Service Craft
900 SCB-特殊船 Special Purpose- である
- ノーフォーク級対潜艦/フリゲイト Norfolk CLK/DL SCB-1
タング級攻撃型潜水艦 Tang SS SCB-2
改良型タング級攻撃型潜水艦 Improved Tang SS SCB-2A
攻撃航空母艦ユナイテッド・ステーツ United States CVA SCB-6A
30kt 護衛艦 30kt DE SCB-7
LST-1156級戦車揚陸艦 LST-1156 SCB-9
南極哨戒潜水艦 Submarine Arctic Picket SCB-12
Migrane III Radar Picket Submarine SCB-12A
アイオワ級戦艦対空戦艦改装案 Kentucky Anti-aircraft BB Conversion SCB-19
LCU-1466級汎用揚陸艇 LCU-1466 SCB-25
- アラスカ級大型巡洋艦V-2/KGW-1中距離弾道ミサイル搭載艦 V-2-KGW-1-XPM SRBM Strategic Guided Missile Large Cruiser (Missile Monitor) SCB-26
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
- エセックス級航空母艦近代化改装 Essex Modernization SCB-27A
エセックス級航空母艦近代化改装 Essex Modernization SCB-27C
1952会計年度リギュラス搭載改装潜水艦 FY52 Regulus Conversion of Fleet Boat SCB-28
誘導兵器搭載潜水艦 Submarine, Guided Weapons SCB-33
Submarine, Aircraft (unknown) SCB-34
バラクーダ級対潜潜水艦 SSK-1 (Barracuda) SCB-35
無線操縦標的戦艦 Radio Controlled Target BB SCB-38
艦隊潜水艦から改装の給油潜水艦 Conversion of Fleet Sub to Submarine Oiler SCB-39
対潜戦用護衛航空母艦スタディ ASW CVE Study SCB-43
アジャイル級/アクミ級掃海艇 Agile/Acme Minesweepers SCB-45A
レーダー哨戒護衛艦 DER SCB-46
レーダー哨戒護衛艦 DER SCB-46A
レーダー哨戒護衛艦 DER SCB-46B
GUPPY II改装艦 Guppy II Conversion SCB-47
GUPPY IA改装艦 Guppy IA Conversion SCB-47A
フリート・シュノーケル改装艦 Fleet Snorkel Conversion SCB-47B
GUPPY II改装艦 Guppy IIA Conversion SCB-47C
ボストン級ミサイル重巡洋艦 Boston CAG Conversion SCB-48
- アイオワ級ミサイル戦艦1952年案 Terrier Guided Missile Battleship BBG 1952 SCB-48
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
- アラスカ級ミサイル大型巡洋艦 Alaska class Guided Missile Large Cruisers SCB-48
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
- 1950会計年度対潜駆逐艦、護衛駆逐艦改装 FY50 DDE Conversions SCB-53
軽航空母艦改装 CVL Conversion SCB-54
調査潜水艦[実験潜水艦]アルバコア(AGSS-569) Albacore AGSS SCB-56
対潜潜水艦改装潜水艦 Fleet Boat to SSK Conversion SCB-58
対潜戦改装護衛艦 DE ASW Refit SCB-63A
原子力攻撃型潜水艦ノーチラス(SSN-571) Nautilus SSN SCB-64
原子力攻撃型潜水艦シーウルフ(SSN-575) Seawolf (Old) SSN SCB-64A
潜水艇X-1 X-1 Midget Submarine SCB-65
機雷敷設潜水艦 Submarine Minelayer SCB-66
クローズド・サイクル・エンジン搭載潜水艦 Closed Cycle Submarine SCB-67
T-1級練習潜水艦 T-1 Target Submarine SCB-68
アイオワ級戦艦40㎜機銃を70口径76㎜砲に換装 Iowa Replacement of 40mm with 3"/70 SCB-74E
トーマストン級ドック型揚陸艦 Thomaston SCB-75
フォレスタル級汎用航空母艦 Forrestal CV SCB-80
ネオショー級艦隊給油艦 Neosho AO SCB-82
セイルフィッシュ級レーダー哨戒潜水艦 Sailfish Radar Picket Submarine SCB-84
フォレスト・シャーマン級駆逐艦 Forrest Sherman SCB-85
フォレスト・シャーマン級駆逐艦 Forrest Sherman SCB-85A
1953会計年度ギアリング級駆逐艦各種プラン FY53 Plan to Finish unfinished Gearings SCB-88
リゲル級給糧艦 Rigel SCB-97
ミッドウェー級攻撃航空母艦改装 Midway Modernization SCB-101
ニミッツ級原子力汎用航空母艦 Nimitz CVN SCB-102
ミッドウェー級攻撃航空母艦改装 Midway Modernization SCB-110
ミッドウェー級攻撃航空母艦改装 Midway Modernization SCB-110A
Suribachi SCB-114A
Darter SS SCB-116
FY55 Regulus SSG SCB-118
Skate SSN SCB-121
Original Barbel Design SCB-124
Essex Modernization SCB-125
Essex Modernization SCB-125A
Kitty Hawk CV SCB-127
Constellation CV SCB-127A
America CV SCB-127B
John F Kennedy CV SCB-127C
Coontz with all Guns SCB-129
Claud Jones SCB-131
Triton SSRN SCB-132
Cove SCB-136
Missile Firing Submarine SCB-137
Halibut SSGN SCB-137A
- コロラド級無線標的艦1947年案 Radio Controlled Target Ship AG(unk) 1947 SCB-138
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
- YP-654 SCB-139
Oklahoma City Talos Conversion SCB-140
- タロス/ターター搭載サウス・ダコタ級ミサイル戦艦1957年案 South Dakota Class Talos/Tartar Guided Missile Battleship 1957 SCB-140
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
- タロス搭載アイオワ級ミサイル戦艦第1案、第2案 Iowa Class Talos Guided Missile Battleship Scheme I/II SCB-140
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
- Coontz SCB-142
Coontz with Terrier Aft SCB-143
- タロス搭載アイオワ級ミサイル戦艦第1案、第2案 Iowa Class Talos Guided Missile Battleship Scheme I/II SCB-146
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
- YTB-752 SCB-147
YTB-760 SCB-147A
LCU-1610 SCB-149
LCU-1627 SCB-149B
Final Barbel Design SCB-150
Skipjack SSN SCB-154
Charles F Adams SCB-155
Iwo Jima SCB-157
13,800 ton DLGN SCB-158
Enterprise CVAN SCB-160
Growler SCB-161
Submarine SCB-166
Long Beach CLGN/CGN SCB-169
Seaplane Support Submarine SCB-170
Leahy (FY58 DLG 16) SCB-172
Improved Leahy SCB-172A
Albany Conversion with Regulus SCB-173 (Regulus was later dropped from conversion)
Albany Conversion with Polaris SCB-173A (Third Ship, Never proceeded with)
- タロス/ポラリス搭載アイオワ級ミサイル戦艦1958年案 Battleship Talos/Polaris Missile MACK conversion Programs BBG 1958 SCB-173
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
Tullibee SSN SCB-178
Victory Ship Conversions to Surveying Ships SCB-179
Ethan Allen SSBN SCB-180
George Washington SSBN SCB-180A
Phase III Albacore AGSS SCB-182
Conrad SCB-185
Raleigh SCB-187
La Salle SCB-187A
Austin SCB-187B
Austin SCB-187C
Permit SSN SCB-188
Sturgeon SSN SCB-188A
Bainbridge SCB-189
Hunley AS SCB-194
Sacramento SCB-196
Bronstein FF SCB-199
Garcia FF SCB-199A
Brooke FF SCB-199B
Knox FF SCB-199C
Knox FF SCB-200
November 1958 CV Design SCB-203
Dolphin AGSS SCB-207
Mars SCB-208
November 1959 CV Design SCB-211
Belknap SCB-212
Lafayette SCB-216
Forrest Sherman ASW Modernization SCB-221
Truxtun SCB-222
Guppy III FRAM? SCB-223
Spruance DD SCB-224
Kingsport Satellite Ship Conversion SCB-225
Silas Bent SCB-226
Ticonderoga DDG/CG SCB-226
Typhon DLGN (FY65) SCB-227
Suribachi Modernization SCB-232
Victory Ship Conversion to FBM Support Ships SCB-234
Metor SCB-236
Simon Lake SCB-238
Forrest Sherman AAW Conversion SCB-240
California DLGN/CGN SCB-241
Farragut AAW Modernization SCB-243
Coontz AAW Modernization SCB-243
Samuel Gompers SCB-244
Narwhal SSN SCB-245
Virginia DLGN/CGN SCB-246
Barry ASW Modernization SCB-251
Flagstaff SCB-252
Oliver Hazard Perry FFG SCB-261
Guitarro SCB-300
Lipscomb SSN SCB-302
Los Angeles SSN SCB-303
Ohio SSBN SCB-304
Blue Ridge SCB-400
Austin SCB-402
Charleston SCB-403
Anchorage SCB-404
Newport SCB-405
LCU-1627 (Later) SCB-406
Tarawa SCB-410
Asheville SCB-600
Pegasus PHM SCB-602
Puget Sound SCB-700
Yellowstone SCB-700
L. Y. Spear SCB-702
Kilauea SCB-703
Wichita SCB-707
Melville SCB-710
De Steiguer SCB-710
Mission Class Tanker Jumbo Conversion SCB-713
Edenton SCB-719
Pigeon SCB-721
Chauvenet SCB-723
Wilkes SCB-726
Hayes SCB-726
Wyman SCB-728
Gyre SCB-734
Emory S Land SCB-737
Cimarron SCB-739
Powhatan SCB-744
YP-654 SCB-800
- No. Type FY48-64 Series (SCB-1 to SCB-252)
1 CLK ノーフォーク級対潜艦
2 SS タング級攻撃型潜水艦
2A SS 改良型タング級攻撃型潜水艦 by SCB-116
5 DL ミッチャー級フリゲイト
6 CVA 攻撃航空母艦ユナイテッド・ステーツもしくはSCB-6A
7 DDE 対潜駆逐艦フレッチャー級
8 CVE 1940年代末の護衛航空母艦案
9 LST Terrebonne Parish class
11 AGB Glacier Type icebreaker
12 SSR Migraine II conversion
12A SSR Migraine III conversion
13 CC USS Northampton
14 APA 20-knot APA
15 AKA 20-knot AKA
16 AGC 20-knot AGC
17 LSD 20-knot LSD
19 BB(AA) アイオワ級戦艦対空戦艦改装案
25 LCU SCB-25A LCU-1608 class
26 Hawaii with a short flightdeck forward
- 26 CB(M)G V-2-KGW-1-XPM SRBM Strategic Guided Missile Large Cruiser (Missile Monitor)
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
- 27
27A CVA Essex class hydraulic catapults
27C CVA Essex class steam catapults
28 SSG Tunny prototype Regulus conversion Missilie launching submarine conversion
32 LST 20-knot LST
37 IFS USS Carronade
38 AG Colorado as target ship for anti-ship missiles
39 SSO Guavina conversion
43 CVE Escort Carrier Project Early 1950s
45A MSO Acme, Agile and Aggressive classes
46 DER DEs converted to radar pickets
47 SS GUPPY II conversion
48 CAG Boston class Terrier conversion
- 48 CBG Alaska class Guided Missile Large Cruisers
- 48 BBG テリア搭載アイオワ級ミサイル戦艦1952年案
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
- 49 AKS AKS-32 and 33 Stores Issue Ships
52 BBG アイオワ級戦艦テリアSAM搭載艦
54 CVL Modernisation of 2 Independence Class
56 AGSS Albacore one-off
58A SSK Bass class ASW hunter-killer submarine
60 LVT A for LVT(A)5 and B for LVT(3)
64 SSN Nautilus one-off
64A SSN Seawolf one-off
65 SS X-1 Type II Midget submarine
66 SSM Proposed minelyaing submarine conversion
67 SS Closed Cycle Submarine (SSX)
68 SST Mackerel class training submarine
69 MSC Bluebird class
72 DE Dealey class
75 LSD Thomaston class
77 AKA and SCB-77A
78 LPA Paul Revere class
80 CVA Forrestal class
82 AO Neosho class
83 CBC USS Hawaii completed as a flagship
84 SSR Sailfish class
85A DD Forrest Sherman class
85 DD Forrest Sherman class
97 AF Rigel class
110 CVA Midway and Franklin D. Roosevelt refit 1950s
110A CVA Coral Sea refit 1950s
114A AE Suribachi class
115 AVS Aviation Stores Ship
116 SS Darter one-off
118 SSG Regulus conversion of Barbero
119 LST De Soto County class
121 SSN Skate class
122 LPH USS Thetis Bay
123 Mine warfare vessel no other detials
124 SS Improved Darter, replaced by SCB-150
125 CVA Essex class angled flight deck
126 AGR Guardian Class Converted EC-2 type Radar Picket Ships
127 CVA USS Kitty Hawk
127 A CVA USS Constellation
127 B CVA USS America
127 C CVA USS John F. Kennedy
131 DE Claude Jones class
132 SSRN Triton one-off
136 MSI names not known
137 SSG Production SSG design, replaced by SCB-137A
137 A SSGN Halibut one-off
- 138 Radio Controlled Target Ship AG(unk) 1957
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
- 139
140 CLG Cleveland class Talos conversion
140 A CLG Cleveland class Talos conversion (flagship)
- 140 BBG タロス/ターター搭載サウス・ダコタ級ミサイル戦艦1957年案
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
- 140 BBG タロス搭載アイオワ級ミサイル戦艦案第1案、第2案
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
142 DLG Coontz class
144 CVS FRAM II Refit of Essex class CVS
146 CLG Cleveland class Terrier conversion
146 A CLG Cleveland class Terrier conversion (flagship)
- 146 BBG タロス搭載アイオワ級ミサイル戦艦案第1案、第2案
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
149 LCU SCB-149A LCU-1625 class
150 SS Barbel class
152 LST 20-knot LST
153 CVA SCB-127A and SCB-160 built instead
154 SSN Skipjack class
155 DDG Charles F. Adams class
157 LPH Iwo Jima class
158 CGN Nuclear cruiser project
159 LPH Proposed conversion of USS Bock Island
160 CVAN USS Enterprise
161 SSG Greyback class, Darters modified under construction
162 LCM Hydrofoil LCM
165 CGN Nuclear cruiser project
166 SSGN FY58 SSGN, not build due to Polaris
166 A SSGN FY58 SSGN, not build due to Polaris
167 CGN Nuclear cruiser project
168 CGN Nuclear cruiser project
169 CGN USS Long Beach
170 SSO Projected SSO for seaplane support
172 DLG Leahy class
173 CG Albany class conversion
- 173 BBG タロス/ポラリス搭載アイオワ級ミサイル戦艦1958年案
- U.S. Battleship Conversion Projects 1942-1965: An Illustrated Technical Reference (Createspace, 2013.)より
- 174 CG Proposed conversion of Des Moines class
176 AV AV Conversion of Commencent Bay class CVE
177 AVB Conversion of LST-1154 to AVB-2
178 SSKN Tullibee one-off
179 AGS Victory FBM survey ship conversion
180 SSBN Ethan Allen class
180 A SSBN George Washington class
182 AGSS Albacore Phase II - 1956
182 A AGSS Albacore Phase III - 1959
185 AGOR Conrad class SCB-710
187 LPD Raleigh class
187 A AGF USS La Salle
187 B LPD Austin class
187 C LPD Austin class
188 SSN Permit class
188 A SSN Sturgeon class
189 DLG USS Bainbridge
190 AS USS Proteus SSBN support modernisation
192 AG USS Oxford
194 AS Hunley class
196 AOE Sacramento class also SCB-711 SCB-711
198 AGFF USS Glover
199 FF Bronstien class
199 A FF Garcia class
199 B FFG Brooke class
199 C FF Knox class
202 PCH USS High Point
203 CVAN Small Nuclear Attack Carrier Became SCB-211
205 AGM Missile Range Instrumentation Ships
206 DD Gearing class FRAM I
207 AGSS Dolphin one-off
208 AFS Mars class also SCB-705 SCB-705
211 CVAN Proposed for FY61 Carrier, CVA-66 Built Instead
212 DLG Belknap class
214 AGS ATF-112 USS Serrano converted to survey ship (AGS-3/AGOR-3) SCB-709 Small AGS
215 AGMR conversion of USS Gilbert Islands CVE-107/AKV-39
216 SSBN Laffayette class
216 A SSBN Benjamin Franklin class
218 AV AVT conversion to launch sattelite study SCB-900-65
219 AGEH Hydrofoil Research Ship
220 PTF Nasty class
221 DD Forrest Sherman class ASW Modernisation
222 DLGN USS Truxtun
224 AO Ashtabula jumboisation
225 AG Victory class hydrographic research conversion
226 AGS Silas Bent class Medium AGS
227 DLGN Typhoon Frigate
228 CC USS Wright NECPA ship conversion
229 PG Asheville class also SCB-600.65 SCB-600.65
231 CC NECPA ship of new design - not built
232 AE Suribachi 1960s modernisation
233 AVM USS Norton Sound alterations for Typhoon tests
234 AK Victory class FBM conversion SCB-715
235 AS AS-33 class
236 AKR USNS Meteor
238 AS Simon Lake class
239 DD Seahawk ASW Destroyer Project
240 DDG Forrest Sherman class AAW Modernisation
241 DDG Mitscher class AAW Modernisation
242 SS Sailfish FRAM II refit
243 DLGN Typhoon Frigate also SCB-240.65 SCB-240.65
244 AD USS Samuel Gompers
245 SSN Narwhal one-off
247 LST Newport class also SCB-405 SCB-405
248 LCC Blue Ridge Amphibous Flagship also SCB400.65
250 CVAN Proposed for FY63 Carrier, CVA-67 Built Instead
251 DD USS Barry ASW Modernisation
252 PGH USS Flagstaff and the other one
- 2 CG Albany class AAW Modernisation
3 CG Boston class AAW Modernisation
100.68 CVS ASW/CVS studies
100.71 CVS Later Version of SCB-100.68
101.66 CVA 1960s Refit of Midway
101.68 CVA Proposed Refit for Franklin D. Roosevelt
102.67 CVAN Nimitz class
103.68 CVA Proposed Refit for Franklin D. Roosevelt
200 FF Knox class also SCB-199C
222.66 DD Forrest Sherman class ASW Modernisation
224 DX Spruance class
226 CSG Tinconderoga class
240.65 DLGN Typhoon Frigate also SCB-243
241.66 DLGN California class
243.66 DLG Farragut class AAW Modernisation
244.66 DLG Leahy class AAW Modernisation
246 DXGN Virginia class
261 PF Oliver Hazard Perry class
300 SSN Sturgeon class
302 SSN Glenard P. Lipscomb one-off
303 SSN Los Angeles class
304 SSBN Ohio class
400 LCC Blue Ridge class
402 LPH Austin class
403 LKA Charleston class
404 LSD Anchorage class
405 LST Newport class
406 LCU LCU-1627 class
410 LHA Tarawa class
500.66 MSS Liberty ship conversion
501.66 MSO 16 new MSO not built
502 MSO Modernisation of 1950s MSO
600 PG Asheville class
602 PHM Pegasus class
700 AD Yellowstone class
700 AD USS Puget Sound
701 AVB Deferred from FY65
702 AS L. Y. Spear class
703 AE Kilauea class
704 AGB Deferred from FY65
705 AFS Mars class also SCB-208 SCB-208
707 AOR Wichita class
708 AGS AGS29 class Large AGS SCB-708.65
709 AGS SCB-214 Medium AGS
710 AGOR Melville class SCB-185
711 AOE Sacramento class also SCB-196 SCB-196
713 AO planned Mission class jumboisation
714 AS Deferred from FY65 6th FBM Tender
715 AGS Victory class FBM conversion SCB-234
719 ATS Edenton class
720 FDL Fast Deployment Logistic Ship
721 ASR Pigeon class
723 AGS Chauvenet class
725 AGS Silas Bent class
726 AGOR USNS Hayes
728 AGS Silas Bent class
734 AGOR Gyre class
737 AS Emory S. Land class
739 AO Cimarron class
800 YP YP-666/667 For Naval Academy
900.65 ロケット発射台搭載艦デザイン Design study for a ship to launch satellites (AGSL) SCB-218
Update 18/07/29