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  • Real virtuality: connecting real things to virtual reality using web technologies

    WebXR meets the Web of Things when two developers build a prototype that applies 3D visualisation to power an IoT interface. In this post they demonstrate how open, accessible web technologies make it possible to combine software from different domains to create engaging new interactive experiences. And how you can ...

  • Implications of Rewriting a Browser Component in Rust

    There have been 69 security bugs in Firefox’s style component since the browser was first released in 2002. If we'd had a time machine and could have written this component in Rust from the start, 51 (73.9%) of these bugs would not have been possible. Rust isn't foolproof, but by ...

  • Announcing a New Management Structure for Ecma TC39

    In 2019, Ecma’s TC39—the standardizing body behind JavaScript/ECMAScript—will change its management structure to reflect the growth of the committee and the frequency of its meetings. TC39 will move away from single-chair and vice-chair roles to a flat hierarchy with three chairs sharing the responsibility. Congratulations to new co-chairs Aki Braun ...

  • Web Design Survey Findings and Next Steps

    In November, I wrote about my team’s work on experimental new web design tools and introduced a survey to rank the challenges of web design and development. The insights you shared continue to inform priorities for the Firefox DevTools' 2019 roadmap. Our main takeaway: developers and designers of every experience ...

  • Fearless Security: Thread Safety

    Multithreading allows programs to do more faster, but adds synchronization bugs and attacks. Programming languages have evolved different concurrency strategies to help developers manage both the performance and security challenges of multi-threaded applications. Diane Hosfelt explores the challenges of thread safety, and the approach that Rust takes. The post Fearless ...

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