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    Feb 21

    🇲🇦 🇸🇦 Les observateurs suivent de près l’évolution des relations entre l’ & le . La tension n’est-elle qu’un nuage gris provisoire ou le devrait reconsidérer entièrement ses liens diplomatiques avec le gvt saoudien Mon analyse

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  2. What Impact Might Osama bin Laden’s Son, Hamza, Have on the Fortunes of Al-Qa’eda? Christina Hellmich, Mostafa Zahran, , , and answer.

  3. "Fiscal policy is mentioned only in passing in Salafi economic programs. Instead there is emphasis on private or semiprivate religious entities taking over welfare programs or engaging in productive investments" Francesco Cavatorta and Valeria Resta write.

  4. How Jared Kushner’s business conflicts played into campaign to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia ?

  5. In a vote of 54 to 46, the Senate just approved a resolution ending US support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen

  6. 10 hours ago

    Qatar deputy PM and Foreign Minister visited NATO headquarter and met with NATO Secretary General..Reviewed Qatar-NATO relationship and the future of joint cooperation on military and security issues under the ICI..he attended also the North Atlantic Council

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  7. Quels que soient les défis, "la révolution est mise sur feu doux, et c’est une victoire pour Assad" a déclaré . Traduction française

  8. Les USA imposent à la Syrie l’un des régimes de sanctions les + stricts qui continueront à aggraver la misère de la population Les pires caractéristiques du régime ont été renforcées: la corruption, la violence & l’absence de l’État de droit

  9. 18 hours ago

    Because you and your chums lied through your teeth: You claimed that Iraq was involved in 9/11 (a lie); that Iraq was allied with al Qaeda (a lie); that Iraq had nuclear weapons, not just WMDs (it had no nuclear weapons, no WMDs); and that the invasion would be a "cakewalk."

  10. : "Perhaps with an eye on a future career as a mediator, or even as a candidate for a Nobel Peace Prize, Infantino said in February that 'If Donald can meet with Kim Jong-Un, then everything is possible!'"

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  11. Although little about the 2022 World Cup has been straightforward in the eight years since Sepp Blatter pulled Qatar’s name out of a white envelope that snowy December day in Zurich, expanding the tournament would be a mistake, writes

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  12. “La question du retour (des enfants de français de ) ne se pose pas à l’heure actuelle (...) Pour l’instant il n’y a pas de retour envisagé”. Des retours ponctuels d’individus renvoyés par la Turquie ont eu lieu ces dernières semaines

  13. Mar 11

    " is pursuing partnerships with Western countries, including an open skies agreement with the which will be the first between the bloc and any Gulf Cooperation Council state."

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  14. Mar 11

    L'excédent commercial massif du et la vigueur du marché haussier de sa bourse nationale soulignent pourquoi le Qatar demeure toujours le vainqueur du blocus imposé par l' et ses alliés.

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  15. 19 hours ago

    I like to think little fazes me in this business. But the stories of the four 4 -i boys from got me.

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  16. Le fils de B. Netanyahu (et conseiller politique) confirme que la politique de son père est de diviser les Palestiniens entre Gaza et la Cisjordanie, de maintenir Gaza sous le régime du Hamas et d'enterrer la création de l'Etat palestinien.

  17. I doubt that Assad will provide the Russians with the luxury of getting rid of him or the possibility of replacing him. Assad will likely succeed in eliminating any candidate for his job that Russia could put forward.

  18. From the Support Conference: In addition to political statements, so far major financial commitments include: - EU: 1.5 bn Euros for 2019 - Kuwait: $300 mn for the next 3 years, includes official and private.

  19. 21 hours ago

    : carried out this PM powerful airstrikes on -city for 1st time since lmonths. The central prison is among the targets hit, which freed 10s of prisoners incl. members.

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  21. Bien vu que de nous citer & moi-même. Contrairement à certains nous savons de quoi nous parlons... L'Iran, on en a mangé matin midi et soir... Et on en reprend encore. Mon mast-o-khiar est très apprécié.


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