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[–] 17230734? 0 points 3 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago
I'm kinda shocked by this. Wasn't it Greenpeace that flew that paraglider in Scotland? Don't get me wrong. I'm glad he said the truth. But I wonder why he did. Very curious event.
[–] 17231173? 0 points 1 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago (edited ago)
Don't take his word for it folks. Follow the money.
Ask yourself a simple question: who benefits from global warming? Who gets massive research grants to research global warming? If there's no problem, there's no treatment necessary. If there's no treatment necessary, there's no need for research of treatments.
The entire argument was constructed around CO2 emission. Do you know what the original theory for global warming was? It was called the equatorial bubble hypothesis. Look it up. They said that a bubble of CO2 would form and create areas of the Earth where the sun was superheating the planet and melting all the ice. Only problem is, there's absolutely zero evidence of this phenomenon ever being recorded or observed in any way.
Is desalination of the oceans a major concern? YES. Is rainforest clear cutting a major concern? YES. Is widespread nuclear radiation contamination a major concern? YES. Is a statistically insignificant amount of CO2--literal plant food--being released into the atmosphere inherently a concern? NO!!! Especially not without ANY form of evidence to support your assertions!
Do you think that the United States and Europe are big polluters? Do you know where that big garbage patch in the ocean comes from? Do you know that India and China, with a combined population of 2.5 billion people literally just fucking dump trash in the ocean?
So you see when people strangle US industry with innumerable environmental regulations and taxes--who really benefits? China and Chinese industry. Do you think it's possible there is an ENORMOUS financial incentive for China to frame foreign propaganda in economic warfare? Do you think China worries about dumping trash in the ocean? Do you think China has a vested interest in financing these scientists and pushing EPA laws?
It's weaponized economic warfare propaganda.
[–] 17231090? 0 points 1 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago
Even telling these leftist nut and showing proof they will still try and push global hoax.
[–] 17231352? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
You're right. They fundamentally do not operate in good faith
[–] 17233144? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
I am very much in support of Global Warming. The Earth is colder than it should be to support maximal life. There are poles on the Earth where it is too cold for almost anything to grow, but there is no place that is too hot for massive amounts of plants and animals to thrive (due to mountain-ranges extracting moisture from the air, there are deserts where it is too dry for life to thrive, but that also applies to cold areas). Further, carbon dioxide is plant-food. Plants require it in order to live. And the higher the CO_2 concentration, the faster-growing, larger, more robust, and more disease-resistant plants are. Hence, for farming, the higher the yield per units of input there will be. The real horror and tragedy would be if another Ice Age came upon us, as there would be a massive portion of lifeforms killed-off thereby (humans, also). So too, it is already known from the prehistoric ice-core samples that CO_2 does not drive the Earth's warming and cooling cycles, but rather CO_2 rises in response to the Earth warming, due to the oceans releasing dissolved CO_2 (as with gases, more gas is driven out of solution the higher a liquid's temperature is). And hence also, there cannot be any runaway-heating effect due to increased levels of CO_2, or else it would have already occurred, i.e., there could never be the Ice Age cycles. Indeed, there were many times in the Earth's past when CO_2 was much higher than at present. During those times one had megaflora (and also megafauna eating it) which the higher CO_2 levels allowed, but no runaway-heating.
[–] 17233009? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago (edited ago)
Found this in the rabbit hole- the destruction of our environment is intentional - there’s no ambition to stop it, only make it worse.
[–] 17232942? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
Remember cabon offsets? What a scam!
[–] 17232380? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
This is a move in the right direction when you have one of the radical left's own saying it's a hoax and a scam.
[–] 17231209? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
http://joannenova.com.au/2018/10/first-audit-of-global-temperature-data-finds-freezing-tropical-islands-boiling-towns-boats-on-land/ This is a link to an article out of Australia talking about all the altered scientific data that was used to prove up the Glow Bull warming nonsense. Oh! Whole nations will be under water by the year 2000... Stated in 1989.