Striking examples from The Fatherland that support the One War thesis
This example of below-the-belt, literal demonization of Germans that circulated in Britain was responsible for the distorted views that the public actually adopted as true. The belief that Germans were out to murder babies, children and women was encouraged in both World Wars.
By Carolyn Yeager
I WENT THROUGH THE EARLIER ISSUES once again to find what I remembered seeing about Russian barbarism on the WWI eastern front. In doing so, I came upon some other interesting reports on “English barbarism” like the one just below, and other stories that confirm that the issues at play in WWII were very much in play in WWI first – supporting my contention that WWI and II were the same war, separated by a failed peace attempt of 20 years duration.
From the Dec. 2, 1914 issue of THE FATHERLAND, I begin with two excerpts that describe the extreme hatred generated against German immigrants living in Anglo countries at the outbreak of war.
The question arises: Did Jews copy their 'Never Again' slogan from the English? It can't be the other way around, since the following was written in 1914, not 1941! “Never Again” is obviously not original with the Jews. And also note the words I have underlined which became so full of 'meaning' when spoken by the National Socialists some years later.
Vol. 1 no. 17 Dec. 2, 1914 page 6
Excerpts from:
by Hans F. Kammeyer
“As a general statement it is no exaggeration to say that since the outbreak of the war, the German has come to be considered a pariah by the great majority of the British. No means has been found bad enough to eliminate him as a factor in the universal, or at least in the English life, yea, if possible to extirpate him—which in itself is regarded as an act pleasing in the eyes of God for the greater glory of the supreme British Civilization!
“All circles, statesmen, most of them notorious demogogic type, savants, authors, business men, laborers, all united in an organized campaign to preach, with only a few dissenting voices, the gospel of fury against everything German.
“What amounted to nothing less than a fierce, savage cry for a Holy War was raised all over the country: 'NEVER AGAIN' was their noble, inspiriting slogan. 'NEVER AGAIN' will we shake hands with a German! 'NEVER AGAIN' will we buy, use, employ, 'NEVER AGAIN' hear, read, sing or think of anything German! True—they argued—it is the Kaiser, the Junkers, the Prussian Militarism that caused this war; but the German people suffered them to exist and to wage war. [Hmm, never mind it was the British king and his ministers who wanted and instigated a war with the Kaiser -cy] And what a war, with all these shocking atrocities, according to the newspapers, at any rate! Therefore: 'Swat the Teuton.' Not only Kaiser, Junkers and Army must be annihilated and the German navy be 'handed over to England,' so that Britain may continue to rule the waves, to more and more effective exclusion of all the others, but every German unit, every German individual must be made to feel the wrath of the God of Britain! And why not start right here at home, in London, in England, Scotland, Ireland, where we have nearly 30,000 of these 'bestial Huns,' most of them spies anyhow, at our mercy? This is how this program, more worthy of their swarthy, yellow and 'boomerang' confederates, was carried out."
* * *
“The first and simplest step towards eradication of the hated foe was to deprive the Germans in their power of all chance to earn a livelihood. Dismiss the German clerk, the maid, the housekeeper! Don't frequent a hotel where German waiters serve you! Don't patronize German butchers, shopkeepers, mechanics, electricians, and their goods! Force out the German Manager and Director on the boards of your Companies. Even dismiss German children from the schools, seminaries and Pensions, and close the German convents! In short, starve the Germans out of existence. Let them perish—what of them! Every child that dies in the arms of a German mother is one 'Alien Enemy' less!"
Funny, the words used—extirpate, eradicate—are the same words used by Adolf Hitler and Hermann Himmler. But when they used them toward Jews they were words of crimes against humanity, proving genocide; when used and practiced by Britons against Germans, they don't mean a thing.
There is more in this terrible article—much more. Read it for yourself here if you can stand it. The only point I'm wanting to make now is the uncanny similarity between the language the British used toward the Germans in WWI, and that used by the Jews in WWII. This essay was written in 1914, long before the “Nazis.” And we can be sure the Germans living in Britain when war was declared were never the threat to the British that the Jews were to the Germans.
Germans weren't treated any better in Canada. My own great uncle immigrated to Canada with his wife and two children prior to WWI with the intention of farming in Saskachewan, which he did and his numerous children/grandchildren still do. I have no knowledge of what difficulties he faced, if any, during the war.
letter from Arthur von Briesen
New York, Nov. 13, 1914
To the Honorable Secretary of State, Washington, D.C.
Sir: It appears from letters received by me from Canada that there are a large number of German and Austrian subjects in that country who are at the present time looked upon as public enemies, and that many of them are now in great need and are suffering from lack of food and also from lack of employment, as it is regarded as treasonable to employ any one belonging to those nationalities.
During the preceding years Canada has sought German immigrants mainly for her agricultural development. Many came in good faith and obtained satisfactory employment, some even acquiring little farms and other property. Now their position is very difficult and to an extent, I believe, fraught with danger. […]
I therefore respectfully suggest that measure be taken in some proper and apt manner to extend protection to Germans and Austrians in Canada, and, if need be, also to help where help is found necessary. If they were permitted to come to the United States they might find work and sustenance in our midst. […]
And here is one more excerpt from another report that spells out just how much hatred England not only felt but openly expressed against their German enemy, which certainly rivals anything Roosevelt's Henry Morgenthau came up with 20 years later.
Vol. 2 no 7 March 24, 1915 Page 12-13
By Louis Viereck, Berlin Correspondent
The Engineer, a well-known English technical paper, has an article on “Competition With the German Iron Trade.” We extract the following passage which throws a light on British ambitions:
“We can attain our object by ruthless but simple means. All we have to do is systematically and thoroughly to destroy every German industrial establishment, especially their iron and steel works. Our military occupation of Germany must go hand in hand with the destruction of her industrial establishments as soon as our troops can get possession of them. England and France have to get thoroughly familiar with the idea of such systematic destruction. The ruin of German industries would draft tremendous masses of capital to our home works which would reap immense profits from that procedure. By the manner in which the Germans have treated Belgian and French towns and villages [British-French-Belgian propaganda lies -cy], they have already set public opinion against them, and have partly prepared the ground for the universal approval of such an industrial war as a just reprisal. Personally, we do not wish to fall in with the proposal too readily. Many of us approve of it, but it needs careful consideration before it can be carried out.”
These are the deadly intentions of the noble Britons with regard to their German competitors. As a counterpart, we subjoin the “Dream of the Ultro Rossija,” a Russian paper:
“I dreamt—I confess it was a Chauvinistic dream—that Wasko Kucyi in his ragged clothes, and all the Waskoes, smelling and filthy like savages, with dirty boots, entered that cultured city where the beer palaces are more richly adorned with gold than our princely palaces. I dreamt all that stinking clan were invading the apartments of civilized Berlin. I dreamt that the whole cursed moloch-culture of the degenerate city lay prostrate before Wasko Kucyi, who, with his muddy boots, crushed their d----- skulls.”
Let the gentle reader decide for himself on which “bloom of allied culture” he should bestow the prize. The noble suggestions, more particularly of the Engineer and Ultro Rossija deserve to be made known over the wide, wide world.
And then the staggering cost of all this 'dreaming':
The present European war places everything in the shade that ever occurred in history. […] It is said that there are not less than 20,00,000 men under arms in the European theatre of war, including the reserves not yet sent to the field and those who are being trained. Accordingly, the Russian losses alone were twice already—at Tannenberg as well as at Lodz—150,000 men, roundly speaking. The total losses of the Allies, up to the middle of December, are estimated at about 3 million men, i.e., about three times as many as those of the Germans and Austrians.
Finally, we to go falsifying photographs, a common practice in both wars
v. 2 no. 5 March 10, 1915 Page 12
Falsification of War Pictures
IN the Daily Mail of December 12 and also in the London Daily Mirror [both Viscount Northcliffe papers -cy] a picture was published with the following caption: “The fate of the plunderer.” This picture was taken at the front and represents a German soldier who was caught plundering a French palace. He was tried by a court-martial and condemned to be shot. His hands were tied behind his back; with his eyes blindfolded he was placed against a tree and shot by seven French soldiers.
Aside from the cold-bloodedness of a photograph of such an event, the picture shows all the signs of a scene set up entirely with an eye for the effect. At the left are the seven soldiers in two rows with leveled rifles. A few steps in front of them stands the officer pointing dramatically with his sword to the victim, whom a closer observation shows to be very strangely clad. First of all, this supposed German soldier wears an article of apparel which has at least some resemblance to a German military coat. Below this, however, long trousers are visible which fall over the boots, so that only a small piece of these can be seen. It is scarcely necessary to state how little this conforms with the uniform of the German field soldier and his top-boots. The most remarkable part of the uniform is, however, the helmet. It is, to be sure, a Prussian helmet, but without the field-gray covering. This is in itself suspicious, but the way in which the chin-strap of the helmet is placed around the chin of the soldier shows the picture up as nothing but a very clumsy forgery.
Aside from the improbability that a soldier would at such a moment put on his helmet, to say nothing of taking down the chin-strap, the way in which it is fastened clearly recalls former pictorial falsifications, in which the chin-strap was down like the English helmet-strap, which is worn around the chin. An example of this was the widely circulated picture in The War Illustrated in which German soldiers represented in the act of shooting from a Red Cross wagon are pictured with this helmet-strap fastened in the English fashion. In the same way the bungling work of the falsifier is laid bare in the Daily Mail. The entire masquerade is revealed when one considers that that part of the face which is not covered by the bandage has the small mustache and the typically French features of the officer and soldiers at the left of the picture. Such products of a morbid imagination would be ridiculous if it were not for their criminal intention and probable effect of arousing the evil instincts and passions of entire nations and poisoning public opinion.
And lastly, a short mention of the terrible practice of using Dum-Dum bullets (also called expanding bullets), which the English also used against the Germans. There was a longer report about it earlier, in the Dec. 23, 1914 issue, with gruesome pictures of the wounds created by such. Go there if you want to see it.
Statement of Prominent Romanian Regarding Their Use in Russian Army
A CIRCULAR letter was addressed, according to the Neue Freie Presse, by a prominent Romanian personality to the editors of various Romanian papers reading as follows:
“Three days ago I had a conversation with Lieutenant Alexander Aldea of the Austrian cavalry. He is an Austro-Romanian and took part in the fights against the Russian forces in Bukowina, when he was dangerously wounded by a rifle-bullet. According to incontestable and corroborating statements of several medical doctors of Bucharest, the wound was caused by a 'Dum-Dum' projectile.
“The said officer also showed me the revolver of a Russian officer, still loaded with Dum-Dum cartridges, and a packet of Dum-Dum cartridges which had not been tampered with in any way and still bore the Russian seal.”
war propagandaCategory
European History, Historical Revisionism, World War 1- 11 reads
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