”I am a flight attendant for 30 years. Flew out of JFK the morning of 9/11 on TWA flight #3, we were scheduled to leave at 8:00am. I was the in-flight Service Manager (head stew). But when I got on the plane it wasn't the same tail number plane we were supposed to go on. It was a Boeing 767 but it was one of our older ones. I was the flight Service Manager and was told by mechanics that the plane we were supposed to take got an alert from bomb sniffing German shepards that morning and they had to switch planes, and take this older 767 out of the hangar. The plane was stripped bare, and I advised ramp guys that I was not going to take off or board passenger's without emergency preparedness cards in seatpockets and other items that were required safety wise. If I had not taken that delay God only knows what would have happened. Also in hindsight, why would they let flights out of JFK still take off if they already knew by this time they had a definite problem, and two rogue planes off their flightplan out of Boston!!?? That flight eventually took off out of JFK 9/11/2001 at 8:42am wheels up (looked at my watch as we do), on climb out we suddenly jolted and took a nose dive then jolted again, and began ascent again. I went up to cockpit right after they turned off seat belt sign still shaken, to enquire what had happened?? They were pale and visibly still shaken as well, and said they didn't know as soon as they were making their ascent turn towards Manhattan they near missed an aircraft flying fast out of control and crazy. They would later say during our sequester in Ohio for 4 days that we all came very close to death that day. More happened that day, during and after we landed that made no sense, and like the the Flight Attendant in this video said, followed no standard established safety protocols. I was so upset by the obvious set up I also stopped flying shortly afterwards, as I no longer felt protected by anyone or anything controlling things!! This is all true. In closing I must add. As airline personell we are required to take an emergency review class 8-5pm, once a year, required by the Federal government. At the end of this review we take mandatory emergency operations, and safety protocols, hijacking, ditching, plane configurations, operation of plane doors and all emergency equipment exams. Including a brush up in CPR certification. Now during this course they did something they have never in 30 years, ever done!! This was the last Friday in August 2001. During the hijacking part of the class, they constantly were making more of being aware of the threats of some middle eastern man named Osama Bin Laden. I was so taken back by this rather off program, and strange kind of focus they were, and kept placing on this particular middle eastern man looking at soft targets like air travel, who I had never heard of. So I asked my instructor, "why are you focusing on this one particular guy so much?? I have never seen anyone actually named like this before. Who is he exactly, and is there something specific we should know about him? " The response, "oh no just using him as a reference". Very strange, and again all trueI! I Worked for TWA until American took us over, but we were still flying under TWA plane paint white and red. I Was badly injured on the sharp descent we took flying into Dayton after being ordered to land about 10:00am or so by an F16 over our left wing. I can assure you all these incidents happened to me that fateful day. I am not saying them to agre nor disagree with the woman being interviewed. I will say that having been a flight attendant 30 years on 9/11 flying in TWA flight 3 that morning. My airplane made frightening maneuvers to avoid FLIGHT 11. We came extremely close to a horrific mid air collision on climb out. We should have never been allowed to take off at 8:40am from JFK a/p in NYC with 3 airplanes having their transponders turned OFF!!!! My proof lies on the Air traffic controllers tapes of that morning that are public record. You can clearly hear my Captain's voice both asking for permission to ascent (take off) and as we were ascending he comes in clearly to request his vector coordinates on turn. Vector meaning due east northeast, West etc... I can tell you that we came very close to being confused with flight 93 and shot down. We had a visible F16 off our left wing forcing us to immediately emergency land in Dayton Ohio. Giving us 18 minutes to do so. Asking our pilots if we had any Arab or middle eastern pax on board. I whispered to My captain no. But then told him off tape I didn't have a good feeling about that question being that the company's flight manifest was easy for the air force to come by? I later discovered this question and that F16 incident strangely coincided with the time frame of Flight 93!!. I assure Yall I wish I was making this all up!! It haunts me every September for 16 years, also I got injured standing for landing as I didnt want to make my self an easy strapped in sitting target. I never worked as a Flight service manager (#1f/a) or donned that uniform again! - End quote. Another post: Quote: ”I’m a mechanical engineer and she's speaking on her experience as a professional and what they are trained to do. Everything she's saying sounds right. I used to fly AWACS and a lot of what she's saying sounds correct."- End quote. Another person posted: Quote: ”I started working as an aircraft mechanic in Dec of 2000 with F9. On the flight crew side, I know enough about it to tell you she's correct in her statements about procedures and processes..” - End quote. A very informative post: Quote: ”I was a telephone operator in 2001 and I've examined the call routing log for those calls. All were processed by an operator (OSPS) but the terminal numbers have been redacted. This is a dead giveaway that diversion took place, most likely an observation bench in DC. When someone places a call from one calling area to another using the aid of an AT&T operator, regardless of how the call was billed, the document produced (a routing ticket) is printed with the terminal number of the operator that connected the call. (For example, ATGA0406S 14:18 would indicate Atlanta, row 4 terminal 6, supervisory at 2:18 EDT.) On the logs that I've managed to see, the terminal numbers were scratched out. Those numbers can trace the call back to the exact building and seat number, and eventually back to the operator that assisted on the call. When I saw it was scratched out, that was a dead giveaway. Why would that information need to be kept secret? The averageJoe can't do anything with it.”- End quote. Another post: Quote: ”There's a lot of folks saying, 'Where's all those people if this...?" And "What if that...?" Criticizing and judging her. She's the PROFESSIONAL here, not you. And if you truly and sincerely want to know the answers. Get off of your high horses, take some personal responsibility and do your OWN research. This woman makes complete and total sense. And I can tell you: there were TIMED explosions going off the entire time we were making our way out of the S Tower. CHECK IT: in late July 2001 we had a security sweep done in BOTH buildings. We got a notice for the days our offices were to be closed (for 2-days). Guess what I found out from My research after the official report: the nephew and good friend of G.W. Bush was on the Board of Directors of the company. Now back to it, the Concourse level had 15" thick MARBLE walls that looked like they'd been through a shredder. The elevator to the lower levels had the doors blown OUTWARD. The guys who were working on SUB 3 (the WTC has four levels below the Main Concourse) said they heard a huge explosion (UNDER THEIR LEVEL - SUB 4) and that some of the guys had 3rd degree burns; a couple that I saw had skin hanging from their face and extremities. Airplane gasoline did that? It dripped from up on the 85th floor? - Please. I talked to people, who were on the ground near the WTC, who said they suddenly saw an airplane and as they followed the thing, it suddenly disappeared then reappeared and hit the building (there are some who say those were hologram projections so I thought that testimony from competent folks was fascinating - not saying that's the case, ok. It's just interesting to me). Those fires burned for WEEKS as good people volunteered to clean up and search for people! Many of those workers and firefighters came down with upper respiratory issues and cases of lung cancer, fibromas, etc. I've never had upper respiratory problems, I don't smoke, yet I developed COPD several months after breathing that dust. Yes, the building was PULVERIZED to DUST. Airplane gasoline did that? Please. Trolls, shills and arrogant dolts have a ball: I will not answer or debate anyone of that ilk regarding this comment because I WAS THERE. If you were there and you have a different perspective, we can have discourse. Peace and Blessings." - End quote. You might find the three links which are attached below quite interesting as well as informative: 1) The 2017 NIST whistleblower interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvAv-114bwMYouTube // 2) Israeli "art students" blew up the Twin Towers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg7Qt4bV0B8YouTube // 3) Professor Griffin's new book: Bush-Cheney-Ruined-America-World/dp/1566560616 Best Rgds, Christer
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[–] 17149871? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
For irrefragable chemicophysical proof that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job by deep-state elements of the US government--i.e., via the use of large quantities of thermite in the case of the collapse of the three destroyed World Trade Center towers--see pp. 75-84 of my following article:
The foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.
[–] 17149783? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
Did the results of the 9/11 investigation find her to be credible?
[–] 17149563? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
http://mediacrisis.info and https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/faqs good to read. Duped Duped Duped. Hate how the post quotes Bush and Cheney as ruining America, as if the Clinton/Obama wrecking crew didn't participate. Bush and Cheney are no good, but the other clowns are evil as well. Let's not use the Dem vs Rep mantra anymore. Good v evil and it aint about parties anymore
[–] 17149233? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
"Raisin" Cain from CPAC speech was interviewed because he was one of the NG responders on 9/11 https://www.archives.gov/files/declassification/iscap/pdf/2012-042-doc3.pdf …
Almost sounds like maybe the Pennsylvania plane was taken down with training ammunition by one of his guys, the transcript of his interview only has a couple of redactions. It was given only a couple weeks after 9/11
[–] 17148850? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
I no longer can believe anything in the media. They lied so much and were part of the Conspiracy. If we ever went to arrest people for treason that were involved in 911 we would have hundreds if not thousands. So much evil people are not even aware of
[–] 17148831? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
Judy Wood.
[–] 17149878? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
[–] 17148794? 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago (edited ago)
The truth is so apparent that we have a major coverup on 911. So many people created treason that day and so many lives lost. The MSM script they were using had announced building 7 collapsed before it collapsed. Clearly their script was NOT synced due to time zone miscalculations.