>> Anonymous 19/01/21(Mon)05:44 No. 36479 >>>36398 Interviews, surveys, and polls in general are as reliable as guesses and assumptions. The wording of questions affects the answers given. And sometimes, people just lie. Then there's the problem of researchers themselves who have an agenda and use deceitful methods to get the results they're looking for. There's no credible evidence for the claims of what percentage of rapes go unreported. Especially when the definition of rape has been expanded to include regretting sex the next day or being looked at the wrong way. When false memories are included, it gets even worse. Women who have never been raped end up believing they were raped when they go to one of those people who believe in recovered memory. Unfortunately, those recovered memory quacks attribute everything to forgotten memories of rape. If you're afraid of cats, they'll tell you it's because you were raped and just forgot.Anger problem? It's because you were raped and forgot. Can't concentrate or focus? It's not ADD, you were raped and forgot about it. The claims that x% of rapes go unreported are lies. They have no validity. They're based on lies driven by an agenda.