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Post has attachment Nathan Rich a hotpot on youtube rewealing the subsets of sets in setting subscribers
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Victor Kühne and what would Scientology be without Dr Victor Kühne the Geneva based alias of Joseph Cheesman Thompson.
Here Commander Snake Thompson in Berlin 1908 perfecting the role as the German Dr Victor Kühne. What could be more inspirative to a young L Ron Hubbard than the Black & White PR of Wartime?
Here Commander Snake Thompson in Berlin 1908 perfecting the role as the German Dr Victor Kühne. What could be more inspirative to a young L Ron Hubbard than the Black & White PR of Wartime?
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Auditing dianetics to clear in Scientology, is it really possible?
The the Scientology main abberation of reactive mind towards critics can be cured?
-Scientology does no longer have to make hate-website to high level defectors that dare to speak up and have critics in their mind.... or does the tech not work?
Auditing dianetics to clear in Scientology, is it really possible?
The the Scientology main abberation of reactive mind towards critics can be cured?
-Scientology does no longer have to make hate-website to high level defectors that dare to speak up and have critics in their mind.... or does the tech not work?
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Scientology Church and L Ron Hubbard org Google Earth helps to find the way to the physical geolocation. Cognitive maps might be on the way
Scientology Church and L Ron Hubbard org Google Earth helps to find the way to the physical geolocation. Cognitive maps might be on the way
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Why did not charles Manson get a Hate website from Scientology?
Many of the other high level celebrity that leave Scientology and speaks out in critical terms can have a free Scientology hate website just hours afterwards. Just as exemplified in Leah Remini Scientology the Aftermath show on A & E
Why did not charles Manson get a Hate website from Scientology?
Many of the other high level celebrity that leave Scientology and speaks out in critical terms can have a free Scientology hate website just hours afterwards. Just as exemplified in Leah Remini Scientology the Aftermath show on A & E
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L Ron Hubbard sets of after meeting Joseph Cheesman Thompson in Guam. And already in one of Hubbards earlier expeditions one wrote about a "PR-man" and a redhead. and the year Guam Hubbard talks in Woodward about his experiences in the orient. And already then bragging about being the youngest Boy Scout ever that ... So The Impact of Commander Snake Thompson is not only the E-meter fundamental and the ideas inherited from Sigmund Freud...
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Scientology E-Meter
Commander Joseph Snake Thompson was in many ways a raw model to L Ron Hubbard and an inspiration to Scientology. So it could be from Crazy Snake Hubbard first heard about the effects of the E-meter, since Joseph Cheesman Thompson himself wrote a resume about the Psycho-galvanic reflex already in 1913.
If Hubbard was so near Commander Snake Thompson as some like to say, why would Thompson tell his young adept about the Psycho-galvanic reflex in word association test, and the things Sigmund Freud and Jung has been experimenting about in that time?
Commander Snake Thompson war time alias was: Dr Viktor Kuhne Résumé des recherches psycho-galvanométriques sur l'émotivité de M. Edouard Abramowski. Abramowski was interested in the subconscious mind and became a professor in Warsaw university
Commander Joseph Snake Thompson was in many ways a raw model to L Ron Hubbard and an inspiration to Scientology. So it could be from Crazy Snake Hubbard first heard about the effects of the E-meter, since Joseph Cheesman Thompson himself wrote a resume about the Psycho-galvanic reflex already in 1913.
If Hubbard was so near Commander Snake Thompson as some like to say, why would Thompson tell his young adept about the Psycho-galvanic reflex in word association test, and the things Sigmund Freud and Jung has been experimenting about in that time?
Commander Snake Thompson war time alias was: Dr Viktor Kuhne Résumé des recherches psycho-galvanométriques sur l'émotivité de M. Edouard Abramowski. Abramowski was interested in the subconscious mind and became a professor in Warsaw university
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The great healing powers of the clear state demostrated by the self healing masters rotten teeth & Rotten tech said a critics the other day. I would not be critical at all. But i wonder if i should be.
The great healing powers of the clear state demostrated by the self healing masters rotten teeth & Rotten tech said a critics the other day. I would not be critical at all. But i wonder if i should be.
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Can Scientology ever clearing dianetics? I the hate towards psychiatry by lRon Hubbard was his abberation that made his mind so reactive, why could he not become clear? And then go on from dianetics to clearing Scientology? Here with some parts by Aaron Smith Levin
Can Scientology ever clearing dianetics? I the hate towards psychiatry by lRon Hubbard was his abberation that made his mind so reactive, why could he not become clear? And then go on from dianetics to clearing Scientology? Here with some parts by Aaron Smith Levin
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The Reactive mind of Scientology when facing critics or viewpoints that can be percieved as critical is well known, but could Sccinetology be clear from this abberation by auditing?
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