Lesson Twenty-five Opposite Adjectives This is a list of adjectives and adjectives that have opposite meanings. Knowing the opposite meaning of a word will help improve your vocabulary. | adjective opposite adjective | asleep | awake | alert | drowsy | alive | dead | awesome | terrible | best | worst | big | small | bitter | sweet | brave | afraid | bright | dull | calm | nervous | certain | unsure | close | distant | cold | hot | cool | uncool | complete | incomplete | cruel | kind | dark | light | dangerous | safe | different | same | dirty | clean | dry | wet | early | late | easy | difficult | far | near | fast | slow | | thin | future | past | happy | sad | healthy | sick | hungry | full | interesting | boring | left | right | loose | tight | loud | soft | low | high | narrow | wide | normal | strange | old | young | on | off | open | closed | public | private | raw | cooked | regular | irregular | right | wrong | rough | smooth | short | tall | small | large | smart | stupid | soft | hard | special | ordinary | straight | crooked | tender | tough | top | bottom | true | false | white | black | wise | foolish | Now, try this exercise. Did this lesson help you? Keep going! Next: Lesson Twenty-six - go + verb |