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  1. Mar 8

    Wherever there is conflict, whether in or elsewhere, women must be part of the solution. They are the building blocks of communities and more than half the population. Hear their voices here

  2. Retweeted
    Mar 3

    Women Now is proud to be part of the campaign of We believe in women's political participation and have been training women for years in leadership skills

  3. Mar 8

    : تابعوا اليوم 8 آذار/مارس العرض الأول لفيلم ": نستحق. نستطيع. نحقق" تمام الساعة 12 بتوقيت غرينتش

  4. Mar 8

    It’s TODAY! Stay tuned for the premiere of ’s new film “Unheard No More: Women Shaping ’s Future” at 12:00 GMT. Share and watch it here

  5. Retweeted
    Mar 7

    Human rights lawyers have filed the first cases against Syrian President at the International Criminal Court. jurisdiction would be based on atrocity crimes associated w/ the deportation of people from into Jordan, an ICC state party.

  6. Mar 7

    It’s TOMORROW! Stay tuned for the premiere of ’s new film “Unheard No More: Women Shaping ’s Future” at 12:00 GMT. Share and watch it here

  7. Mar 6

    If you are in , join exhibition at on ’s disappeared today at 7pm.

  8. Retweeted

    ’s crackdown on freedom of expression is growing worse by the day. In what appears to be part of the Egyptian government’s ongoing campaign to silence critics, dozens of Egyptian human rights defenders have been hit by digital attacks.

  9. Retweeted
    Mar 5

    Verdict due in coming days in case of wildlife conservationists in Iran who have been outrageously accused of espionage. They could face the death penalty or more than a decade in prison. Their trial has been grossly unfair. They should be released.

  10. Retweeted
    Mar 6

    هنّ: -قائدات للمجتمع -معيلات للأسر -ناجيات من انتهاكات جسيمة لكن ما زلن يواجهن التمييز. لماذا؟ فلنسمع أصواتهن. تابعونا يوم 8 آذار/ مارس على

  11. Retweeted
    Mar 6

    The Parliament's session is set for 9th March. If this law is passed, will enter a year of self-censorship, with the authorities potentiually holding a carte blanche to crack down on freedom of expression. It must not pass.

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  12. Retweeted
    Mar 6

    Hard-hitting speech by UN special envoy for Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert - ‘How is it possible’ for such poor living standards after hundreds of millions of dollars of donor money? Says part of the problem corruption.

  13. Mar 5

    “Unheard No More: Women Shaping ’s Future” – a new film by featuring Syrian women activists who demand to be heard. Watch the worldwide premiere on 8 March at 12:00 GMT

  14. Mar 5

    ’s women are: -Community leaders -Providers for their families -Survivors of horrific violations But they still face discrimination. Why? We hear from them. STAY TUNED for March 8:

  15. Retweeted
    Mar 4

    After several months of inactivity, January also saw a rise in reported civilian harm in Syria from Moscow's actions. Our team tracked 13 alleged Russian harm events killing between 9 and 18 civilians - including this event at Jisr al-Shughour on January 20th which killed two.

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  16. Mar 5

    “Unheard No More: Women Shaping 's Future” – a new film by featuring Syrian women activists who demand to be heard. Watch the worldwide premiere on 8 March at 12:00 GMT

  17. Retweeted
    Mar 4

    Meet the Syrian women who overcame everything & are now shaping 's future. Tune in to our film premiere on 's FB page on the 8th March 2019 @ 12:00 GMT:

  18. Mar 4

    Here’s how perpetrators of crimes in are being prosecuted. It’s only the beginning of a long road to justice and accountability.

  19. Retweeted
    Mar 3

    Thousands, mostly women and children, have been continuously arriving at Al Hol camp in north-east . They are in dire need of assistance and other support.  Some are sleeping in the open, exposed to cold and rain.

  20. Mar 3

    Evidence of Chlorine Found in |n Town of Douma, Investigators Say


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