I wouldn't say in all ways, but I do like being feminine. And I largely decided myself? In what manner, Andrea? Care to elaborate?
Anything that anyone has ever said in in exploring being sissy/female you have liked.
You like to dress as a woman would and perform as a woman would.
You are openly out with what you like. Someone can suggest it, but only you can actually make it happen.
I wasn't insulting you.
I've seen influences in my fem side. It hasn't been all my idea.
A woman suggesting it is permission to explore something taboo. "Not my fault!" True! - But still chose to listen.
"Someone can suggest it, but only you can actually make it happen."
Alright. I can see what you mean there. That makes sense to me. I am the gatekeeper of all femininity.
It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it!
By the power of Grayskull, I have the power!
While we're on this '80s cartoon jag, consider the following video whereby two of my '80s animation heroes are matched-up, toe-to-toe. Who do you think will win? I already know who! There was no doubt in my mind!
* "He-Man VS Lion-O | DEATH BATTLE! | ScrewAttack!", ScrewAttack! ( youtube.com/user/screwattack ), Jun 28, 2013,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OUCI3oLYss .
If it weren't for the '80s, where would we be?! Well, I'll tell you exactly where we'd be: sometime before the '80s. And who wants to be there? As we have to go through the '80s to get here.
* * * * *
By the way, Skynet's operating system is Linux. (For real--I didn't make that up. Look it up!)
So yes, I'm saying that Linux is going to kill us all. Obviously.
This is just standard '80s/'90s cyborg apocalypticism. But what was movie fun and games at the time is now going to become real.
What got me thinking about Skynet right now was the following very informative documentary videographic media presentation. As being an '80s/'90s girl, I loves me some multimedia! I love seeing on my computer screen the moving pictures along with the audio, and particularly when the moving pictures are in color! And not so pixelated that it is an incomprehensible mess, like 320*240.
This grave and serious documentary involves a dispute between two '80s cyborg legends. One is a cyborg with flesh on the inside. The other is a cyborg with flesh on the outside. They are each the other's antipodes! It's fucking crazy, folks!
At any rate, quite frankly, I wasn't sure who would win this battle. But I always knew who I wanted to win. It was close, but it turned out that who I was rooting for managed to save the day.
Can you guess who? Hmm?!
* "Terminator VS RoboCop | DEATH BATTLE! | ScrewAttack!", ScrewAttack! ( youtube.com/user/screwattack ), Mar. 4, 2014,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLjlnoAT_ns .