[–]▶ No.15216>>15217 >>15231 >>15710 >>16489 >>21403 >>28910 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
There's been a lot of race bait stuff in incase's profile lately.
Thought I'd make some improvements.
Had a laugh doing it.
▶ No.15225
The world needs more people like you.
▶ No.15231>>15279
>>15216 (OP)
Looks good, got any more?
▶ No.15279>>29967
yeah, just working on them. Sorry about the blindfold, there's more to race than skin color and I couldn't fix the guy's face.
▶ No.15302
This makes three race-bait posts in a row. I wonder why incase is so keen on interracial all of a sudden. Maybe it's what his (((Patreon backers))) want?
▶ No.15710>>15750
>>15216 (OP)
the guy is just a flaming faggot though. the only people into this gay shit are the same fags who killed imageboards with their fucking gay chicks with dicks porn
▶ No.15750
▶ No.15777>>15809
Would anyone want to edit these two to have white guys?
▶ No.15823
you're doing God's work, dawg
▶ No.15828>>16355 >>16675 >>17471
There is another one if you want to try it.
▶ No.16355
▶ No.16489
>>15216 (OP)
Doing God's work, anon. Now, if only someone could remove all the fucking dickgirls. Shit's an instant turnoff.
▶ No.16675>>17471
Could both of these be edited?
▶ No.16676>>16678 >>16858 >>17471
What about this? Just curious.
▶ No.16677
If you need a better file I can find one likely. Like a psd or something.
▶ No.16678
The curious guy.
▶ No.16839
God send. I like Incase's style but the shit dicks are vomit worthy.
▶ No.16858>>16875
Does anyone have the sauce for this comic?
▶ No.16875
▶ No.17353>>17472 >>17487
I hate to request but could someone do these?
▶ No.17471>>17675
Lol, wasn't sure if you wanted the latina to be left as is, let me know if you want me to transmute her into an azn.
Race mixing either way, but at least you can self insert now.
Did it anyway ;)
Have fun, and remember to propagate the white race!
▶ No.17472>>17481
By the way lads, keep requesting. I'm checking this thread every now and again and sorting out what needs sorting out.
Tomorrow. You.
▶ No.17481
>keep requesting. I'm checking this thread every now and again
Oh shit. I've always wanted something like this since seeing a similar edit thread on a different board. Good on you, dude.
▶ No.17487>>17488
Sparrows blond linart and painterly shading makes enwhitening his stuff an absolute breeze. Happy to do as much of his stuff as you like.
▶ No.17489
Some of tehu's better stuff
▶ No.17641>>17937 >>17939
Could someone do this one?
▶ No.17675
Holy shit that's awesome thanks.
Can you do the others? I could find the sai files and send them your way if it helps.
▶ No.17690>>17921
Here is another one if anyone wants to do it.
▶ No.17928>>17945
Can you uncuck this pic and blackify the girl also
▶ No.17937>>17939
Would you mind doing this one?
▶ No.17959
Could some one remove the text pls
▶ No.17968>>17969
Is that even uncuckable?
▶ No.17969
Idk time to find out
▶ No.18089
Fixed a small error
▶ No.18101>>19266
I have some more incase stuff that's really cucked. I hope someone will do these though.
▶ No.18102>>19693
Can someone make the cock white
▶ No.18107
▶ No.18269
▶ No.19266>>19270 >>19463 >>30282 >>30285 >>34087
You got it.
You're aware that that last bayonetta one is bestiality right? Eh, I guess it's bestiality with a white creature now.
▶ No.19267>>19268
Hey anon, OP here.
It's really cool to see someone else pitching in, cheers.
▶ No.19268
Hey, thanks. I’ll try to pitch in from time to time.
▶ No.19270
▶ No.19272
Sai/PS files for these pics if anyone wants to do them.
More Ruby pics.
▶ No.19393>>19542
Does anyone want to uncuck this one?
▶ No.19463>>19543
I didn't know that. Thanks for doing all that (and I still have so much more of Incase's work that's mixed-racial) but I just mostly wanted those ones. I wish he didn't ruin his great work with all those mooncrickets.
▶ No.19543
throw 'em up. and don't forget to spread the uncucked stuff on other sites, if your the spreading type.
▶ No.19627>>19656 >>32998
Don't you have to make the dicks smaller too?
▶ No.19656
Dont be so hard on yourself, yours is probably also just average sized like the rest of the blacks, whites, asians and others.
▶ No.19693>>19817
Can anyone do this
▶ No.19817
I can do it, but i need source
▶ No.20155>>20177 >>29278
Why is porn with great potential always ruined by cucks drawing in BBC?
Also if someone could teach me how to uncuck shit myself that would be great!
▶ No.20177>>20190
I tried it on my own. I'm not 100% satisfied with the results. Can't put my finger on it but something is a bit off.
▶ No.20190
I think its the outlines of the changed parts. They look jagged in some places. Try smoothing them a little next time.
▶ No.20218
can someone uncuck these?
▶ No.20492>>20570
Since this probably wouldn't fly on the other edit thread I follow, I'll ask for this here.
▶ No.20594
▶ No.20826
I know it's Sonic, but this one could use a change.
▶ No.21240
▶ No.21289>>21291
Stupid lipstick. Enjoy
▶ No.21291
▶ No.21292>>21331
Are the other dicks in this white enough?
▶ No.21325>>21331
Anyone else unable to get to incase's tumblr? Did they enable some new policy where non users can't view nsfw blogs?
▶ No.21331
Yeah, its balanced.
Probably, try to log in.
▶ No.21399
Wow that's really good. Thanks.
▶ No.21403
▶ No.22272
Wow. Solid. Thank you.
▶ No.22322>>22537
Not my edits, just found them.
▶ No.22397
>That one is an edit
▶ No.22506
▶ No.22537
thank you for these improvements
▶ No.22674>>22704
▶ No.22704
Some great shoops. Thanks.
▶ No.22707>>22721 >>22726 >>28826
why the fuck do you guys find this necessary?
▶ No.22721
A lot of people aren't s or cucks.
▶ No.22726
Not all of us like that fetish so why not edit to fit our taste? If you like it good for you, if you don't here's a place for you.
▶ No.22963
Why you guys have spoiler tags on?
▶ No.23085>>30619 >>30819 >>30860 >>31097
i got one no one would touch with a 10 foot pole
▶ No.23311>>23313
Thanks. Goddamn do I hate the cucks that do this.
▶ No.23313
I hate how they don't label it a edit and what one is the original one.
▶ No.23390>>25646
Could anyone uncuck this?
▶ No.23641>>23817 >>23874
Can someone edit his dick and him to be white?
I really wanna fap to this but the ebola shit is in my way?
Anyone else agrees?
▶ No.23781
▶ No.23818
▶ No.23819>>23820
Anyone find any edits of shadmans marco diaz comic?
▶ No.23820
Maybe in a year or two. Its too much crap to do quickly.
▶ No.23821>>23835 >>23850 >>23931
Nice I didn't they had insecurity threads here
▶ No.23835
Its another edit board, same as any other. Projecting a little are we?
▶ No.23850>>23851 >>23854
i wonder what's more insecure, drawing black guys with 15 inch dicks or lightening the skin tone of dicks so more people can fap to it
really makes you think
▶ No.23851
majority wins, pal
▶ No.23854
Shadbase is definitely insecure, and when he eventually goes to jail for his drawings, I hope he has fetishized nig-ger dick enough that prison isn't so bad for him.
▶ No.23874
darkening the skin tone of dicks for a cuck fetish
▶ No.23931>>23934
>not fapping to X means you are insecure
Sorry I can't fap to gay furry on inflation porn like you, I'm just so insecure of my sexuality.
▶ No.23934>>23952
I fap to dickgirls - by interracialfag logic, you should fap to dickgirls as well because you'll be insecure if you don't.
These nig-ger loving faggots just want to force their fetish on people that don't want it or care about it.
▶ No.23952
There are maybe hundreds of different categories and fetishes(+combinations) but only when it comes to interracial/cuckolding, people get mad at you for not wanting to fap to it. Its always cucks who throw a fit in comments. Sorry peeps, not everyone has inferiority complex.
▶ No.24050
Would anyone uncuck these?
▶ No.24064
▶ No.24213>>24327 >>24696 >>25429
My first attempt at uncucking. How'd I do? Any ideas on filling in the text bubbles?
▶ No.24327
Looks good. Second image kinda looks like Sagat
▶ No.24379
▶ No.24385
▶ No.24397>>24696
This one is a little sloppy, but in my defense so is the original.
▶ No.24583
▶ No.24689>>24694
Whaaaa, the guys in the pictures arent cumskins. Must be RACEBAIT!!!!!!
▶ No.24694>>24696
Doing great work anons, link something I can donate to if you want, just seeing people like >>24689 getting infuriated is enough to make me want to finanace it.
▶ No.24696
I did >>24213 and >>24397, and I'm slowly chipping away at some more. Feel free to make requests. I don't have any way to get paid, at least not privately. I should think about getting a Bitcoin wallet and probably a tripcode for threads like these.
▶ No.24974
Decide to edit more images from this artist
▶ No.25042>>25081
▶ No.25081
Tried something different with this one. I've done a few of these now, and I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the artists draw the guys white and make them BLACKED at the end.
You're welcome. I wanted to make them lighter, but it was just too destructive. As it is, I figure they're still white but they're just in shadow.
▶ No.25429
old reply but, you either edit them out or add in the same dialogue just slightly altered
like so
▶ No.25506>>25613
Artist is nisetanaka, can anyone give it a try?
▶ No.25602>>25614
Does anyone want to uncuck this?
▶ No.25614>>25646
If someone can find me higher quality versions of >>25451 and the third pic from >>25447 I'll do them. I don't want to put out the effort on pictures with noticeable compression if there's a better version to work with. I probably won't do the second one from >>25447's set, though. Doesn't do anything for me.
I don't know what to do with this one. That's clearly an orc, not a Chocolate-American. Do you want the girl's skin changed?
▶ No.25646>>25648
Sorry. I meant if someone could edit the orc to be a human.
There is also this if anyone wants to edit it.
▶ No.25648
I forgot I had that pic halfway finished. Here you go.
▶ No.25709>>25712
can someone please explain how to do these?
I get that you select the skin region and probably color correct it. But anyway I do it makes it look cheesy.
▶ No.25712>>28830 >>31959 >>32565 >>32822
Here's an alternate version of that last one I meant to post.
A visual guide would be better, but here's how I do it in GIMP.
>open up image
>make two more copies of layer
>rename layers from top to bottom: overlay, uncucked, original
>right-click overlay layer, and if the option 'Add Alpha Channel' is available, click it (if the layer doesn't have an alpha channel, erased areas just turn white instead of transparent)
>delete big chunks of the guy's skin on the overlay layer (this is just to make sure the color correction in the next step looks good, so don't worry about the finer points)
>select uncucked layer, go to Colors > Curves, and play around with them until you get something that looks good. This part takes time to master, since you have to find the right balance between changing the skin color, making it consistent with the scene's lighting, and not ruining the lineart. You'll often have to edit the Blue channel separately so the guy doesn't come out purple
>clean up what remains of the guy on the overlay layer. You can use the eraser, Free Select (click, not click-and-drag), and the Paths (Selection from path option) to do this. When it comes to erasing, you'll probably want a round brush with soft edges. If you make a mistake with any of these tools and you would lose a lot of work with Ctrl-Z, check 'Anti erase' in the eraser tool options.
>once you think the image is done and have flipped back-and-forth between your edit and the original to make sure you didn't miss any spots, save the XCF in case you ever want to go back to it, then export the image as either a PNG or a 100% quality JPG
If none of this helps you can post an example of your work, even if it's unfinished, and I'll try to help you.
▶ No.25964>>26053
Can someone lighten-up or edit these please?
▶ No.26055>>26144
▶ No.26062>>26144
Hory sheit.
Pretty fucking neat anon. Thanks!
▶ No.26144
I couldn't find a better copy of >>25451 like I asked about, but it looked good after I ran it through waifu2x, so here it is.
I'm happy you liked it.
▶ No.28389>>28480
▶ No.28391
▶ No.28480>>28489 >>28588 >>28830
2 versions.
<posted from my cuckshed
▶ No.28489
Thanks for the white cum one
▶ No.28498
Whats with all the dicks?
▶ No.28569
These threads are always good for a laugh.
▶ No.28588
▶ No.28669>>28678 >>35197
There's a special place in hell for people who BLACK Vivian, and especially qt chubby Vivian.
▶ No.28678>>28711
>>28669 thanks, now its actually fapable
▶ No.28711
You're welcome. Here are some unsolicited edits I've been working on.
▶ No.28818>>28830 >>31097 >>32652 >>34411
Can it be done? Can it be uncucked?
▶ No.28826>>28827 >>28830 >>28834 >>29563
Comes off as being SJW in the other direction due to all the "this person is a , so I can't project myself on it because I'm so racist I need my own represented or it negatively impacts my enjoyment."
▶ No.28827>>29031 >>32147
having a preference can in fact not have anything to do with political leanings
Porn is intended to trigger a physiological response, if the male in the porn is a , and if you have a distaste for s, then that will get the the way of the intended purpose of the porn.
If the porn is high objective quality, or you just like the concepts presented, but the is getting in the way of the enjoyment, then if you have the time and skills, there is no reason why you shouldn't tailor it to better fit your preferences
we aren't deleting the original work,so you cucks have petty of porn porn to jerk it too.
You coming into this thread and posting this says more about your political leanings then anyone else here, as if you were truly indifferent, you wouldn't bother to express "lol you why u even care dude" opinion.
▶ No.28830>>29031 >>34427
It can, but the art style and content are so utterly unappealing that I'm not going to spend my time editing multiple pages for no return. It's probably better to learn to do it yourself. I posted my process earlier in the thread if you want to give it a shot. >>25712
You're right that I like being able to project myself onto the guy, but it's not for political or racial reasons. If it were, I would take any request, not just pictures I otherwise liked. Projection just gets much harder when the guy looks nothing like me. It's distracting, but rather than throw it away, I fix it.
I did the trap edit at >>25377, and I did a version for myself where I took out the dicks. Why? I don't like traps, but the rest of the picture was good, so I changed it until I liked it. Same reason I did the white cum version of >>28480. It's like ordering a burger and taking off the shit you don't like.
Unlike the SJW's who cry and bully until they get their way, we're not making demands on the artists to stop including Basketball-Americans or change existing pictures. We're actually proactive in our approach.
▶ No.28834>>29031
>"We know of African kings in Constantinople on pilgrimage to Spain; we know of black Moors in Spain; we know of extensive travel of Jews from the courts of Cordoba and Damascus; we also know of black people in large cities in Germany," the historian, Sean Miller, tells me. Czech cities Olomouc and Prague were on the famous Silk Road which facilitated the trade of goods all over the world. If you plot a line between them, it runs directly through the area recreated in Kingdom Come. "You just can't know nobody got sick and stayed a longer time," he says. "What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."
>"What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."
Numales like you are literally trying to rewrite history just to include your cuck fantasy. You nig-ger lovers are absolutely degenerate and crazy
▶ No.28885>>28936
that one is an edit, this one is the original
▶ No.28910
>>15216 (OP)
i dont think it is race bait, the got draws trap porn for fucks sake. he is just mentally ill
▶ No.28917
Why do you have a spoiler on?
▶ No.28936>>28937
it is? fucking cucks
i never saw the original, sorry. do you know the artist who drew it?
▶ No.28937>>28942 >>31246
I have no idea how the artist is, someone posted it on a gamergate thread on /v/, some anons also made a variant of the image where her clover hairband is changed for the infinity simbol of 8ch but i can't find it.
▶ No.28942
dammit. thanks for posting the original though.
▶ No.28958>>28964
Kinda sloppy, but here it is anyway.
▶ No.28964>>28973
Appreciate it all the same
▶ No.28973
I liked these two. Tried to run your third pic through waifu2x to upscale and denoise, with mixed success.
I might try my hand at the gif in >>28965, but I have learning to do before then.
▶ No.28977>>28980
here's that first one quick and dirty
▶ No.28979>>28980 >>29017
here's the gif uncucked
▶ No.28980
▶ No.29031>>29032 >>29060
Fucking love it when the keyboard fucks out on you and drops your words. So given enough time, let's see what the people who responded to >>22826 had to say…
Its an open forum. If its an open discussion then anyone can chime in. You want a private discussion? Take it somewhere private. I'd explain why you're wrong about my thoughts on the matter, but as this place has proven, and continues to prove you're more interested in lobbing insults, character assassinations and your INTERPRETATION in how you see me rather than actually bothering to get to know my argument, the logic behind it and why I feel as I do on the matter.
In other words, you and people like you don't care about being correct, you only care about being "right" and until someone actually asks me about these matters AND considers/engages my arguments rather than just dismissing/ignoring them, this perception won't change because after all the time I spent on this site no one has bucked the trend.
I'm neutral on the matter of inclusion in porn, but I do find it fucking stupid how "nigga doing white woman = CUCKED!" when no sign of actual cucking happening is the default reaction (the fact that this only seems to happen WHEN its a black guy has its own implications). The edits give me the vibe of the kinds of shit I see the SWJ's bitch about and have done in comics like replace straight white dude heroes with females and minorities, rather than just creating their own super heroes whole-cloth.
However, unlike the first guy and the third one I'm about to get into replying to, at least you actually engaged with my point of concern and didn't resort to insults and distorting my position. That already makes you infinitely more intelligent and reasonable than the first and last guy.
<He was the voice of decent, so he must be a nu-male! There couldn't be any other reason, WHAT THE FUCK IS NUANCE!?
Here's your (You). Now fuck off back to /pol/.
▶ No.29032>>32147
>Its an open forum. If its an open discussion then anyone can chime in. You want a private discussion? Take it somewhere private. I'd explain why you're wrong about my thoughts on the matter, but as this place has proven, and continues to prove you're more interested in lobbing insults, character assassinations and your INTERPRETATION in how you see me rather than actually bothering to get to know my argument, the logic behind it and why I feel as I do on the matter.
>lobbing insults, character assassinations and your INTERPRETATION in how you see me
My interpretation of your words is that you are trying to equate editing porn to better suit your preferences to a holding a political ideology.
>this perception won't change because after all the time I spent on this site no one has bucked the trend.
I don't care about fool's views. This thread is about editing porn, not debating the intricate nature of human reproduction, and value systems.
>but I do find it fucking stupid how "nigga doing white woman = CUCKED!"
fucking Christ, fine I will try to walk you through, maybe after you will fuck off
men view women as a reproductive resource, like livestock in a way. Something you care for, and it gives something you want or need. Men also are very tribal by nature, this is due the fact that a man are in competition with every other man, so the only way to somewhat win is to join a team, and hope that some of the spoils trickle-down your way, and tribes do form around race. We don't live in the environment that calls for that kind of thing anymore, but it is the environment we involved in. These things mean two things: One, men divide themselves into tribes by many factors including race, Two, that men view women as a resource, and subconsciously or consciously, view women of their own race as part of their tribe.
Now, the reason I went over both these things is twofold. Women of man's race will be considered in the tribe, whether he or she wants it, meaning if you enjoy watching a n igger fuck a woman of your race, that is a form of cuckolding, and thus is referred to as such, because you like watching someone not in your group take something that you feel responsible for, and that a male being a n igger in porn will get in the way of your projection onto him as he isn't part of your group, and that gets in the way of empathy, and that makes porn less enjoyable, thus we seek edits. As for the equating you're trying to do, we doing this because we want to better to able to enjoy porn, not because we want to construct a narrative, or even because we want all n iggers to go away, we are just tailoring porn to our tastes, there is no political or ideological motivations with the SJWs.
Now, I don't like any of this, I would love if men were indifference to women, and viewed them the same way an accountant views numbers, things would much better if we lived in that world, but we don't, so just have to make do with the biology we have been handed for now anyway. Now pls go away, and stop taking up replies.
▶ No.29060
Here you are.
>I do find it fucking stupid how "nigga doing white woman = CUCKED!" when no sign of actual cucking happening is the default reaction
It's cultural cuckoldry. The idea is that when a white woman mates with someone outside of her own race, it's a betrayal of her race for another. That might seem strange to you, but 8chan tends to lean toward a race-oriented identitarian collectivist mindset (they get just as upset when it happens on a movie/tv show/commercial). This, coupled with the seeming spike in popularity of black man + white woman cuckold porn the last few years, should make the reaction understandable even if you don't agree with it.
>the fact that this only seems to happen WHEN its a black guy has its own implications
90% of the time you're dealing with a faceless dude where his most notable characteristic is his skin color. You can accept certain shades as just being a tan or a matter of lighting, but black skin stretches the imagination to the point of inconvenience. May as well edit it out. Even then, we've had some requests for edits of brown guys, and the odd request for removing technicolor skin.
▶ No.29070
▶ No.29071>>29073 >>29076
that one is an edit, this one is the original
▶ No.29073
▶ No.29076
enter the failure
(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)▶ No.29077>>29079 >>29117 >>29174 >>29248
Here's the full res version of that. I can probably hook you up with the PSD of that at a later time.
▶ No.29079
Fudge I thought I downloaded the full version, thanks.
Guess I should start using spoilers for non edited pics now since everyone else is.
▶ No.29117
I'd like it, if you can get it.
▶ No.29174>>29180 >>29221
Same Anon as here: >>29077
I have the PSD for ALL or almost all the picture's in this series. From 1 to 32. Problem is idk squat about how to upload and share.
▶ No.29180>>29206 >>29248
▶ No.29206>>29209 >>29248 >>29842
GIMP can't open SAI files, unfortunately. Can you post .psd versions, along with the finished images (jpg/png) so I can make sure GIMP isn't messing up the layers?
Here's another unsolicited edit.
▶ No.29209>>29216 >>29221
What are sai files anyway?
▶ No.29216>>29221 >>29248
PaintToolSai's file format. I think if you're using PaintToolSai you can export PSD's. If someone here has that program they can import the SAI files and then export to PSD.
That being said, I still have the PSD's of Ruby Workout.
▶ No.29221
Someone posted earlier in the thread (>>19272). Is that the same comic? Page 1 doesn't need to be edited, so that doesn't matter, but I still don't have any pages after 21.
Can you share those PSD files? Mega is a free service, just sign up with a throwaway email, upload them, and link me to the folder.
▶ No.29222>>29231
I'm a well-endowed, olive-skinned Brazilian and I sincerely hope white people get this blacked shit under control.
Most of us know it's not so much an "omg you hate black ppl" thing as it is an ALL THE GOOD LOOKING PEOPLE GETTING BRED INTO OBSCURITY.
So EVEN THOUGH a lot of the guys doing the blacking might actually be mixed or whatever (and closer to my skin tone) I ONLY get off if it's an olive-to-lighter skinned dude getting in there since it's like a physical representation of due order as opposed to degenerate blacked chaos.
Dudes want more good-looking women.
Women just want to get fucked by whatever kills their boyfriend.
▶ No.29231
>Dudes want more good-looking women.
>Women just want to get fucked by whatever kills their boyfriend.
that is a terrific saying
▶ No.29241>>29242
here's a blackingyourwaifu piece. thought it would be funny to see it bleached because he started out editing/blacking white dicks
▶ No.29242
>jerking off to getting cucked by your waifu
>with a KFC-American
We're reaching levels of beta that shouldn't even be possible.
▶ No.29248>>29264 >>29265 >>29301 >>29841
Here's the uncucked version without cum
(the cum gave me trouble because it was drawn in a way to look translucent, so it looks strange if it's on lighter skin than the original. if anyone has some suggestions, I'll try to get the cum to look better)
basically I installed SAI in order to do this and used the .sai files the anon posted earlier. I did save the .PSD version of the file but it didn't look right when opening in GIMP
▶ No.29264
▶ No.29265
Also holy shit they version without cum is pretty amazing too.
▶ No.29278>>29283
Wow. So insecure. So because theres a BBC means it's cuck? You probably are a cuck at heart and are just trying to fight it. Good luck with that.
▶ No.29283
Says the one insecure enough to complain about other people editing things. Gonna complain about fanedits, mods or rom hacks too?
But thanks for the lesson about what a word means, Maddox. I'm sure that hit to your credibility where you're literally losing subscribers by the day was worth it.
▶ No.29301>>29302
10/10 even without the cum.
You use Gimp? I honestly wish i was half as good with Photoshop. More practice i guess,
▶ No.29302
usually I use GIMP, but for that particular one I used SAI. It was literally the first time I had opened that program. You might find this funny, but the only thing i did was mess around with the brightness/contrast of two layers. Having the source files made the job really easy. I can't really take an credit since all the work was done by the original artist (jlullaby) and I just slapped on a quick edit
▶ No.29303>>29304
Yeah but credit to you for posting it here where most of us are just checking in for each new post so kudos
▶ No.29304
▶ No.29461>>29655
heres a jlullaby one, the speech and SFX bubbles on this were annoying
▶ No.29465
▶ No.29563>>29564
If you don't like it, then why do s like you keep coming here just to bitch about it?
If you don't like it, just move on. I don't like watching black guys fuck chicks, so I just ignore those threads instead of shitting on them like a .
>Comes off as being SJW in the other direction
SJW would be "I don't like this, change it and delete the original" which we aren't doing. This thread is just about taking something we could've liked and making a copy we do like.
We aren't censoring the original and we're not demanding someone else to do it for us. We're making a copy that has no impact on the original and making a new version ourselves. It's the complete opposite of SJW.
> "this person is a , so I can't project myself on it because I'm so racist I need my own represented or it negatively impacts my enjoyment."
Some people just have preferences.
People don't get disgusted by scat porn because they can't self insert as a guy shitting on a girl's chest, they get disgusted because it's an unappealing image to them, just as naked s is for most in this thread.
▶ No.29564
Is censored? That's fucking gay.
▶ No.29655
I've got the PSD for this, but it seems like the "male" layers have been merged?
▶ No.29686>>29838
It's just 1000x easier to draw if there's any contrast, it's why a lot of my art has purple and green skinned people. Also commissions for it happen more often, someone out there is spending a lot of money for this.
t. artist featured ITT
▶ No.29838>>29873
"t. artist featured ITT"
▶ No.29841
You have the sai file of your edit?
▶ No.29842
▶ No.29873
he is saying they are one of the cuck artist, and has had their work uncucked ITT
probably one of the lower level ones. shading and coloring is always a pain the ass on advanced levels, but would be easier at lower levels
▶ No.29967
▶ No.30080>>30193
Thats green. Its Beast Boy. Look up Andavas other Raven pics.
▶ No.30193>>30251
▶ No.30251
▶ No.30282
>uncucked velma
thank you so much anon
▶ No.30285>>30605
>You're aware that that last bayonetta one is bestiality right?
All of these are.
▶ No.30606
More of the poser bitch.
not into the punk look, but these images were just too race-baiting to not fix.
▶ No.30619>>30860 >>31097
I wish someone would do this one, this is a major bate piece for JLullaby, would annoy the fucker to see an unvucked version out here.
▶ No.30620>>30623 >>30797 >>30798
If someone would unghetto this one that'd be quite swell.
▶ No.30623
Bit too gay for me tbh
▶ No.30682
▶ No.30761>>30762
>Gets posted in the JLullaby thread
>Is IMMEDIATELY posted ITT to be fixed
God bless
▶ No.30762
I didn't know where to post it first man. Also wished JLullaby did alts for these types of pics even if there just throw away sketches.
▶ No.30763>>30764
He thinks he’s doing a good balance but in reality he’s just cucking for cucks
▶ No.30764
True. Though him changing the skin tone in the rwby comic during each page get's annoying when you start off with the two white guys and that one black guy.
▶ No.30782>>31030
Doublepost, but I just finished this one.
▶ No.30785
▶ No.30798>>30819 >>31030
whoops missed leg
▶ No.30819>>30860
Damn bruh, thanks times ∞
This one has the greatest trigger factor, Jlullaby would get well triggered if it was fixed
▶ No.30860>>30861 >>30863 >>31030 >>31097
I took a shot at it.
I also tried to edit the text on her blindfold to be race-appropriate
▶ No.30861>>31097
Thats pretty good. Even from just the editing point of view. Funny edit too.
▶ No.30863>>30865 >>31097
Pretty solid mate, I was hoping for an edit on the blindfold and you expertly delivered.
Well done, but you forgot a "bbc" on her right leg.
▶ No.30865>>30866 >>31030 >>31097
tried to edit to say "bwc" instead, let me know what you think. If you think it would be better, I can try to remove the body writing from that location altogther
▶ No.30866>>30876 >>31097
DO you have the SAI file? If not I can see if I have it and send it.
▶ No.30876>>30882 >>30883 >>31097
I do not, if you can send it I would appreciate it
▶ No.30882>>30914 >>30968 >>31097
Here's the sai's and psd's.
Also a request/question for anyone. Can anyone change Natsu to Ichigo from Bleach please?
▶ No.30883>>31420
Also if you need any other sai's ask I might have them since I have 2016-2017.
▶ No.30914>>30917 >>31097
the Hooky3.psd doesn't appear to be the current version. It looks unfinished. However, Hooky2.psd looks fine. I haven't yet looked at the .sai files
▶ No.30917
Hooky3.sai is finished don't know why the psd version is like that though.
▶ No.30918>>30922
Imagine being such a cuck in denial that you think you're a cuck for seeing or drawing a black dick
▶ No.30919>>30922 >>30953 >>31029 >>31031
Seeing a black penis does not make you a cuck. Watching someone fuck your lover does. The only thing you achieve by "uncucking" hentai is releasing shitty bootlegs of someone's work, which then proliferates throughout the internet and becomes the porn eqiuvalent of fake news.
▶ No.30922>>30976
Interracial stuff is disgusting and akin to bestiality, go be a cuck somewhere else.
▶ No.30968>>31030 >>31097
alright, here's an alternate version with the "bbc" writing just edited out
▶ No.30976>>30986 >>30987
"Akin to bestiality" is an exaggeration of inane proportions, but that's besides the point - do you understand the definition of cuck?
▶ No.30986>>30987 >>31477
being a cuck is about humiliation and seeing a woman fuck someone who isn't you
for someone who is not white to be enjoying porn of a white woman with a black man implies they are fantasizing about the woman fucking someone who isn't them. combine that with the racial fetishes and it's pretty clear interracial porn, when consumed by whites, is cuckery
▶ No.30987>>31477
and before you say "all porn involves a woman fucking someone who isn't you" I'm talking about self-insertion in fantasies. In normal porn, people self insert as the male fucking the woman. In interracial porn that is impossible because the man is a different race from the viewer, thus the fantasy can only involve self-insertion as a passive viewer.
▶ No.31030
>All this gay shit
I made this thread to uncuck shit, not make more.
▶ No.31031
>i love black dick!
>stop illegal copying of photos!
>fake news!
▶ No.31032
Really appreciate this guys.
Artists like jlullaby are great EXCEPT for their fixation on cucking. I'd love to start a website that does nothing except rehost fixed images from these authors.
▶ No.31077
some more blackingyourwaifu cuck shit. can someone edit the shirt to say "no black bois" or something? please and thanks
▶ No.31097
I'm surrounded by absolute fucking madmen. Nice edits.
I'm going to try my hand at these.
If anyone needs some older Jlullaby stuff i have *some* older PSD's i can post if requested.
▶ No.31106
Thank you for giving me the initiative to do this myself s
▶ No.31234>>31244 >>31488
I wonder what blackingyourwaifu thinks of my edits.
▶ No.31244
thanks for the edits!
want me to send them to him?
▶ No.31246
probably irrelevant but i found the artist its greenmarine http://rule34.paheal.net/post/list/greenmarine/1 dude's stuff is pretty good
▶ No.31317>>31643 >>31855
JL is doing fucking s again.
▶ No.31356>>31358
here is this uncucked, including a version where I changed the text
▶ No.31358
▶ No.31368>>31369
Can someone redo this? I'll provide the original full res PSD.
▶ No.31369>>31388
Got you.
Would you mind uploading a few of Jlullaby's PSD if requested?
▶ No.31370
I made this for a guy on halfchan /aco/ not realizing you need Javascript enabled to post there now. If someone could share it to him in the color edit thread at 2366757 I'd appreciate it.
▶ No.31388>>31391
Sure! If i have the one's you're looking for i can upload them.
▶ No.31391>>31392
Nice, I'll try to keep it short.
-Throw-away Sketches (https://jlullaby-stuff.tumblr.com/post/173992703631/)
-Pink Boi Set
-Witch Breeding
-Ceramic Panic 2
Thanks in advance, bud.
▶ No.31392>>31393
The "Throw-away sketches" aren't super organized but its all here along with everything else:
Also if you do some edits of mind sharing them with us?
▶ No.31393
Thanks, anon.
And will do, but I'm sure any editor here can do so as well, is no rocket science.
Also, if you got a request outside of these, let me know, that's the least I can do.
▶ No.31420>>31424
>>30883 Got the Jackie Lynn Thomas SAIs?
▶ No.31423>>31424 >>31433
▶ No.31424>>31425 >>31433
That's the Jackie SAI files.
▶ No.31425
▶ No.31433
Holy shit, thanks anon! Got any of his other PSD or SAI files? He took down a bunch of them like "Stay at home mom".
▶ No.31477
in that case its corruption you dumb shit.
A cuck is watching others have sex, all porn would be classified under this.
being cuckold is having a loved one being fucked in front of you either against your will, being a cuck is someone who lets their loved one fuck someone else at their will. Interacial porn is the same thing as watching any porn, If you self insert its your own damn fault, self insert cucks are the worst.
▶ No.31478
My first attempt at this. I really wanted to make this edit look true to the artist style and color palette and not too washed out or over saturated with lighter colors.
This editing shit is pretty good for learning PS gui and basic tools. I'll do more.
▶ No.31488>>31489 >>31504
spoiler the shit versions
These are still black wtf
▶ No.31489>>31504
those are tanned white, not everyone here hates sun
▶ No.31502>>31578 >>31644
Anyone able to unblack the Jlullaby Ruby's Workout Regime or the Shadbase Marco Diaz comic? I'm on the verge of considering commissions for this kind of stuff now that this fetish is so widespread.
▶ No.31504
I edited those. I always saw them as being tan like >>31489 said.
From a practical perspective, there's a point in brightening the image where it becomes noticeable even to an untrained eye. Color banding, compression artifacts, aliasing, so on. Some of that has to do with the source being low quality, but even a lossless PNG can only be pushed so far before the editing required to make it look good becomes way more work.
That Elizabeth one is a good example. Here's a version where I cranked the brightness up without regard for the shadows. This might be passable to some, but any higher and it's distracting. I raised his skin color much more than the shadows in my original edit for these reasons.
▶ No.31578>>31579
Someone did most of the shadman comic before. 4 and 5 never got fixed.
▶ No.31643
if any2 can uncuck this, would be much appreciated.
▶ No.31644
should just point out now most of the good artists in this category have insane waiting lists. I've been waiting almost 3 years for Jlullaby to open commissions and it sounds like he still has no intention of opening them again for a long time.
▶ No.31662
can someone edit the baby to be Sarada, please
▶ No.31741
A few ones if anyone's willing to try.
▶ No.31771>>31775
▶ No.31776>>31779
Are edit requests for furry pictures accepted here? /fukemo/ is kinda dead.
▶ No.31779>>31780
I haven't tried editing one before. Post it, and if I like it I'll give it a shot. If not, someone else might pick it up.
▶ No.31781
I don't actually know if a direct YP link will work here, but if it does, here's the full set.
▶ No.31786
Fucking nice. Thanks anon.
▶ No.31787>>31800
>so black you don't even show up
▶ No.31799
Thank you for that Raven edit
▶ No.31800>>31801 >>31817 >>32585
These three are some of the most difficult edits I've had to do, and I'm still not entirely happy with the Revy one. I might revisit it, but I'll get around to the other two soon.
▶ No.31801
In fact, here's Midna because it took five seconds.
▶ No.31817>>31930
The Revy one seems really fucking hard, the guy's so black he's bending in with the outline, fixing that seems like it's going to take some work.
Good job on the other ones though, here's some easier ones.
▶ No.31855
>>31317 I can get you PSD for this, just request it. But i will warn you that there are a lot of layers and they're a mess
▶ No.31930>>31949
Here are a couple. I'll get around to the others soon if nobody else does.
▶ No.31949>>31950
I'll go without internet for a while, so I'll just dump a few ones sorted by artist.
▶ No.31950
Artist: Urec
Fuck, I forgot the spoiler.
▶ No.31951
First two: Nora Higuma
Rest: Ishikei
▶ No.31952
First two: metal owl
third: orutoro
Fourth: homare
fifth: mizare
▶ No.31953
first: ichijiku
third:kyokutou hentai samurai
last two :lightsource
▶ No.31954
8ch is starting to shit itself so here's the last 5, all from akira (coffee curry)
▶ No.31955>>31959
First one has a version with cum, if anyone wants to try.
I tried fucking with masks in gimp to sort of merge the two together, but it didn't work quite well.
Masks can be fucking trippy sometimes.
▶ No.31959
When a saw the amount of new replies since my last edits, I thought there had been another 'WHY DO YOU CARE THE GUY IS BLACK' shitfest. It's nice to see it was actually a bunch of new material.
I'm a little burned out on edits right now, so I'm slowly chipping away at newer stuff. I'd like to point out my old post >>25712 to, hopefully, inspire people to try their own hand at edits.
▶ No.32004
seconding someone uncuck this one
▶ No.32011>>32048 >>32049
Why are white people so insecure they have to cry about race-baiting any time someone posts a different race?
They're letting their countries get taken over by non-whites and yet they act insecure about it on the Internet.
▶ No.32048>>32101
>Why are white people so insecure they have to cry about race-baiting any time someone posts a different race?
it has to do with disgust, not insecurity
>They're letting their countries get taken over by non-whites and yet they act insecure about it on the Internet.
that has more to do 3DPD voting, and welfare, rather then letting anyone do anything
as soon as white men want to take away voting right from 3DPD, I'll be happy to help anyway I can, until I am going to be waiting for porn to be fixed.
now fuck off
▶ No.32049
why are you, troll?
▶ No.32101>>32102 >>32148 >>32161
it looks better with black dudes because of the contrast of black on white. you people call it cucking, but these 2D girls aren't yours and you'll never touch them or own them. you're all cucks anyway for fapping to guys who aren't you fucking 2D girls anyway, so why does it matter? I just don't get the disgust unless you're actually racist. I'm not a lefty btw. I'm just saying you have some repressed hatred or you're really insecure and think somehow 2D black dudes are taking your 2D women because you have nothing for you in the real world and you have some deep attachment to characters that don't exist. you can tell me I'm wrong all you want, but calm down and think over what I just said for a minute and you'll find that I'm actually pretty close to the real issue here.
▶ No.32102
dude. shut up. nobodys buying your "y-you guys are the real cucks." bullshit.
>it looks better with black dudes because of the contrast of black on white.
cuck detected. also then just look up black porn its not that hard.
>you people call it cucking, but these 2D girls aren't yours and you'll never touch them or own them.
i dont think i own 2d women, sorry i want to masterbait to pics i a can self insert into instead of racebait text, qos tatoos, three feet long bbc and other shit lifted from cuck porn you disingenuous got.
>I'm not a lefty btw.
>I'm just saying you have some repressed hatred or you're really insecure and think somehow 2D black dudes are taking your 2D women because you have nothing for you in the real world and you have some deep attachment to characters that don't exist.
<people are doing things i dont like online so they must have deep seeded issues and cant tell real life from fantasy.
or were editing porn to make it more enjoyable for ourselves.
>you can tell me I'm wrong all you want, but calm down and think over what I just said for a minute and you'll find that I'm actually pretty close to the real issue here.
nah, your just telling youself all this cuz you got triggerd by the edits. by any cance are you an artist who got bleached in this thread?
also i love how white edits are the only places with morally crusading wannabe psychologist gots coming in droves to bitch in, why dont you go wine in the comments here: https://www.imagefap.com/profile/abcdman123
and here: http://www.qos.booru.org/
or go piss and moan at the blacked image community as it has been around for much longer and has all of the problems you complain about and contantly make text edits about being "black owned" instead of makeing relativity tame skin edits.
▶ No.32103>>32652 >>32675
bumping this request because it was never completed, and adding some new images to be uncucked to get back on topic.
▶ No.32147>>32148 >>32173
on a side note, I am trying to become an artist myself
you think that doing edits like this is a good way to learn contrast?
I am going to go through this with you, hopefully you're understand after.
Humans males are disposable biologically when it comes to reproduction, meaning men were and are in fierce competition for their genes to get pasted on with other men.
This kind of competition lead to men become more tribal with their identity, as a group would have a better chance of "winning" even tho they had to share not saying they had to share their 3DPD, but they were more likely to get a 3DPD to breed with , they won more so it became prevalent. Tribal identity can be established along many thing such as religion, nationality, and race. Race is a big one, as it is easy identifiable.
People you view as in your "tribe" are far more easily empathized with, and thus easy to project on. Now we come to porn. Porn is designed to trigger to a physiological response, a response that requires the ability to empathize. That is why unless in gay porn you don't really see anything of the male, it helps with the projection process, however if the male is a nig you can't project onto him, and you see a resource being taken by someone who is not part of your tribe so you feel disgust. This is an attempt by your brain to let you know that is decreasing your odds of reproductive success, like getting near a rotting corpse, your brain doesn't want you near that because it will get you sick. Now I would like to see this posts >>29032 >>28827
the male being a n igger gets in the way of the projection.
sorry u don't like human biology, but there isn't a damn thing you can do about. I don't really hate n iggers bytheby, if they kept to themselves and stopped taking welfare, no one would hate s
>because you have nothing for you in the real world
I want nothing to do with 3DPD, they are hypergamous, and that carries a lot of implications that makes the prospect of being in an intimate relationship with one very unappealing and almost impossible for me. I am here explaining basic concepts to a retard that feels the need to come in here and show us mean ol racists what for, because I have a sex drive and there is a lot of cuck shit that is of high quality that wouldn't mind collecting if it were not cuck shit.
▶ No.32148
▶ No.32161
>it looks better with black dudes because of the contrast of black on white
It looks better to you because you're a n i g-ger loving leftie like you said.
▶ No.32162>>32163
God I'm tired of cucks ruining porn. Please someone fix this one.
▶ No.32173>>32177 >>32270
your entire argument falls on its ass when you realize that this artist isn't making art for YOU. you say we have to make the images the way they're supposed to be. they are how they're supposed to be. he isn't trolling people, he enjoys black men with white women.
none of this makes him or people who like this art more of a cuck than you. who cares if it's another white man or a black dude fucking your imaginary 2D waifu that will never touch or love you or talk to you? take this example for instance.. a man comes here, has an actual WIFE a WOMAN in real life that he fucks when he wants and has a family with. he enjoys 2D women taking huge black cocks because it's hot to him. how is he more of a cuck than someone with as broken as a person and so far down the spiral of delusion as you are?
there's no imperative to draw white men in any 2D porn. white people are 7% of the world's population on average and white women 3.5%. white women are also the best looking according to many men on this planet (more than the 3.5% of white males. when more and more of the majority non-white artists start getting access and knowledge to make art, of course most of it won't be white dudes, but there will be plenty of white women. I'm just trying to tell you to prepare your anus if this shit bothers you because what's coming down the pipeline is going to need a lot more editing than you can provide to turn white.
▶ No.32177
found something
>your entire argument falls on its ass when you realize that this artist isn't making art for YOU
I don't care about what a cuck's intentions are. I can respect their technical skill but not them as a person, and the porn isn't supposed to be anyway or anything. We are simply tailoring our taste, get that through your tiny little brain, mkay
>none of this makes him or people who like this art more of a cuck than you
it does because the thing that makes people irl cucks is the same thing that makes people like dark-skinned male cuck shit in porn
>delusion as you are
understanding human biology and the implications it has doesn't make me delusion, it makes you stupid for your inability to understand it
I never said it was, however you are a cuck if you enjoy such things, should be refereed to as such, and I don't know what bringing up population distributions accomplishes, other the illustrating that you think representation is relevant it isn't the world could 99% n-igger or 99% white, it wouldn't matter either way, as enjoying cuck shit would still make you a cuck really don't like argue with political-other-sideism but that is very left belief
>I'm just trying to tell you to prepare your anus if this shit bothers you because what's coming down the pipeline is going to need a lot more editing than you can provide to turn white.
>zerg strategy
again very left belief, anyway, I don't really care, artists can do as they please, probably could make some money off it if what you say is true, and I learn how to edit.
▶ No.32240
As someone who's pretty neutral on this whole thing, I don't really think either side needs to come up with justifications to verify their own personal preference. There's always going to be porn with black people and porn without black people, so just fap to whatever you like.
▶ No.32270
Why are you being triggered by some edits, virgin
▶ No.32274>>32275 >>32585
Don't even waste your time with this got. We've already had several arguments about it in this thread. If he can't scroll up to read them because he's hurt his hand jerking off to BBC, that's his problem.
Hide and ignore.
Although these types always seem to pop up right when I'm feeling burned out, and it makes me do new stuff out of spite. Here are two I had on the back burner.
▶ No.32275
>'f_a_ggot' is filtered as 'got' now
Mods get the bullet too.
▶ No.32328>>32401
Hello i have ask change in this ero enzo nami and robin with makeup the white male to black male
▶ No.32450>>32451
We have reached the bump-limit guys
▶ No.32451
▶ No.32544>>32574
Could someone uncuck this?
▶ No.32558>>32559 >>32560
since you guys work with skin tones in paint programs, I am curious if you would be able to change some images with white males into black males for me?
▶ No.32559
fuck off to the interracial board on this site and leave us alone
▶ No.32560
look at the the fucking OP, fuck off with retarded bait
you have a fucking place elsewhere, now fuck off there
▶ No.32561>>32565
also does anyone have a process to uncuck shit in photoshop?
▶ No.32565>>32573
Read the thread, >>25712
▶ No.32573>>32585
in photoshop dude
anyway want do you think of this?
I'll do more if I did good
▶ No.32585>>32586
I ended up getting around to this one but forgot about it. Your go was good, you just need to play around a bit more. I colorized my layer to a reddish-brown color then adjusted it with the curves tool. That's a starting point.
I use GIMP (actually, I'm the one who wrote the tutorial), but I imagine the process isn't too different. Duplicate layers, erase guy in top layer, play around with bottom layer until you get a decent result. 90% of the time that's all I do, but sometimes I have to blur or smudge a little but like I did in the second edits at >>32274 and >>31800 .
Ultimately it's just a hobby, so treat it as a learning experience. When I did my first edit I was largely unfamiliar with GIMP but I'm a lot more proficient now.
▶ No.32586>>32601
very good thank you
I also did >>32574
what do you think
photoshop has this whole color layer thing that can work pretty well if you can get it to select what you want
▶ No.32601
It looks good to me, though it looks like you brightened the stuff outside the borders as well.
▶ No.32634>>32637 >>32652
Doublepost but it's been long enough that I'm sure nobody gives a shit.
▶ No.32643>>32646 >>32652 >>32665
Honest question, wouldn't it be voyeurism instead of cucking anyway since you have no personal connection to these fictional characters/pornstars?
▶ No.32646>>32652 >>32999
they have a sense of possession for any female with the same skin color, so seeing a white dude fuck an imaginary slutty chick is less triggering for them than seeing someone with darker skin doing it. there are tons of white sluts out there fucking anything with a cock. TONS. nothing is sacred when it comes to women these days.
▶ No.32652>>32655 >>32665
Thanks for editing the viv pictures i posted. Great job man.
its more about the genre of porn and/or self insertion then the relation to the charaters. read the text on posts like >>28818 >>24213
and >>32103 those are obvious cuck drawings, besides when they edit black dicks or qos tattoos in its called blacking and cucking even if there is no one to be cucked
got any more projections for us? or are you going to go back to /interracial/ to look at bbc edits and leave us alone?
▶ No.32655>>32658 >>32999
sorry you couldn't handle the argument. it's a good point and all you can do is divert.
also I'm not going anywhere. I've been lurking here since long before the board migration. let me know any time you want to have some top quality discussions.
▶ No.32658
>on 2D porn board
>in thread about editing cuck shit into not cuck shit
>defend cuck shit when poor arguments based in feelings and ideology
>gets told to fuck off and gets it explained to him biological that lends to the revulsion of cuck shit, that serves as motivation for making edits
>too stupid to understand this
>still here, still stupid
I know that free will isn't a thing, but don't have you something better to do?
find some 3DPD with a niglet, and take care of it
▶ No.32665>>32667
It depends, like >>32652 said, there are a bunch that are explicitly cuck shit, but the ones without the context could not necessarily be cuck stuff.
Still, with blacked edits/drawings the non-blacks drawing it and the non-blacks looking at these pics because of the black guy usually do it for one of two reasons, either it's a degradation fetish (same as seeing a chick get fucked by animals/monsters) or cuck fetish (the black guy is different enough for him to be unable to self insert into the character, hence the great ammount of interracial cuck content compared to intraracial). The second one, the cucking, seems to be more popular, either because of actual majority or because it's a vocal minority that likes to screech at everyone, including people in this thread, which's why most people generalize and say it's cuckshit, hence the name of the thread.
▶ No.32667
I'm pretty impartial as far as skin color in porn goes, I just fap if it looks good. While I agree that actual cuck fetishists are certainly a part of it, there are probably more people drawing and supporting it (such as myself) who just want some visual variety in their porn sometimes.
▶ No.32675
man, Contingency really went down hill
▶ No.32683>>32705
Think you could edit this one TC? Are gifs hard to do though? Thank you either way.
▶ No.32691>>32736 >>32788
If the Jlullaby patreon anon bro could post the PSD for these I would bleach them in a heartbeat
▶ No.32705>>32706 >>32708 >>33341
This was a real learning experience. How did I do?
And what does TC stand for?
▶ No.32706>>32715
you did good, but the lines that move are just a little off
▶ No.32707>>32715
Love that edit of the gif anon, great work and thanks! You are a legend.
Btw, that webm won’t work for me, I assume it’s a version with sound, do you know any way I could view and save it?
▶ No.32708>>32709 >>32715
That's pretty good, did you use sony vegas for that?
I was thinking of using sony vegas and masks to bleach gifs/webms after I was done sorting my porn folder but I had to go through 60 thousands files to delete the shitty ones and instead of doing it I got another 10 thousand.
Anyway the artist is Buckethead, he does some pretty good art but it's usually with s. First vid is a rare exception.
I only have 11 files of his with some duplicates so might as well dump them.
▶ No.32715
If you compare it frame-by-frame to the original, you can see that some or all of those oddities are present in the original. I didn't make any effort to fix them. They might be more obvious now that the guy is brighter.
I didn't add any sound. Just right-click the filename and save it. You should be able to play it in VLC or something. Make sure you have the latest version of your player of choice and that it supports videos encoded as vp9.
Still just using GIMP. Here's a really shitty guide for how I did it.
>open the file
>clone every layer
So your layer list would have two frame 9's, 8's, 7's, etc. in that order. Keep it that way.
>made a path that covered most of the guy but didn't touch the girls on any frame
>convert path to selection
>delete selection from top-most copy of each frame
>use curves tool on bottom-most copy of each frame
Make sure you've undone your selection. You want to recolor the entire layer, not just part of it.
>use the paths tool and eraser to scrub away the finer points of the dark skin
>frequently reference the paths history tab that I didn't know existed until today
>save project file at this point
>merge top copies into bottom copies
So now you're back to the original order of 9, 8, 7 etc.
>rename layers to remove the 'Merged' from their names
I don't know if this is required, but I did it to be safe.
>export as animated gif
>use ffmpeg to convert gif to webm
Sony Vegas would probably be a good tool for this. Mask the guy out, color correct the clip underneath that, then either export as an mp4 or as a lossless video to convert into webm with something else (unless Vegas supports webm now). I recommend saving your mask from the first frame so you can make adjustments rather than starting over on every frame. Set each keyframe to Hard so you have complete control over the shape of your masks.
▶ No.32736>>32738
▶ No.32738
▶ No.32788
Got your back jack.
All PSD's.
Expires in 7 days.
▶ No.32800>>32801
Dude, you’re doing legendary work, hope you stick to making these posts.
Think you could do this one? Also, if you’re feeling up to it. Check ‘Beruka’ on rule 34, and fix some of them if you want, a lot are good art but have the cuck shit in it, I think the same dude keeps requesting that weird art.
▶ No.32801>>32803
I did something new this time. The picture had a lot of compression artifacts, and they got worse when I recolored the guy. I tried to get rid of the worst of it with the smudge tool. Not all the artifacts are gone, but I don't see them at a 1:1 zoom anymore. How did I do?
▶ No.32803
I like it! There are a few odd shades on the back and other parts a bit, but it looks a lot better now, mate! Easy to self insert.
And like I said, if any of those Beruka pics catches your edit eye, check them out. I’d appreciate it.
Have a good one, anon, thanks again.
▶ No.32808>>32815
▶ No.32815
▶ No.32817>>32822
Yo! I’m the guy that requested that Beruka pic.
Just dropping these off to see if you’d ever wanna fix these two pics as well. Sorry about all the requests, anon.
▶ No.32822>>32824
They're not to my taste. The first pic is too censored and the second pic is 60% man ass. I left a guide at >>25712 if you want to give it a shot, and my offer to critique still stands.
The Beruka art was a mixed bag, but there was some I liked. I'll try and get around to it.
▶ No.32824>>32853
Oh, I understand anon! Thanks so much for the Beruka edit, and future ones!
Btw, are you planning on having a place to store all your edited art? It would be a shame if it wasn’t saved. You do really great work, that Ruby Rose edit was amazing.
Would this pic interest you at all if you ever have time? Sorry for posting these requests in a row, anon.
▶ No.32846>>32853
edited this
tried a different way
just looking for feed back
▶ No.32853>>32855 >>32870
>are you planning on having a place to store all your edited art?
I keep the project files saved. Maybe I'll create an archive on Mega when this thread dies, but I've seen them pop up on other threads and sometimes other sites.
>that Ruby Rose edit was amazing
Which one? That may or may not have been me. Other editors sometimes pop in (I've thought about using a tripcode for that reason) and I don't always know the names of the characters.
>Sorry for posting these requests in a row
Requests are what this thread is for.
You did a good job staying in the lines. The guys look a little washed out. If you have trouble getting a good skin tone with the curves tool, colorize them to a reddish-brown color and then try it out. It also looks like you forgot to scrub away their heads. I could maybe give better feedback if I had the original for comparison.
Here's my version. I guess those odd black pixels were there before? For most of it, I went into the curves tool and brought the red channel up a bit to give them some color. I used a separate layer for their heads to do the same thing plus give them more light, while still keeping them in shadow.
(I didn't plan on doing the whole thing, but I had so much of the guys fixed by the time I intended to export that I went ahead and finished the job.)
▶ No.32855>>32867
▶ No.32867>>32870
You're a total cuck, but you took things into your own hands, which I respect.
However, you're posting in the wrong thread. I suggest you make a new one.
▶ No.32870
no dude >>32853 said he be able to judge it better if he had the original for comparison
that isn't is edit, that is the original
▶ No.32889
Yeah, saving all these someplace for everybody would be really cool.
Anybody wanna fix these btw? Thanks in advance!
▶ No.32906
How bout Android 21 (Pigutao) fellas? I dunno where to get the high quality of the cum version though.
▶ No.32911
Can someone edit those new shitstain Jlullaby pages
▶ No.32985
Not mine, but I found this nice edit to that metalowl set.
▶ No.32998>>33002 >>33015
Ayyyy keep quiet with that racist trash anon the only difference betweeen us all is skin color. Right? Righttttttt.
▶ No.32999>>33002 >>33003
>Muttbred trash absolutely incensed people hate his fetish
How can these people exist.
▶ No.33002>>33015
please don't instigate trolls esp. on old posts it only makes them come back and derail the thread further.
also new requests if anyone wants to do 'em
▶ No.33003
▶ No.33015>>33016 >>33029
looks like the anon who is competent hasn't been around
I'll do what I can, but don't expect anything good
▶ No.33016
these are great thanks
▶ No.33029>>33030
Still around, just busy. I also have a large backlog of material to get through. Here's some new stuff along with a small edit I did but never posted anywhere.
▶ No.33030>>33063
good to see you
was the girl a nig-ger or something?
▶ No.33063
No, but the original gif was insanely large because it had a lot of elements moving around for no reason. My version is smaller and more stable, along with being a little better looking since I got rid of the compression artifacts the gif format introduces.
It doesn't exactly belong in the thread, which is why I posted it next to new matrial that certainly does.
▶ No.33064
Just saw I had this done. I tried to make a decensored version but forgot about it. I'll post what I have done if someone wants to try and finish it. If not, I might do it. Eventually.
▶ No.33148
Finished a few more. Not entirely happy with #3, but it's good enough.
▶ No.33175>>33223
Could anyone uncuck this?
▶ No.33223
Here you are, along with some I rescued from halfchan.
▶ No.33241>>33246
If that Beruka anon is still here, I've rescued your waifu from the valley of cuckery, along with trying my hand at some colorization. I'd love feedback.
▶ No.33246
looks good
wouldn't be able tell you did anything to it
▶ No.33264>>33265 >>33277
Beruka anon here, hell yes! You did an amazing job, and colored her as well in some! This was more than I expected, thank you so much! Love it.
Also, that edited Buckedhead Ero pic on here, with the two nun girls is one of the best on here! Not sure if you’re the same anon who did that, but whoever did it, think you could fix the rest of all the animations he has on r34? It’s about 6 or 7, so I understand if it’s too much. Thank you regardless!
▶ No.33265>>33277
While all of the animations being edited would be godly, this is the main one I really want if that’s fine with you anon.
Oh, and here is a light edit I found on another topic, just something for everybody else to enjoy.
▶ No.33277
I don't remember editing a picture like that. Someone else probably did it before I started posting ITT. If you quote the post I could tell you for sure.
Pass. That gif makes my dick shrivel inward out of fear. Good luck though.
▶ No.33341
This was the nice edit I saw, looks awesume.
Oh, that’s fine on not being into the one pic anon, thanks for all the work you’ve done on here.
As for the buckethead gifs, here are a few of them, he has more I think. If any anon takes an interest in editing one.
▶ No.33342
Forgot these, my bad, sorry about that.
▶ No.33421
Halfchan sucks, but it has a lot of material.
▶ No.33442
Someone didn't watch the cartoon.
▶ No.33504>>33505
i know these are edits but i cant find the originals anywhere. the artist doesn't have them on his pivix and every place i look only has the fishnet/other variants can someone help me find the original source?
▶ No.33626>>33636
Could someone uncuck this and this?
▶ No.33636>>33637
My first edit. Apologies if it looks a but Trump-ish.
▶ No.33637
▶ No.33645>>33889 >>33915
Can anybody fix this one real quick? Thank you!
▶ No.33768>>33770 >>33835 >>33893 >>34411
somebody already did the second picture and the original artist got extremely butthurt about it but whoever edited it forgot to get rid of the pseudo-queen of spades
▶ No.33770>>33835
if these aren't good enough I'll try again
▶ No.33773
▶ No.33835>>33850 >>33855
The artist is still freaking out about and how white people are terrible for not liking the art or cuck shit.
Smutbunny waited a day before uploading some new blacked shit to stop people from editing his work, but now edits have already been made for the art which pissed him off more. Why is he getting so mad over just an edit that even acknowledge it is an edit? Is it just because he is a cuck?
▶ No.33850
people who get mad over this aren't the smartest.
one of a few things is happening
>he is a , and he has too much of his identity wrapped up in porn
>he was trying to make a political statement, and that got fucked by people editing his cuck shit
>He is pissed off at the existence of people that don't like cuck shit
▶ No.33855>>33856
>Is it just because he is a cuck?
seems like it.
▶ No.33856>>33858
So did her really just make some furry waifus just to cuck himself? The edits and this image itself just need to be spread around. How do people end up like this?
▶ No.33857>>33889
Could anyone uncuck this please?
▶ No.33858>>33859
i know the cat furry i posted was a comish but all his other work is his own stuff. i dont want to spam this board, but i might post some other edit of that piece since he had them deleted them off of e.621 after a tantrum, if you guys dont mind.
i dont kow how people end up like this but i have a theory its 70% political and 30% bbc porn thats push on mainstream sites like pornhub
▶ No.33859
I would say go for it. This thread will have to be remade soon either way, and more edits are always welcome.
▶ No.33862>>33865
▶ No.33865>>33891
wasnt me just stuff i saved, but thanks
▶ No.33876
Adding the new alts to the SmutBunny/SciFiJackRabbit pile
▶ No.33889>>33908
Got this done. >>33645 is 90% finished.
▶ No.33891
Well, good job archiving things, son.
▶ No.33893>>33894
>and the original artist got extremely butthurt
>getting mad over a fucking edit
Kek. Do you have any caps?
▶ No.33894>>33904
no he had a tantrum on e621 and made them delete all the edits where he had it so this is all i have. if somebody has an archive of the website from oct 5-6th theyd be able to see it. wasnt a big thing though.
▶ No.33904
He is still having a tantrum since his newest pieces got uncucked a well. He is now sperging out about the boorus having them again while pretending to be not mad.
The funniest part is that he was so asshurt over the edits having a much higher rating on e621 than the originals that he freaked out over that too and how his comments got downvoted even when he tried to get his fans to report people. He is such a cuck that others cucked his art away from him. Some of his fans seemed to have called him out since the original e621 posts actually said it was an edit, so he ended up just passive aggressively responding to people about why edits are all bad.
▶ No.33905>>33906 >>33924 >>34062
Now that I think about it, another situation that is similar to this smutbunny thing is that one Markyday artist. He freaks out over white men being terrible and how he hates them. He got mad when someone suggested/commissioned some art of a nerdy guy getting laid since he freaked out over the idea of nerdy people having sex, and he also freaked out even more since the nerdy guy would have been white. He spergs out if fanart makes the males look to nerdy. He just really hates anything that can be deemed nerdy since he finds it problematic.
I just have to wonder how people end up like that.
▶ No.33906
>I just have to wonder how people end up like that.
value systems and genes
▶ No.33908>>33915
Could anyone uncuck this please?
That looks really good. Thanks.
▶ No.33912>>33923 >>33926
Did people even specifically ask him to bleach it? I don't get why he would get this pissy about it. Is he mad over the edits or just mad people asked?
▶ No.33913
Kind of a big project, but could anyone uncuck this image set?
▶ No.33916
it shall be save the archive
▶ No.33917>>33919 >>33924
Really that uncomfortable with black dicks in your porn?
▶ No.33919
disgusted isn't discomfort, get that through your cuck brain, faggot
▶ No.33920
Legendary edits so far, nice.
Anybody wanna fix these? Thank you!
▶ No.33923
some apperantly did ask
▶ No.33924>>34337 >>34411
>I just have to wonder how people end up like that.
pic related
why do you fuckers never complain about these edits only white ones? these arent even bleached race play, just white cock.
▶ No.33926
an artist that takes requests getting pissy about people making requests, lol
▶ No.33974
▶ No.34040>>34061
Could anyone make a white edit of this?
▶ No.34062
He's a closet homo
▶ No.34068
Is someone able to uncuck this?
▶ No.34069>>34194 >>34335
Would anyone be willing to edit this one?
▶ No.34075>>34087 >>34680
Anyone care to try these 5?
▶ No.34087
That Velma pic was already done.
▶ No.34194>>34335
Could anyone make a white edit of this image and this?
▶ No.34226>>34335
Could I get an edit for this please?
▶ No.34335>>34336
I've had that Mavis pic done for a while, I just forgot to upload it. Oops.
▶ No.34336
I have decided that third edit looks like shit. Disregard it.
▶ No.34337>>34338 >>34354
>why do you fuckers never complain
Coz we never came across it until you mentioned it? That doesn't undermine the question though.
▶ No.34338>>34370 >>34420
you've already gotten an answer to your question
>porn that would be good but it is disgusting due the male being a nigger and what that implies
>edit it to make that not an issue anymore
>now have porn to enjoy
simple logic, if you're aren't a cuck I guess
▶ No.34354>>34355 >>34370
>edits and orignal racecuck shit has existed since 2015 atleast
> on every social media platform that allows porn
>let alone every porn site that allows edits
>this shit even has its own board here
>this thread even has people that confused edits for real posts
>vs one fucking thread on one board here that you just so happened to find
forgive me for being a little skeptical of your ignorance.
< That doesn't undermine the question though
assuming that you know of the black edits: if you like the other people who came to this thread to complain about us being racist, but have not complained about the bigger and more openly racist blacked edits/community it means you have no problems with skin edits in it of themselves and only colored to white edits which means you are arguing in bad faith.
if you really did not know about blacked edits: did you not read any of the posts in the thread? any of the bbc only body writing, any of the kennycomix dialog? called blackingyourwaifu and you think the problem people have is the black dicks?
▶ No.34355
*for fucks sake one of the artists commenly edited in this thread is called blackingyourwaifu.
accentdently deleated part of my post
▶ No.34370>>34372 >>34411
>if you really did not know about blacked edits: did you not read any of the posts in the thread?
I only didn't know about the website that you linked in your diversion attempt and was only asking, why are you then conflating to all blacked edits?
But okay okay, let's play along with the later, you are assuming that I have no problems with skin edits and try to paint me as if I am arguing in bad faith. I do actually dislike both this thread and that website.
But the thing even if they are editing for entirely racist reasons, then why are you people are going tit for tat? At least people like >>34338 just admit to their racism instead of deliberately being obtuse about it by indulging in whataboutism.
▶ No.34371>>34372 >>34375
>We've already had several arguments about it in this thread. If he can't scroll up to read them because he's hurt his hand jerking off to BBC, that's his problem.
▶ No.34372>>34375
>if they are editing for entirely racist reasons
>not like watching niggers fuck white females is racist
>tit for tat
that would be editing the male to be white, and the female to be a nigger, brain dead piece of shit
I really wish there was a way to automatically hide posts that use reddit spacing
okay, that was my last reply to a cuck
▶ No.34375>>34427
>that would be editing the male to be white, and the female to be a nigger
So only that relationship is racist but your editing somehow is not? How does that even make sense? The original question was why are you whitewashing porn, just as how some people are blackwashing porn, not whether the partners are of a certain race or not.
Dude I read the arguments in this thread, but all you done is nothing but divert attention to elsewhere (when aren't you mad about X instead) or just insulting the people asking question by spamming cuck like some NPC. This just seems like a lot of mental gymnastics just to avoid admitting to everyone that you just hate black people
▶ No.34411>>34420 >>34680
<I only didn't know about the website that you linked in your diversion attempt and was only asking, why are you then conflating to all blacked edits?
>why do you fuckers never complain about these edits only white ones?
>these edits
i know you know i meant the entire genre you pissant
<you are assuming that I have no problems with skin edits and try to paint me as if I am arguing in bad faith.
every time i asked that question in this thread no one answered my question,when i posted it earlier or now all people have done is ignore or deflect and accuse me of whataboutism.
< I do actually dislike both this thread and that website.
ok then. this brings me back to my original question? why are you only complaining here? it isn’t whataboutism to ask why you aren’t being consistent in your criticisms.
>then why are you people are going tit for tat?
because its so much fun, jan! also I’m petty and hate seeing the race bait art/text like in >>33768, >>33397,>>32103,>>28817, and >>28818 and enjoy the catharsis of seeing it edited out.
<The original question was why are you whitewashing porn,
the original pictures are still there just go look at them noone is forcing you to be in this thread.
Also your original question was: Really that uncomfortable with black dicks in your porn? which sounds more like a snide rhetorical question than a genuine one
<Dude I read the arguments in this thread, but all you done is nothing but divert attention to elsewhere (when aren't you mad about X instead) or just insulting the people asking question by spamming cuck like some NPC. This just seems like a lot of mental gymnastics just to avoid admitting to everyone that you just hate black people
things edited or requested to be edited in this thread:
>black people
>a monster from ruby,
>a horse,
>an orc and a red skinned monster
>black only text on a poster
> beast boy
>what I’m 99% sure is machamp dick
>the beast from xmen
reasons people have said they are in this thread:
>I like being able to project myself onto the guy, but it's not for political or racial reasons. If it were, I would take any request, not just pictures I otherwise liked. Projection just gets much harder when the guy looks nothing like me. It's distracting, but rather than throw it away, I fix it.
>im sick and tired of race bait porn
>Not all of us like that fetish so why not edit to fit our taste? If you like it good for you, if you don't here's a place for you.
>thought it would be funny to see it bleached because (((blackingyourwaifu))) started out editing/blacking white dicks
>should just point out now most of the good artists in this category have insane waiting lists. I've been waiting almost 3 years for Jlullaby to open commissions
>on a side note, I am trying to become an artist myself.you think that doing edits like this is a good way to learn contrast?
this is why
>I don't really think either side needs to come up with justifications to verify their own personal preference.
but you just stick your fingers in your ears and yell “noooo its cuz you hate black people” and then wonder why people just give up,call you a cuck and go back to the edits
▶ No.34420>>34421 >>34422
>i know you know i meant the entire genre you pissant
But i didn't? Quit shadowboxing faggot
>now all people have done is ignore or deflect and accuse me of whataboutism.
Because it is true. You are asking people in this thread who were asking you of the edits about other people's (probably worse) edits. That is textbook whataboutism
> why are you only complaining here? it isn’t whataboutism to ask why you aren’t being consistent in your criticisms.
I am not complaining but asking. Again you are assuming inconsistency in your critics when even if so, it is still irrelevant. People can still be hypocrite and still be right in their arguments.
>because its so much fun, jan! also I’m petty and hate seeing the race bait art/text like in
Okay that is progress. But why then are you shaming others for doing the exact same thing that you are doing? Aren't you being a hypocritical.
>the original pictures are still there just go look at them noone is forcing you to be in this thread.
Petty deflection again fam. Like some broken down NPC
>Really that uncomfortable with black dicks in your porn? which sounds more like a snide rhetorical question than a genuine one
Are you being obtuse? Okay then autist let me rephrase it then why are you really that uncomfortable with black dicks in your porn that you would be whitewashing it.
Oh okay so just coz like some edits are about others (like roughly less 10 out of around 120 edits?) , that suddenly undermines the majority of edits explicitly direct at black people and OP making it explicitly about race? Again I read all those arguments and the counter arguments (that you pretend doesn't exist) against these reasons, which were eventually browbeaten by accusations of cucks and SJWs. Some does make sense though, but people like >>34338 are more direct in their reasoning that they do hate niggers. I mean you can just straight up tell me you don't hate black people at all period and that would be the end of that. Yet you deflect, employ whataboutism and accuse others of cuckery at even the mildest of comment that implied that you dislike black people. That really makes me think…
▶ No.34421>>34422 >>34427
>But why then are you shaming others for doing the exact same thing that you are doing? Aren't you being a hypocritical.
Forgot to mention that even if you admitted that you are hypocrite, you can still make edits. I am not arguing that you stop, only exposing your rationale for doing it.
▶ No.34422>>34438
>only exposing your rationale for doing it
stop taking posts away from this thread, you fucking retarded
you aren't going to find anyone here that thinks hating niggers isn't a good reason to edit porn, even if don't share that reason
and editing niggers into porn isn't the same as what we're doing. A nigger being there implies that you are not meant to project yourself on so the male, and you just there to watch a nigger fucking a female of your race if you're a nigger it is meant to stroke your ego by virtue of the female being white means BTFO the white male in some way and took his woman . The male being white means he is just there to be projected onto unless the female is a nigger, in which case it is the reverse, and I would agree with you
▶ No.34427>>34438 >>34465
I get the impression you think you're talking to me, but maybe I'm wrong. I said all I have to say on the matter at >>28830 and don't feel the need to revisit the argument. I'll only say this: even if everyone in this thread came out and admitted to being raging racists… where do you think we are?
I should get a tripcode.
▶ No.34438>>34440
>stop taking posts away from this thread,
Doing what exactly? Stop being so triggered and be more clear.
>A nigger being there implies that you are not meant to project yourself on so the male, and you just there to watch a nigger fucking a female of your race
So for all the pictures you are editing, you are simply unable to project yourself on the male simply coz of race? But why? Again in your previous post you didn't mention why is it so hard for you to connect with male that you have to edit it to make yourself feel better. Btw I don't enjoy porn the same way as you do so it matters not what the race is for both male and female (unless it explicitly raceplay).
>you aren't going to find anyone here that thinks hating niggers isn't a good reason to edit porn, even if don't share that reason
>I'll only say this: even if everyone in this thread came out and admitted to being raging racists… where do you think we are?
Exactly! We are in one of the biggest cesspool of racism in the internet, yet I found some posters ITT so apologetic and in denial about their racism that they are that triggered by comments that they hate black people that they scream cuck and employ whataboutism instead of just owning up to it. Just tell me you hate black people like the rest of your peers ITT and I will be gone with my curiosity satisfied.
▶ No.34440>>34441
>you are simply unable to project yourself on the male simply coz of race? But why?
tribal instincts, and the fact that they are male, and males didn't evolve to empathize with other males as every male was in direct competition with every other male for resources and 3DPD. empathy wouldn't really have been an benefit in this context. The fact that have to explain this to you is telling
>Btw I don't enjoy porn the same way as you do so it matters not what the race is for both male and female
we know cuck, we know
>yet I found some posters ITT so apologetic and in denial about their racism
I do hate niggers, what we are telling you this there more then one reason to be in this thread, besides hating niggers
▶ No.34441>>34442 >>34465
>tribal instincts, and the fact that they are male
Which again, why do you see yourself in a tribe when none exists anymore? Unless…
>males didn't evolve to empathize with other males as every male was in direct competition with every other male for resources and 3DPD
Do you have a single fact to back up such a bold statement? And are you saying you are basically evolved to not have any empathy with any male, even within your 'tribe' since they too are in 'direct competition for resources and 3DPD' if not even more so than black people? Doesn't that make your muh tribal instincts redundant?
>The fact that have to explain this to you is telling
>we know cuck, we know
Gotta fill up your cuck quota like a good NPC I guess.
>I do hate niggers, what we are telling you this there more then one reason to be in this thread, besides hating niggers
There we go! Finally some honesty from you. So you are doing this coz you do hate niggers! But that just makes your 'tribal instincts' excuse completely redundant. You don't associate with niggers as part of your tribe coz you do hate them, so why go through so many mental gymnastics?
Well regardless, I am a man of my word. I won't be revisiting this thread since my curiosity is satisfied. This will be my last post. Have this last word if you really need to keep convincing yourself and others that you aren't (just) doing this out of racism.
▶ No.34442
keep thinking we think racism is a bad thing, Reddit cuck
▶ No.34454
Hey, he's gone. Can we get back to business?
▶ No.34459>>34620 >>34666
Could someone do these two? Not sure, but you might wanna change the lipstick from pink to something else. Might not look as good against white skin.
▶ No.34464
▶ No.34465
thank you for editing these pictures man.
oh hes gone now, good riddance. kinda wish i responded to his other post though.
▶ No.34620
Nigga the lipstick is fine - it's lipstick.
▶ No.34624>>34626 >>34666
Halfchan is separating between NSFW 4chan and SFW 4channel, causing many of those retards to jump ship.
If you see any newfag that can't read and complains about racism or xenophobia, it might be them.
▶ No.34626>>34635
why tho
cucks will just stay on the NSFW 4chan
▶ No.34635>>34666
No idea. For whatever reason it caused another mass migration.
Ignoring the context, it could be due to the potential harsh censorship that will occur on the SFW boards, but when you consider that you're talking about the site that censors loli and no-no words like nigger, it makes no sense at all.
▶ No.34666
I kept it as is, sort of.
Can we finally say nigger? Did the mods get rid of that stupid filter?
Will you faggots remember to NOT engage with them next time? The only reason they keep posting is because you keep replying.
▶ No.34675
Could someone edit this please?
▶ No.34680>>34688 >>34699 >>34700
OP here,
Happy to see everyone having fun.
If anyone ends up making a new thread on another forum or here after we hit the bump limit, I'd like to suggest some improvements to the thread style, namely:
- Original, or "request" images could be spoilered, so as to not put off the gents that are just here to fap, with completed images left unspoilered.
- link a torrent for a cracked version of Photoshop in the op, and maybe a little tutorial on levels, brightness/contrast settings, etc. Up to you, tbh.
Lad, you're right, but just ignore the people that are trying to argue. Who gives a shit about them. everyone knows we live in a culture that's actively trying to stop white people breeding. Hell, we're not really doing anything that would help, this is still all degenerate.
Honestly I just hope that one of those artists that think they're "owning the nazis" by drawing their waifu getting dicked by tyrone sees this thread and gets buttmad.
Also hey we got mentioned on the SBFP podcast which made me laugh.
That first one's in the thread m8. I did it myself.
▶ No.34688>>34697
ain't bad, but there has got to be a way to get around that cum
▶ No.34697
Yeah, I'm not please with it. I could have probably done something with the levels but I'm real busy.
▶ No.34699>>34701
>Lad, you're right, but just ignore the people that are trying to argue.
im not going to argure anymore. they dont argue in good faith, and refuse any responce other than "im a racist" id like one of them to just answer my question honestly though.
>Honestly I just hope that one of those artists that think they're "owning the nazis" by drawing their waifu getting dicked by tyrone sees this thread and gets buttmad.
i still want to sent some of the blackingyourwaifu edits to him havent done it yet though
>Also hey we got mentioned on the SBFP podcast which made me laugh.
oh really? which one?
▶ No.34700>>34701
link to the mention?
▶ No.34701>>34721
No idea, didn't note it down, sorry.
▶ No.34721
▶ No.34741
I have another image to edit if anyone wants to.
▶ No.34928
This picture would be great if the guy in it wasn't "tan"
is there anyone who feels like editing it?
▶ No.35032>>35034
Went back to the second one. Art is never finished, just abandoned.
▶ No.35034>>35035
yea, thought that was odd
▶ No.35035
didn't mean to post that pic
▶ No.35132
Nobody requested these, but they were posted on /v/ a while back.
▶ No.35193>>35195
gonna bump some old requests of mine
did you post the wrong image here?
▶ No.35195
pretty sure is a sperg not knowing how to convey dissatisfaction with the subject of this thread
▶ No.35197
▶ No.35222
just had to add a few niggers didn't they
▶ No.35236
Finished two more. One request, one unsolicited.
▶ No.35244>>35249
Hey weird request but can someone make the orc guy a human? I got a thing for humans conquering and fucking other races
▶ No.35249
I understand completely.
▶ No.35251
No.35249 You're a saint man! Happy you understand me
▶ No.35252
Anybody mind helping out with a quick fix of these?
Thank ya!
▶ No.35324
Asking since this is an edit thread can anyone change this fugauk guys face into this other guys face?
▶ No.35425>>35490
Some of these were a real learning experience, but I think they turned around okay.
I'd go easier on how bright you make the guy, but it's a good effort.
▶ No.35453>>35454
it is time for a new thread?
▶ No.35454
whoops, thread can still be bumped, never mind
▶ No.35490
Thanks man! Love the Gobbos and Stuntie~
▶ No.35519>>35520 >>35526
Some madlad fucking did bois!!!
▶ No.35526
▶ No.35537>>35539 >>35645 >>35809
Nice edit on that 2B pic, thanks a lot! Tempted to post the edit now on 2booty to trigger people and the artist…
Also sweet that the RWBY comic is edited as well.
Anybody think that can save this pic at all btw?
▶ No.35538
Here is a fixed pic for easier self insert for ya nice fellas.
▶ No.35539>>35546
You better screencap the comments.
I love seeing El Redditos buttmad.
▶ No.35546>>35547 >>35556
Why DO people get mad at this? Aren't there blacked edit threads all the time
▶ No.35547
politics, "niggers and whites are the same so it shouldn't matter", being a racist is one of the worst things you can be at this time due to WW2 leading to a very widespread anti-racist sentiment, and muh artist's intentions
▶ No.35556
politics are a big part of it, it undermines the whole idea off their world view if white men aren't inherently racist and/or inferior duck who are completely submissive to blacks. most bbc only/blacked porn is based off this world view, so bleaching/uncucking their porn is akin to racism to them, but blacking or putting qos tattoos porn isn’t, its “fixing it”. The entire genre is basically the lefts race political statement turned into a fetish.
racecucks also project their fetish on to everyone else to the point that they think just seeing interracial porn will "convert" others too their shit fetish and hate when threads like these prove them wrong, they can’t accept it. its quite funny.
▶ No.35645>>35711
It can be saved, but only if you believe.
Post it and share any butthurt comments.
▶ No.35695
Anyone want to edit the skin color for these? Could the dialogue boxes be removed as well?
▶ No.35699
I got a few more done. I'll work on the new requests soon.
▶ No.35708
Tried to de-ghost this one, but it looks kinda shit.
▶ No.35711>>35717
Thanks friendo!
I don’t mean to come across as ungrateful, but do you think you could make the guy whiter? Like 2B’s skin light?
Still kinda looks the same rn imo.
It’s okay if ya don’t wanna tho, it seems difficult to fix. Thanks mate.
▶ No.35717
This is as close as I can get.
▶ No.35724>>35748
I think I'm getting the hang of this.
Brown skin is reddish, so adding a bit of yellow after whitening it makes better.
Still shit at coloring white though.
▶ No.35748>>35755
Here's something a little different from what I usually do. LordAardvark's Elizabeth animation Fair Market Value, but with the black guys edited out (except a couple of crowd shots). I tried to make the cuts as seamless as possible.
These are pretty good. Adding a touch more red on that 3rd pic would help a lot. The curves tool is your friend.
▶ No.35755>>35766
video was removed can you post it elsewhere?
also can someone uncuck these, preferably replacing the bbc choker with the bwc one and getting rid of the ulgy slut earings?
▶ No.35766>>35768 >>35773
Here's the video.
And here's the edit you asked for. I removed the watermarks as well. Try not to save samples next time.
▶ No.35768
▶ No.35773
sorry i found them on rule34xxx and couldn't find them elsewhere mostly because i really dont look for hentai anywhere else
▶ No.35786>>35793
Can someone pls make his skin color like the one from 9S in the game?
▶ No.35793
Guy who requested the other two 2bleached here.
Here ya go boss.
▶ No.35795
Thanks! Can you make this one as well like the one from 9S in the game?
▶ No.35803>>35804
An attempt.
I kind of fucked up on the mouth because of the brush, but only noticed it way too late in.
▶ No.35804
Didn't post for some reason.
▶ No.35809
Does the artist get angry at people who edit his/her work?
▶ No.35862
That joke took me WAY too long to get
▶ No.35865
Make the guy human for me, please or cover his face and fix his nails and toes if that's easier
▶ No.35866
i have to wonder if any of these artists that take commissions to draw cuck art feel a loss of dignity, or self-respect, especially if they are white (or the race being cucked on the rare case it isnt black on whit cucking) or if they otherwise wouldnt draw it
▶ No.35875>>35876
Anybody mind making the guy white skinned in this pic please? This artist draws this shit too much.
Btw, if you guys havent already, check out herewegobois on rule34. Dude is triggering cucks every singe edit lol.
▶ No.35876
Damn, I forgot the second one if youd prefer that one.
Sorry to take up another post gents.
▶ No.35922>>35951 >>36072
Trying to find pics to request made me realize, cucks love to spend tons of money on commisions for their weird ass fantasy. I ain’t even white or light skinned but I hate that shit. Always greasy looking weirdo white dudes who do this shit.
Pissing them off with fixed edits is the best.
You people editing, thank you.
▶ No.35924
It's gay, but can someone edit the dildo white please?
▶ No.35951>>35952 >>35965
First pic source pls
▶ No.35952>>35965
It’s ‘blackingwaifu’ on rule 34, one of the newest commisions on the degenerates pic gallery. On page 1 of his gallery I believe.
If you are going to edit it, could you also do the guy on the tv?
▶ No.35957>>35961
Nobody wants to change this one?>>35795
How about this one then?
▶ No.35961
just wait dude
there is like one anon that is good at this and he only comes around every so often
▶ No.35963>>35964
I had no idea what the fuck to do with the fingers.
▶ No.35964
Good shit, thank you anon
▶ No.35965
im supprised his artstyle wasnt reconized yet since he is one of the most heavily posted artists here.
▶ No.35974>>36004
can somebody bleach this for me
▶ No.36005
▶ No.36042
Sorry for requesting another one yo. Just found some trash that could look good with a proper canon fix.
Think you could also just slightly alter the clothes so it’s not the same from that cuck porn? Like just add a red or white (any color) line in the panties and bra, or anything really. Whatever you want to do and is easiest.
▶ No.36072
Last I recall, a majority of those who fetishize violence/shame directed at themselves, are abuse victims. Really, people with completely off-the-wall fetishes like those doctors who fantasize themselves being prepared into a meal and eaten at the table seem more socially-adjusted than cucks.
But really, I get the same reaction you do when I see /wmafsex/'s dumb cuckshit, come the fuck on.
▶ No.36088
Was wondering if anyone could give the orc white skin
▶ No.36117
Agreed with you anon that people make a fetish out of their own weakness.
We live in one of the worst and weakest times in the history of the world when it comes to self respect and being decent. Whenever I look for pics, I find a cuck edit of a good pic about 50 percent of the time.
Yet they get so triggered when we fix a single one of theirs lol
Btw anybody can make these guys the same color as the girls?
▶ No.36118
Have some canon fixes I dug up, I forgot the artists tho