The Networker


We read an article once and are willing to mansplain how international affairs really works. Satire

Where the interns are
Joined November 2018


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  1. Feb 22

    A frustrated researcher using Telegram for the first time keeps coming into contact with other scholars and journalists instead of terrorists.

  2. Feb 21

    In a follow up article, Al Arabibya has found that failed to disclose that she maintains connections to both the Ottoman victory Mohammed Ali Pasha and the Rashidi dynasty, all of whom seem to be anti-Saudi.

  3. Feb 20

    Iraqi who lived through the horrors of ISIS rule eagerly awaits analysts to tell him how Iraqis really enjoyed ISIS governance because of their brutality and ability to organize the meat markets.

  4. Feb 20

    Gotta hand it to UK. In one move, they managed to make their trash other people's responsibilities, probably did one of the worst actions to keep track of foreign fighters, and did it such a sloppy way that there are legitimate concerns about racist implementation. Congrats!

  5. Feb 18

    Online Hindutva warrior works hard to avenge the victims of the Pulwama attack by sending abusive tweets and DMs against random Kashmiris, Muslims, Pakistanis, and journalists.

  6. Feb 18

    Male scholar who claims to be a feminist doesn't seem to realize that feminism isn't a license to act like a creep.

  7. Feb 16
  8. Feb 15

    Despite a possible crisis that could escalate tensions between 2-3 nuclear powers, DC Pundit is only vaguely aware of this development and is focusing on some random hot take.

  9. Feb 15
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  10. Feb 15

    When your eco professor finds out that you're planning on doing advance studies in political science instead of economics.

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  11. Feb 14

    *not to start.... I really need Twitter to come out with an edit button.

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  12. Feb 14

    Scholar is doing her best not start discussing her research during Valentine's day date.

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  13. Feb 14
  14. Feb 13

    Like shit, idk how to even satirize this. My god, reality is so goddamn funny in a very dark and depressing that this could just as easily be a McDonagh film.

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  15. Feb 13

    Ok, I realize DC is a cesspool where where accountability doesn't exist and where terrible people wait for their next opportunity to do more terrible shit, but goddamn, could folks just tone this down even a little.

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  16. Retweeted
    Feb 7

    For the third time, Elliott Abrams wonders how many new war crimes in Latin America and elsewhere he can aid and abet before he returning to the DC think tank scene as a respected fellow.

  17. Feb 13

    Bored soldiers decide to engage in a ceasefire violation on the contentious Line of Control separating Indian Kashmir and Pakistani Kashmir because, fuck it, why not?

  18. Feb 12
  19. Feb 11

    Sebastian Gorka is a legit terrorism expert.

  20. Feb 11

    US citizen in Syria wants you to know he totally didn't do anything bad with ISIS, and really only joined it because he was promised some good Minder dates. Fighter now wants to come back to America consequence free.


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