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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Jan 12

    “Love is action. Love gives us strength. Love gives us courage. Love gives us strength to overcome the forces of darkness.” -Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI)

  2. 36 minutes ago

    is no more or less "predatory" than US. Suggest you all read Economic Hitman. China spends their peace dividend* on massive infrastructure projects that will help them while we prefer making and selling wars and weapons. *since unlike US they do not start wars of choice

  3. 1 hour ago

    One true sentence (as modified) in an otherwise execrable piece: when Putin saw Yanukovych forced from power right next door by a popular uprising that was driven in part by [the ], he decided the influence of the west was getting too close for comfort

  4. 12 hours ago

    Ignoring eyewitnesses to an event you are tasked with investigating is a pretty big deal. I know that that happened w because I watched them interviewed on video and then see that they are omitted from the report. Why?

  5. 12 hours ago
  6. 19 hours ago

    Some people forget that was a USB intrusion on an air-gapped network. returned the favor with the Saudi Aramco attack. US built that VZ hydro plant. If we or our opposition proxies are playing SCADA games in , it is a highly illegal, offensive act of war.

  7. Retweeted
    Mar 6

    Because they willingly believed all the lies and so called “open-source” voodoo analysis done by the in-bred kids and other phonies who were aggressively pushing for US intervention in to save their jihadi penpals.

  8. Retweeted
    Mar 8
    Replying to

    I do not like what is going on in Venezuela,however, it amazes me how you are leading the charge on this humanitarian crisis yet you have remained quiet on the crisis in Puerto Rico.

  9. Mar 8

    Official media channel reporter says . Supposedly Marco was tweeting about blackout before the lights went out. He wants VZ regime change more than and ; it could mean his re-election.

  10. Mar 8

    Because of what it is alleged Russia did, we will have a much freer and fairer DNC-led nomination process. If HRC had been successfully secretly coronated by Donna Brazile and Podesta, the rigged game would have continued. Now we may pick a visionary maverick like .

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  11. Mar 8

    We OWN Social Media. Crying about Russians buying a few anti-Hillary ads and picking at our socio-economic/racial scabs is so cry baby. And if they hacked the DNC and leaked to Wikileaks, it was good for transparency net-net. Why do you think they call it WikiLEAKS?

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  12. Mar 8

    Fake news from the NYT Real income in Russia has stagnated since 2014, sapping domestic support for foreign interventions like Putin’s campaign to prop up Assad. Real news from Opinion polls indicate that a majority of Russians support their country’s military campaign.

  13. Mar 8

    As a sailor, I've had my ass kicked by women forever. Isabelle Autissier was an early hero of mine, as is Ellen MacArthur. taught me that it's not about what's between your legs, but what's between your ears, and ribs. Happy

  14. Mar 8

    And the prize for cruelest American of the year goes not to Bomb Iran Bolton or More Vicious Pompeo but... Iittle Marco Rubio! " is going to enter a period of suffering no nation in our hemisphere has confronted in modern history." -Marco Rubio

  15. Mar 8

    Just using the word "massive" belies The bias: "The opposition leader is planning a massive rally Saturday." The last "massive" demonstration had less than a thousand attendees. You can't get away with so much spinning today. People are awake and paying attention.

  16. Mar 8
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  17. Mar 8

    The investigation was heinous The "attack" hasn't even conclusively been proven to have happened. Some strange cylinders appear emplaced. Another identical cylinder was found in a jihadi weapons storehouse. No proof what came from cylinders killed people.

  18. Mar 8

    Was/is this (a) physical sabotage similar to illegally mining Nicaraguan harbors and blowing up fuel depots when Abrams was active before? (b) Stuxnet-style cyber attack (by Americans or Venezuelans?) or (c) legitimate, accidental blackout due to negligence/poor maintenance?

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  19. Mar 7

    , the impromptu taking up of arms shows that the push to remove -- hailed by the U.S. as inevitable -- is growing increasingly chaotic and risky.

  20. Mar 7
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  21. Mar 7
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