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Vim - the ubiquitous text editor

Vim is a highly configurable text editor for efficiently creating and changing any kind of text. It is included as "vi" with most UNIX systems and with Apple OS X.

Vim is rock stable and is continuously being developed to become even better. Among its features are:
  • persistent, multi-level undo tree
  • extensive plugin system
  • support for hundreds of programming languages and file formats
  • powerful search and replace
  • integrates with many tools

  News  Vim 8.1.0996 is the current version 

Successful VimConf 2018 in Tokyo

[2018-12-01] VimConf was very well organised and there were many interesting talks. I have done a keynote, I hope it was appreciated. You can find the slides listed here. (Bram Moolenaar)

Happy Vim birthday!

[2018-11-04] 27 years ago the first version of Vim was published: 1.14 The date "November 2" can be found in the binary, so that's the official birthday of Vim. You can see my 25 year presentation on Youtube (Bram Moolenaar)

VimConf 2018 in Tokyo

[2018-10-19] The one and only Vim conference will be held on November 24 in Tokyo. You can see the program here. Unfortunately, it's already completely sold out! I'm happy to be invited to do the keynote. (Bram Moolenaar)


Recent patches

Patch 8.1.0996 (after 8.1.0994)
Problem: A few screendump tests fail because of scrolling.
Solution: Update the screendumps.
Patch 8.1.0995
Problem: A getchar() call while executing a register resets the
Solution: reg_executing() result. Save and restore reg_executing. (closes #406
Patch 8.1.0994
Problem: Relative cursor position is not calculated correctly.
Solution: Always set topline, also when window is one line only. (Robert Webb) Add more info to getwininfo() for testing.
Patch 8.1.0993
Problem: ch_read() may return garbage if terminating NL is missing.
Solution: Add terminating NUL. (Ozaki Kiichi, closes #4065)
more news... Get a Vim T-shirt from FreeWear Vim items from Japan
Vim power tool

Vim: The power tool for everyone!

See pictures of Bram's latest visit to Uganda on Google Photos.

Read the visit report on the ICCF website.

  Recent Script Updates  5,631 scripts, 12,756,451 downloads 
[2019-03-04]  deline : A lightweight statusline plugin with construction functionality
(0.2) update a default definition, add deline#notsaved(), tune for speed of deline#file() - Shuhei Kubota
[2019-03-02]  diffchar.vim : Highlight the exact differences, based on characters and words
(8.4) Extended g:DiffMaxLines to specify multiples of the window height. Reset all highlighted DiffChar units when more than two windows become diff mode in a tab page. - Rick Howe
[2019-03-01]  dispatch.vim : Asynchronous build and test dispatcher
(1.7) Support force killing a dispatch with :AbortDispatch!. Support Fish shell. Invoke ShellCmdPost and :checktime on completion. Bug fixes. - Tim Pope
[2019-02-26]  vim-auto-save : Automatically save changes to disk
(0.1.11) Add `b:auto_save` magic var support - Alexey Chernenkov
[2019-02-24]  rcs.vim : Automatically handle RCS files
(0.16.0) - Always load the menu to simplify the script logic - Support Windows - Christian J. Robinson
more recent | most downloaded | top rated
  Vim Tips
The tips are located on the Vim Tips wiki. This is a platform to exchange tips and tricks from and for Vim users.

If you have questions or remarks about this site, visit the vimonline development pages. Please use this site responsibly.
Questions about Vim should go to the maillist. Help Bram help Uganda.
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