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  1. Retweeted
    6 hours ago

    Islamophobia is not just tolerated, it is actually encouraged by many. It has, disgracefully, become an acceptable form of racism and hate. Solidarity to my Muslim brothers and sisters today. And all my strength to those who have lost those that they love

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  2. Retweeted

    So a white Australian guy commits a massacre in New Zealand because he doesn’t like “foreign invaders” ? Beyond words.

  3. Retweeted
    23 hours ago

    UN Secretary-General appoints The as Deputy Special Envoy to , replacing Ramzi Ramzi. Matar was the Deputy Executive Director of ESCWA and previously held several positions in the United Nations including the Director of the Office in .

  4. Retweeted
    Mar 14

    The ordered a part of residents to evacuate their homes because it may be vulnerable to collapse but neither council nor the provides any alternative housing for people.

  5. Retweeted
    Mar 13

    Note that Agha & Malley reserve essentialist clichés for Sunnis: in their narrative, Iranians are strategic actors that seize opportunities, whereas Saudis are "ascetic Wahhabis" and Turks are "statist neo-Ottomans"

  6. Retweeted
    Mar 12

    Video showing the attacks by the phosphorus on countryside by the Russians and Assad regime.

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  7. Retweeted
    Mar 12

    Assad's regime bombards the village of in the southern countryside of Idlib in the incendiary phosphorus, which is internationally prohibited

  8. Retweeted
    Mar 12

    Malgré l'accord de Sotchi, la Russie et le régime d'Assad attaquent Idlib avec des bombes au phosphore

  9. Retweeted
    Mar 12

    The horrors of sexual abuse of tens of thousands of men in jails. Many of these broken men die twice after committing suicide.The cruel stigma of sexual abuse in traditional societies&lack of professional care make it impossible to help the victims.

  10. Retweeted
    Mar 12

    Syria isn't the only place where UN aid money is abused like this, but it's the most obvious. If you donate to help Syrians DO NOT donate to any UN programs or Red Cross unless you are fine with portions of your money going straight into the pocket of regime officials.

  11. Retweeted
    Mar 12

    My latest for Mapping 's military deployments around Idlib & examining what it would take for a new govt offensive on the rebel enclave

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  12. Retweeted
    Mar 12

    Outrageous. Reported on this back in 2016. This suggests, rather disappointingly, that nothing much has changed. Do better.

  13. Retweeted
    Mar 12

    For those confused, this shows the methodical and complete demolition of former opposition strongholds under the guise of EOD and reconstruction. In reality it is widespread and political forced displacement. And it should not be funded by the UN or other donors.

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  14. Retweeted
    Mar 12

    As the EU and UN Chair the 3rd Brussels Fundraising conference to raise funds for aid into Syria it has transformed from immediate humanitarian aid to "Regional socio-economic recovery". Here, thx to Planet Labs, is a look at what the last year of that has looked like in Damascus

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  15. Mar 11

    Such a great idea to join a PKK supporter's podcast to claim the FSA was totally defeated. Thus repeating a main point of the PKK propaganda to justify its attacks against the opposition and its alliance with Assad. Congratulations 🤢🤮

  16. Retweeted
    Mar 10

    Zinki movement shows it first sign of revival after being defeated by earlier this year. Foto show training in north

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  17. Retweeted
    Mar 11

    Information about fate of Zengi: - Leadership was exchanged due to demand & internal demand after failure against HTS - Fighters fled to Jinderes, but the training camp was established in Rajo district of h/t

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  18. Retweeted
    Mar 10

    The Nureddin Zengi Movement which was disbanded by HTS extremist in western Aleppo, is now reorginising itself with Turkish support preparing for the battle east of the Euphrates against another terroritst organisation. But the faction has became hugely weakened by HTS attacks.

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  19. Retweeted
    18 Jun 2018

    With apologies to for lifting her much-loved series, I present something I've been itching to do for a while.......

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  20. Mar 9

    And denying the civilian status of non combatant is not questionable but downright wrong, abject, dangerous and opening the way to war crimes. As the number of civilians killed by negligence rises dramatically it is time to call out this bigotry and repress it as it should be.


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