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  1. 2 hours ago

    In his 2nd election rally today, Turkish president continues to play the gruesome video of killings at in from large outdoor screens to whip up his support base while his fans shouts religious chants.

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  2. 2 hours ago

    APPALLING: In an election rally, televised live in dozen TVs today, 's president broadcasts the gruesome video of for his supporters in public square, bashes the main opposition party for his remarks on terror problem in Muslim countries.

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  3. 5 hours ago

    Turkish president 's chief advisor Yigit Bulut claims writes a historical freedom manifesto for Islamic world with his comments on , adds PM & imperialist enemies of Islam/Turk better listen to what his boss telling.

  4. 6 hours ago

    In a live TV interview, Turkish president claims US president told him 's purchase of S-400 Russian missiles "justified". It would be smoking gun for collusion if Erdogan was telling the truth, which I suspect not, given his habitual lier record

  5. Retweeted
    Mar 15

    UNBELIEVABLE. continues to agitate & exploit terrible terror attack in for his election rally today, asks his followers if they watched the live feed, repeats the attackers' alleged manifesto of killing all Turks in Europe, says it reflects hidden ambitions

  6. 8 hours ago

    If there is one country in the world that is oppressive and terror-state, it is that locked up children and women, says Turkish president whose gov't has jailed 212 journalists, nearly 800 children under the age of 6, and over 10,000 women since 2016.

  7. 8 hours ago

    Speaking in Brussels, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu accused the EU and European countries of defending mounting attacks on Islam and Muslims as free speech and democracy, says if that continues, attacks like in New Zealand would continue.

  8. 8 hours ago

    Turkish president 's chief advisor Mucahit Kucukyilmaz describes as organised Christian crusader terror, claims Crusaders are coming back again with Islam/Turkish hostility, asks for appreciation of his boss' leadership and defense of

  9. 9 hours ago

    I wrote about secret government documents that expose how plotted to persecute members of unions that are critical of his government. is in clear breach of international commitments.

  10. 9 hours ago

    's state-run TV spins idea of being the most recognised leader and Turkey being the most powerful Muslim nation for the motivation in the mindset of the killer of in New Zealand,

  11. 10 hours ago

    's yesterday manipulation of in turned into headlines in his mouthpiece dailies today. Most branded as "Christian Crusade terror" while Sabah, owned by his family, blamed West & declared the killer is enemy of Erdogan, , Islam.

  12. Retweeted

    Muslim groups raised $200,000 after the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. Now, a Jewish group is returning the gesture.

  13. 21 hours ago

    Let's see what his Foreign Minister and Turkish embassy was up to recently in New Zealand. Here is an exposé on how Turkish Embassy in New Zealand spied on child care center and profiled critics

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  14. 21 hours ago

    's president says he told Governor-General Dame Patsy Reddy on the phone he sends both his deputy and Foreign Minister to help plot a new chart for the country, said he never wants the country of freedoms gets overshadowed by

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  15. Retweeted

    I’m saddened & strongly condemn the shooting of innocent people as they prayed peacefully in mosques in New Zealand. I express my deepest condolences to the victims’ families. Today and every day, we must stand united against anti-Muslim hatred, & all forms of bigotry & terror.

  16. Mar 15

    He mistakenly says Turkey won’t allow Hagia Sophia to become a “mosque” again when he meant to say a “church”.

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  17. Mar 15

    Reading out loud the alleged messages of mosque attackers in public rally, Turkish president Erdogan turns the murders in into a domestic political campaign, vows to thwart any attempt to turn the Hagia Sophia into Christian church as long as he is alive

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  18. Mar 15

    's addresses the attackers of New Zealand in a public rally, says it won't matter whether they have fully armed with bombs, says "the mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers".

  19. Mar 15

    mobilised protestors with a statement that reads in WWI British imperialists sent New Zealanders to to kill Muslims & today cultural imperialism using Islamophobia virus to provoke folks against Muslims. (This is exactly what attackers hoped for)


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